WI: Prometheism gained more steam in Poland. USSR loses power?


Impossible. The USSR was a totalitarian tyranny, there weren't any possibility to create an oposition there, if the state itself had not been weakened from diffrent reasons (like pierestroika, when new opinnions were allowed without fear of death, camps or psychiatric wards). Cheka/GPU/NKVD would have crushed any possible oposition, just like they did in the real history. Also the Soviets could infiltrate and effectivly eliminate any real importance of the russian white imigration in the West, they even could create fake conspirations to lure some leaders like Boris Savinkov into the USSR where they were killed later. We are speaking about the most effective tyranny ever created. Stalin could even ordered to kill party/military leadership and later even leadership of the NKVD who conducted terror, and this didn't shake the soviet state at all.

In Interwar Poland, there was a concept among Pilsudski supporters of funding independence movements in non-Russian areas of the USSR to neutralize it as a threat. What if this plan went through in the late 20s to early 30s? How successful would it be?

The United States (and to a lesser extent the UK) basically did this in the Baltics and the Ukraine post-WWII, and it failed. Why would the infinitely less rich and powerful interwar Poland do any better?