WI - Rommel instead of Mackensen at Anzio

I am re-reading 'Anzio' of Lloyd Clark. It is really a litany of lost opportunities on both sides.

Lucas was told by Clarke to 'go easy'. Quote: "Don't stick your neck out, Jonny, I did at Salerno and got a bloody nose'. So it is clear that Lucas was not to be 'brave' but rather consolidate. That he did.

When Kesselring issued codeword 'Richard' it put the wheels in motion and the plans were executed rather well.

Why Kesselring kept Mackensen when the fighting started is a deep mystery. Mackensen even advocated a withdrawal to north of Rome!

Now let us put Rommel into it from the very beginning!

Now what?
Also my thoughts, but ....

Naval fire did support the landings
Tanks got ashore early

The interesting part is how fast a Rommel could get a counter-attack mounted. If it happened during 22 January, it would spell big trouble
When Kesselring issued codeword 'Richard' it put the wheels in motion and the plans were executed rather well.

Right up to the moment the allied artillery started firing. They they got slaughtered.

You have the problem that simply shouting Charge and throwing troops at the beaches runs into guys equipped with effective AT weapons, backed by a powerful artillery and unless you force them to withdraw the two largest navies in the world. To force the navies back means bringing up rare long range artillery and limited numbers of aircraft capable of attacking.