WI: President Bilbo deports 12 million African Americans to Liberia

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OK, I opened the link to t and f online and could not find any reference to 'Army', 'Patton', 'MacArthur', or 'Wedemeyer'. I do see a single reference to Moseley:

So how is the cited article supporting your claim that Patton/MacArthur 'praised' or turned a 'blind eye'?

I fucking KNEW he was lying about his sources.


You seriously don’t understand that the “3rd US Army” was a staff formation that didn’t even have sufficient cadre to provide officers and NCO’s. It wasn’t an actual extant army.
1-2 corps?
Chamberlain didn’t have a thread of 12 million refugees spilling over in British territory before.
He's not going to go to war with either Garvey or Bilbo over this.


Wedemeyer, a notorious isolationist, leaked FDR's war plans in December 1941. Whether or not the perception of him as a fascist sympathizer is accurate, that's how he was perceived at the time similarly to Moseley.

Once again, do it youself.

OK. Your response doesn't rebut my statement that the cited article does not include references where other US Army officers were supportive of Moseley. But then you trot the same link out claiming that Patton had such beliefs. Good day to you.
Going back to the OP, and momentarily forgetting the “how,” if the US extirpates their Black population, US popular culture and therefore global popular culture would unfold completely differently, because all American music is Black music. Blues, Gospel, and Jazz have already been created, but might have difficulty enduring in a music scene made entirely of white musicians. Ike Turner had not yet written the first Rock and Roll song at the time of the POD. Enclaves of Black music might take prominence globally from other diaspora capitals, like Paris, or from within Africa. But if the US unfolded in the same way as a cultural juggernaut, but without Black cultural influences, it would make for a much whiter and blander global pop culture.
1-2 corps?

He's not going to go to war with either Garvey or Bilbo over this.

Corps that ONLY EXISTED ON PAPER. They were cadre/staff formations.

Garvey and Bilbo don’t have the political will to run a RN blockade just to commit genocide.


I fucking KNEW he was lying about his sources.
There's no evidence to support what you're claiming.
OK. Your response doesn't rebut my statement that the cited article does not include references where other US Army officers were supportive of Moseley. But then you trot the same link out claiming that Patton had such beliefs. Good day to you.
Your statement has already been rebutted throughout this thread.
No proof for any of this.

There is an index , 3rd army has 2 corps areas assigned and of the army level troops there are two Infantry regiments as attachments ALL others are listed as organised reserve or Inactive. IV corps has a regular army Arty Bde and ordnance company and two NG divisions ( which are at best half strength part trained). VIII corps has 2nd US infantry and everything else is Organised reserve or Inactive.

2nd Infantry is commanded by James K Parsons the US Army's most prominent advocate for racial integration of the period and the other two infantry regiments are listed as Coloured.

Proceed politely to the exits and do the decent thing.


There is an index , 3rd army has 2 corps areas assigned and of the army level troops there are two Infantry regiments as attachments ALL others are listed as organised reserve or Inactive. IV corps has a regular army Arty Bde and ordnance company and two NG divisions ( which are at best half strength part trained). VIII corps has 2nd US infantry and everything else is Organised reserve or Inactive.
The Banana Wars were won with fewer troops:
2nd Infantry is commanded by James K Parsons the US Army's most prominent advocate for racial integration of the period and the other two infantry regiments are listed as Coloured.
At no point did Parsons serve in Van Horn Moseley's 3rd Army.
Proceed politely to the exits and do the decent thing.
So what?
No proof for any of this.

The RN has no political willpower to attack POTUS Bilbo over Garvey's insane plans for his "Greater Liberia".

The book The Regulars gives plenty of information about how the US Army was an empty shell during the 20’s and 30’s. Most of their formations existed only on paper.

Why would Britain have to attack anything? Do you think US merchant ships carrying people to their deaths are going to suicidally run a Royal Navy blockade?


The book The Regulars gives plenty of information about how the US Army was an empty shell during the 20’s and 30’s. Most of their formations existed only on paper.
The US Army was still good enough to take over a couple of Central American countries during this period.
Why would Britain have to attack anything? Do you think US merchant ships carrying people to their deaths are going to suicidally run a Royal Navy blockade?
IIf the merchant ships are defended by the USN, Britain isn't going to do anything.
Where during the Banana Wars did the US occupy an entire country in order to commit genocide?
During the Banana Wars, the US turned a blind eye towards Trujillo's genocide of Haitians in the Dominician Republic. despite having a military presence there.
The US Army was still good enough to take over a couple of Central American countries during this period.

IIf the merchant ships are defended by the USN, Britain isn't going to do anything.

During the Banana Wars, the US turned a blind eye towards Trujillo's genocide of Haitians in the Dominician Republic. despite having a military presence there.

The Banana Wars didn’t involve any real “takeover” of any countries. They were coups.

We’re Haitians US citizens? Or were they not citizens?

So to be clear, now you are claiming the US Navy would be willing to go to war in order to commit genocide? How many senior leaders in the Navy supported committing genocide against African Americans? Are you going to link to another article that doesn’t support while lying and claiming it does?


The Banana Wars didn’t involve any real “takeover” of any countries. They were coups.
They involved occupations too.
We’re Haitians US citizens? Or were they not citizens?
Well, African Americans didn't have the franchise to exercise their rights as citizens, did they?
So to be clear, now you are claiming the US Navy would be willing to go to war in order to commit genocide? How many senior leaders in the Navy supported committing genocide against African Americans? Are you going to link to another article that doesn’t support while lying and claiming it does?
The only way that this "plan" can be carried out is through a Bilbo/Van Horn Moseley self-coup, where the US is virtually a military dictatorship now so the question of what the USN senior leaders want or not want is moot.
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Monthly Donor
Why don't you do it yourself?

I'm tired of doing it for you. Do it yourself.

In that case, they will be doubly uninterested in conquering Liberia, by all accounts a sovereign country.
I gave this some space to see what the goal was.

It's now pretty clear that it exists to pick fights and push a straight up racist wet dream.

Kicked for a week.

Probably should just have Banned you and save everyone the likely drama down the road, but we'll wait and see.
OP is clearly deluded about his reasoning and it appears to be a classic case of "I want this thing to be historically possible regardless of evidence."

He's clearly not here in good faith, best to ignore him and let this thread fade out. Engaging him won't prove anything since he's clearly not receptive to actual answers.

Edit. Immediately as I posted this calbear hopped in. I should've been quicker on the draw, it seems!
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