WI/AHC: Rostislav Stratimirovic Becomes Prince of Bulgaria/Tarnovo?

Rostislav Stratomirovic was a man who emerged in the 1680s claiming to be the descendant of Ivan Stratsimir, Emperor of Vidin. He tried to get Russian, Polish and I think Austrian help against the Turks. All were unsuccessful, and he wound up dying in Russia.

Could he have been successful? What would the Balkans look like with a Stratimirovic Bulgaria? Could the state survive?

Credit to @VVD0D95 for inspiring this question

@Valena @alexmilman @Osman Aga
No serious support to him can be rendered at the time.
Toyed with this guy in Apollinis et Dianae, but in later parts of TL where the developments went to borderline ASB territory.

There is not even enough data to say that this guy is not a fictional early 19th century invention of a Russian genealogist.