Thinking of using this as a plot for a future TL. Could Nicholas II fund anti-Soviet movements for the crown perhaps, who could his son and daughters marry? What effect would this have on European history?
Where exactly would they go to? Who was going to accept this bunch of exiled royals who are wanted in their country? And where is Nicholas going to find the funds for this anti-USSR stance?
Also Alexei was sickly boy who would die if he had the tiniest of cuts. I don't think he will last that would be interesting if Olga wed Edward 8th or George 6th (IOTL father to Elizabeth II). As I think that is quite likely.
The other girls well they were all too young for husbands when they were killed so...
Where exactly would they go to? Who was going to accept this bunch of exiled royals who are wanted in their country? And where is Nicholas going to find the funds for this anti-USSR stance?
Also Alexei was sickly boy who would die if he had the tiniest of cuts. I don't think he will last that would be interesting if Olga wed Edward 8th or George 6th (IOTL father to Elizabeth II). As I think that is quite likely.
The other girls well they were all too young for husbands when they were killed so...
I was thinking that the offer to go to Britain isn’t withdrawn and they go there. Olga didn’t want to marry someone who wasn’t Russian and she wanted to stay in her own country but this wouldn‘t be possible when they leave Russia.
I was thinking that the offer to go to Britain isn’t withdrawn and they go there. Olga didn’t want to marry someone who wasn’t Russian and she wanted to stay in her own country but this wouldn‘t be possible when they leave Russia.
Well if Olga had to wed then she cannot possibly wed a Russian husband. There is no one suitable for her there.
Also the offer to Britain was rejected because Nicholas alienated Britain by shooting peaceful protestors in 1905 so that would need to be butterflied away for this scenario otherwise it is a bit ASB...
Well if Olga had to wed then she cannot possibly wed a Russian husband. There is no one suitable for her there.
Also the offer to Britain was rejected because Nicholas alienated Britain by shooting peaceful protestors in 1905 so that would need to be butterflied away for this scenario otherwise it is a bit ASB...
if we Butterfly the 1905 shooting that would also Butterfly a lot of thing, I think there is a change that Olga could married Edward viii maybe to strengthen the entente, also if Olga is send to Britain there is strong possibly that the rest could be send there and then being send to the other dominion or nation.
Well if Olga had to wed then she cannot possibly wed a Russian husband. There is no one suitable for her there.
Also the offer to Britain was rejected because Nicholas alienated Britain by shooting peaceful protestors in 1905 so that would need to be butterflied away for this scenario otherwise it is a bit AS
Maybe just the kids are sent to Britain and Nicholas and his wife still die?
For Olga, her cousin Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich is possible, as he escaped Russia, and there were lots of rumours that they were in a romantic relationship.
For Olga, her cousin Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich is possible, as he escaped Russia, and there were lots of rumours that they were in a romantic relationship.
that's a great choice but if she married him then how could she fund the anti soviet movement, since I'm not sure they have the financial capability of combating the soviet
Even if the family would manage to escape they wouldn't find much of support and only few of sympathy. Nicholas II was aqlready deeply unpopular among royalists and there hardly is much more popularity towards ex-tsar's children.

And with Alexei he is not going marry anyone. He was already severely ill due hemophilia and he would be lucky if lives to 20.

Not any idea whom daughters would marry.
Where exactly would they go to? Who was going to accept this bunch of exiled royals who are wanted in their country? And where is Nicholas going to find the funds for this anti-USSR stance?
Also Alexei was sickly boy who would die if he had the tiniest of cuts. I don't think he will last that would be interesting if Olga wed Edward 8th or George 6th (IOTL father to Elizabeth II). As I think that is quite likely.
The other girls well they were all too young for husbands when they were killed so...
I mean hemophilia isn't that severe. Alexei could die from a bad fall due to internal bleeding but a small cut isn't going to kill him. As for where they go? A lot of places would take them in for a lot of reasons. Nicholas was related to a third of the royalty in Europe, they're likely to let him couch surf for a long time. Especially since he could present himself as a symbol of anti-communism.
The Tsar and his family were not short of places to seek exile, they were closely related to almost every crowned head in Europe. Getting there was another question entirely but I think that's something that has been debated to death. So I'll take it the OP wants to focus on England as a location for the Romanovs to seek safety and that the offer isn't retracted as it was in the OTL.

Nicholas II could fund White Russian groups from wherever he ends up but this supposes that the famous Romanov fortune in the Bank of England is a) accessible and b) as large as it was rumoured to be. The British government recognised the new regime in Russia after the Tsar's downfall and I don't think they would look too kindly on a foreign exile (whose arrival in the UK would already be controversial) funding a Civil War from an English country house against the interests of the UK government. One possible condition for allowing the Tsar to come to England as an exile might even have been that he did not attempt to undermine UK foreign policy at such a crucial time.

As to marriages, it's possible that Alexei would have lived long enough to be married (Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany is a prime example of someone with haemophilia who did not die in childhood. Many did of course) but the question is, what prospects does he have? His father abdicated for himself and for his only son. It was also no secret in the royal houses of Europe that he was a haemophiliac. It could prove tricky. As for the Grand Duchesses, that's a little easier, though I think you have to rule of out Edward VIII for obvious reasons. If Olga were already married, he may have taken an interest but otherwise...

George VI is a possibility as Duke of York if enough time has passed since the Great War that relations with the USSR won't be damaged by a Windsor-Romanov marriage. I think the most likely direction for the Grand Duchesses would have been toward the Greek or Yugoslavian Royal Families but again, the First World War shook them up too and for a time nothing was certain. It's an interesting PoD for a TL though, look forward to seeing where you go with it in the future!
I considered that but after the monarchy would be abolished, there would be less reason for it as a tool for alliance.
the monarchy is abolish during World War Two, so there is time to strengthen it and could Butterly the entire collapse of the kingdom, not to mention with Yugoslavia having the Romanov, could make it a destination of the Russian refuge from cossack to the noble
How would he affect white Russian exiles and what would he do in WW2? Many white exiles sided with Germans IOTL, if he is in Britiain he will probably encourage the opposite
How would he affect white Russian exiles and what would he do in WW2? Many white exiles sided with Germans IOTL, if he is in Britiain he will probably encourage the opposite
That is if Nicholas lives long enough to see WW2. He would only be 71 at the outbreak but though he was quite active in his youth in terms of his exercise regime, he was also a chain smoker.
If they go to the uk that is not a problem until uk want soviets as their allies in 1939.

If they go to Germany they will have to go again within a year

If they somehow get to the USA they are not a problem for anyone until 1941.

I can see stalin go after nicky like he did with trotsky, but I think even he would not harm the children years after the revolution.
They could go to the Netherlands; it was neutral during the war and was unhappy with both sides. The Russian Revolution apparently cost their queen alot of money so, it would likely dislike the Soviets. It also took in the former Kaiser Wilhelm II after he abdicated.