WI: Olaf Tryggvason defeats his opponents at Svolder (1000)

What if Olaf I Tryggvason, Norway's first Christian king, had managed to defeat his main opponents in Scandinavia at the pivotal naval Battle of Svolder (which is estimated to have occurred sometime around the turn of the first to the second millenium AD), preventing the partition of his kingdom between them?
Could this be a legit startpoint for a Norway-wank scenario? Or would Olaf still have to contend with a few more troubles?
Assume that Sweyn Forkbeard dies in the engagement. What sort of domino effects does this have on England?
Any other thoughts?
1) The battle was an ambush were Tryggvason was trapped and outnumbered 7 to 1. So anything other than mere escape is unlikely.

2) Everything known about Tryggvason suggests he was a tyrant and a fanatic (even a documentary on the very conservative Catholic EWTN I ran across) and he would have continued to alienate and was not long for the world. It would not have been a Norway wank but an even greater Norway screw as more and more turned on him. I usually don't say a person has no way out but this person would have died violently and surrounded by enemies.

The only unfortunate thing about his death is it didn't happen sooner.