WI: Little new Commonwealth immigration to the UK after WW2

What if the immigration to the UK from the West Indies and South Asia had been curtailed much more rapidly than in our timeline, or even never recruited in the first place?
Enoch Powell would be confined to bashing Americans?

Seriously, though, it probably would have a pretty significant impact on British culture, butterflying away everything from the island influences in punk rock to My Beautiful Laundrette. George Harrison's sitar stylings would be about as "global" as it got for British music. (Though admittedly, foreign influences could come in via recordings as well).

Politically, "post-colonial" communities are obviously less of an electoral force, which probably impacts the Labour Party a bit more than the Tories. Also, you wouldn't have the anti-colonial expat crowd gathered in London and elsewhere, which may or may not effect how things play out in Africa and the Caribbean.
Significantly weaker levels of economic growth, and inflation would be even more of a problem with greater upward pressure on wages than in OTL.
Without new workers post war Britains ecconomy would probably stall. There were simply not enough native Brits to do everything that was needed. This was the time when the loss of the children who would have been fathered by those killed in the Great War hit hard. Of course the same is true for France and Germany as well. Without the migrents there could have been no post austarity boom in the fiftys and sixtys.