WI LBJ dies of heart attack, 1966?

Let's say LBJ dies of a heart attack in December 1966. This is after the November midterm massacre but a month before HHH will be eligible for 1972.

Effects on:

1) Vietnam

2) urban riots

3) antiwar movement

4) 1968 presidential race
Humphrey works for peace but can't politcally just pull out. I don't see how it stops the urban riots. The antiwar movement sees a Humphrey as an improvement but they still don't get what they want. 1968 depends largely on what kind of progress Humphrey has made on Vietnam.
That might defuse the antiwar movement. Anyone elected in '68 will be Vietnamizing, with the possible exception of Reagan. Humphrey picks Sanford in '68, Bobby gets his 1972 coronation as he planned for.