WI and AHC: Greater Pict cultural integration.

In a quick explanation to the question. i was reading about the cultural make up of the Scottish dark ages during the 8th century and the formation of the kingdom of Alba Aka Scotland and the Gaelicization of the Picts and to a lesser extant the Britons, and form what i read it is implied while that Scottish culture became the dominant culture. the cultural exchange with the Picts resulted in a quite different culture in Dál Riata than the Irish culture and that before this exchange they were very much carbon copy of ulster. this lead to the Scottish culture.

So, the core of my question is what if the Picts were too remain a more dominant cultural and political force even in an united Alba leading too a more of Pictish culture being integrated with the Scots culture possibly even a language merger.
How would one achieve this in history? i would ask not to go further back than the 8th or 7th century.

and for the hell of it why not see if we can get kingdoms of Alt Clut to survive until the scots come a knocking. so that the Britons culture becomes more integrated into the lowlands culture. how does one achieve this and what are its affects. i can see the lowlands becoming a lot more detached from England viewing themselves as different. i would say this applies to Scotland as a whole.