wi NO LARGE SCALE US ground forces in Viet Nam

Democrats get hammered for 'losing' South Vietnam, for going back on JFK/LBJ's/the party's prior commitments on matter once Saigon falls in 66 or 67 or 68, that combined with widespread civil unrest in major urban areas, white backlash to civil rights, and George Wallace's 3rd party splinter gets you, more likely then not, a law and order Republican in 1968.
so no change from OTL..
so no change from OTL..
The American people had more patience for a war in Southeast Asia then they did for the prospect of sharing a neighborhood with a black family. 1968 turns on white backlash and civil unrest more then it does Vietnam, take Vietnam off the table, take Vietnam off the table because PAVN is rolling tanks through Saigon? Democrats are now weak on 'Crime' and weak on 'Communism', not a winning combination.