WI: Spain sends troops to French Algeria 1954-56

Lets say Franco decides to send troops to assist the French during the Algerian War, particularly during a time when Morocco is still under the joint rule of France and Spain. What would the effects be, if anything, besides Franco's popularity at home declining and Moroccan nationalists disliking him even more?
I'm not sure that militarily this would have much difference: the French were pretty successful in their fight on the ground against the ALN and I don't know how much Spanish forces could have added to this.

Politically I think the French were always looking for a settlement on the best terms possible so having another European nation getting involved would probably not have been very welcome.

What would Franco have gained other than possibly propping up Spain's position in Morocco?
Lets say Franco decides to send troops to assist the French during the Algerian War, particularly during a time when Morocco is still under the joint rule of France and Spain. What would the effects be, if anything, besides Franco's popularity at home declining and Moroccan nationalists disliking him even more?

Franco was still pretty radioactive at this time - the last fascist standing. A French government which accepted military assistance from Spain, especially troops, would probably fall within weeks; would almost certainly be clobbered at the next election. It would also taint French rule in Algeria with fascist associations.

Franco's offer would be firmly declined.

Oh, yes, and Algeria was considered part of Metropolitan France. So here is a foreign government offering to "assist" France in governing its own territory.

What if Canada had offered to send troops and police to help put down the Detroit riots in the 1960s? What if France offered to help Britain secure Northern Ireland? Etc., etc.
Oh, yes, and Algeria was considered part of Metropolitan France. So here is a foreign government offering to "assist" France in governing its own territory.

What if Canada had offered to send troops and police to help put down the Detroit riots in the 1960s? What if France offered to help Britain secure Northern Ireland? Etc., etc.
One guy I know made the following remark:
Even if the Socialists whine about Algeria they can't do anything about it because parliament and French politics were so ineffective that literally everyone stopped caring. Guy Mollet was Prime Minister, but how long did he last? When a legislature agrees on literally nothing, they can't force people out on a claim that there was a 'scandal'. The only way France got back on track was through a military coup that brought deGaulle to power. When there's a new Prime Minister every 2 months, "scandals" are irrelevant...

Also postwar France didn't hate Franco. They let him into the European Communities despite his fascism and recognized him officially as head of state. The Socialist Prime Minister in 1950 did Franco a favor by expelling the leftist Spanish refugees and signed a commercial agreement with his government. And on top of that no government in history leading a coalition to fight rebels has ever fallen from power because it invited an unscrupulous state. Vile dictatorships helped the US fight terrorism and build democracies in the name of "Freedom". Who cares about who beats stupid rebels in Algeria? So long as they're beat. Furthermore some move like the expulsion of foreign allies in Algeria would have led to a coup putting me back in power like the '58 coup against similar socialist failures to handle Algeria.