WI Faraday Invents Other Electric Motors?


Michael Faraday discovered and developed the principles of electromagnetic induction in the 1830's, inventing the dynamo and electric motor in the process. Faraday never patented any of his discoveries, which leads me to believe that practical applications were not his main motivation.

WI he had gone on to discover and apply many other types of electric motor and the polyphase system?
WI you had efficient electric motors from 1835 on? Would a steam/electric hybrid car in the 1840s make the IC engine obsolete 40 years before it was invented? What would electric motors do to the great looms of Manchester? Would we see assembly lines by 1850? Washing machines in Pioneer homes?

Or is the idea ASB from the beginning? maybe depending on substance technology (metals) unknown in the early 19thc or something else.