WI: No US conflicts with the Sioux or Cheyenne during the ACW

I'm planning on doing an ASB ACW TL and I've been doing some research on changes I can make to the post 1860 American Indian wars for it. From info I've gathered from the book "Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee" I've thought of some rather easy POD's to prevent the major conflicts that occured between the Sioux and Cheyenne during the ACW.

  1. The Dakota war of 1862 is prevented by having the Minnesota Sioux receive the funds promised to them on time, and thus do not rebel against the govt due to starvation. Due to this the Dakota Sioux remain in peaceful cohabitation with the US settlers for at least the next few years and the hundreds who died due to the war remain alive. As well the distrust between the Dakotas and Minnesotans is not escalated as in was by the War.
  2. Colonial John Chivington dies from wounds received during the Battle of Glorieta Pass and thus does not create conflict with the southern Cheyenne or incite fear in there neighbors by attacking Cheif Black Kettle's people at Sand Creek as in OTL.
  3. John Evan's is not made governor of Colorado or dies early in office due to illness and thus does not do anything order Chivington or any others to attack Cheyenne camps without a declaration of war.
I'd like to hear from others who know more on the subjects to imagine how these changes may effect/prevent the major conflicts between the US and Northwest plains tribes post 1860. I believe that these may cause major butterflies since the conflicts brought about by these events in OTL had major effects on many of the native tribe leaders who commanded forces against the US after the ACW. Those of which include Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, and Roman Nose. And if the US's relations with these tribes can be kept peaceful until at least the end of the ACW what events are likely going to cause major conflicts afterwards.