WI: Grumman Acquired by Martin-Marietta?

Right, as the premise says above, what if Grumman was acquired by Martin-Marietta rather than Northrop? Martin Marietta originally had a 1.9 billion dollar offer before Northrop began private discussions over acquiring Grumman, and eventually Grumman had to pay Martin for the merger with Northrop.

So as I am asking, what might be the general effects in the defense industry if you see a 'Martin Grumman/Grumman Marietta/whatever its called' formed, and what other mergers/acquisitions might occur as a result of this. Could you for example see Grumman Dynamics retain their F-16 production line as part of their company holdings? As something else, might you see either Northrop or Lockheed move to purchase McDonnell Douglas rather than Boeing as it did ITTL? Then of course, what might be the general effects upon the newly merged Joint Strike Fighter competition that was going to start next year?