WI/AHC: Barghawatanism as a major world religion

The Barghawata were a Berber religious group/tribal confederation that ruled the western coastline of Morocco for more than three centuries (Wikipedia). They practiced a peculiar Islam-influenced religion centered on the prophet Salih until 1149, when the last Barghawata rebellion was crushed by the Almohads. According to the eleventh-century Andalusian historian Abu ‘Ubayd al-Bakri (from "Devout Heretics: The Barghawata in Maghribi Historiography")

Salih commanded them to fast in Rajab and eat in Ramadan, to pray five times in the day and five in the night, and to sacrifice on the 11th day of Muharram. Their ablutions before the prayers vaguely resemble those of Muslims, but are said to include the shocking practice of washing the navel and anus directly before washing the mouth. Moreover, their rules of marriage and divorce, punishment of crime, food purity, and prayer ritual are depicted as being either somewhat different from or wholly opposite to those of ‘Muslims’.
They meet on Thursday in the afternoon. Fasting a day of each week is obligatory for them, and they fast on the same day in the next week, and so on, permanently. They take a tithe for alms of all the grains, but do not take anything from the Muslims. The man among them may marry as many wives, without numerical restriction, as he is able to care for and spend on. But he is not allowed to marry from his paternal cousins except for a relation of three grandfathers (third cousins). They do not marry or take as concubines Muslim women, nor do they marry their children to Muslims. They divorce and remarry as they wish. The thief who is known to be a thief, or who has been caught is killed. The punishment for adultery is stoning, and exile for the liar. They call the latter al-mughayyir (the one who alters). Blood-price, among them, is one hundred cows. The head of every animal is forbidden to them. Fish cannot be eaten unless it is ritually slaughtered. Eggs are forbidden to them, and chicken is reprehensible (makruha), except if one is forced to eat it. They do not have a call-to-prayer, nor the iqama (introduction to the prayer). They make do, in knowing the hours of prayer, with the crowing of the cocks and for that reason they forbid (eating) them. He (Salih) used to spit in their hands, and they would lick it so as to gain a blessing from it. They would carry his saliva to the sick among them, so as to heal them with it.​

Salih also gave the Barghawata a Qur'an in the Berber language, the beginning of which has survived in an Arabic translation:
In the name of God who sent by him His book to humanity. God has made plain his reports therein. [...] Look at Muhammad. When he (Muhammad) was alive, all the people who accompanied him lived uprightly until he died. Then the people became corrupt. They lie who say that the truth is made upright while there is not a prophet of God present.​

How could this religion (or heresy of Islam?) become a major world religion, or at least not be destroyed by Muslim invasion?
The Barghawata were a Berber religious group/tribal confederation that ruled the western coastline of Morocco for more than three centuries (Wikipedia). They practiced a peculiar Islam-influenced religion centered on the prophet Salih until 1149, when the last Barghawata rebellion was crushed by the Almohads. According to the eleventh-century Andalusian historian Abu ‘Ubayd al-Bakri (from "Devout Heretics: The Barghawata in Maghribi Historiography")

Salih commanded them to fast in Rajab and eat in Ramadan, to pray five times in the day and five in the night, and to sacrifice on the 11th day of Muharram. Their ablutions before the prayers vaguely resemble those of Muslims, but are said to include the shocking practice of washing the navel and anus directly before washing the mouth. Moreover, their rules of marriage and divorce, punishment of crime, food purity, and prayer ritual are depicted as being either somewhat different from or wholly opposite to those of ‘Muslims’.
They meet on Thursday in the afternoon. Fasting a day of each week is obligatory for them, and they fast on the same day in the next week, and so on, permanently. They take a tithe for alms of all the grains, but do not take anything from the Muslims. The man among them may marry as many wives, without numerical restriction, as he is able to care for and spend on. But he is not allowed to marry from his paternal cousins except for a relation of three grandfathers (third cousins). They do not marry or take as concubines Muslim women, nor do they marry their children to Muslims. They divorce and remarry as they wish. The thief who is known to be a thief, or who has been caught is killed. The punishment for adultery is stoning, and exile for the liar. They call the latter al-mughayyir (the one who alters). Blood-price, among them, is one hundred cows. The head of every animal is forbidden to them. Fish cannot be eaten unless it is ritually slaughtered. Eggs are forbidden to them, and chicken is reprehensible (makruha), except if one is forced to eat it. They do not have a call-to-prayer, nor the iqama (introduction to the prayer). They make do, in knowing the hours of prayer, with the crowing of the cocks and for that reason they forbid (eating) them. He (Salih) used to spit in their hands, and they would lick it so as to gain a blessing from it. They would carry his saliva to the sick among them, so as to heal them with it.​

Salih also gave the Barghawata a Qur'an in the Berber language, the beginning of which has survived in an Arabic translation:
In the name of God who sent by him His book to humanity. God has made plain his reports therein. [...] Look at Muhammad. When he (Muhammad) was alive, all the people who accompanied him lived uprightly until he died. Then the people became corrupt. They lie who say that the truth is made upright while there is not a prophet of God present.​

How could this religion (or heresy of Islam?) become a major world religion, or at least not be destroyed by Muslim invasion?
I think it's just a local variant of Islam, with no staying power outside the area.
Major world religion? What do you mean by major? Is top 10 okay?

Barghawataism could have turned into something like Sikhism or Judaism. An ethnic religion that unifies a larger ethnic group.

Barghawataism had an advantage here actually because they had their own version of the Qur'an. All they really needed to do is expand. Give the Barghawata a unifying but imperialistic leader who wishes to united the Berber people in a ethnic furver of religious nationalism (my version of the religion is better then yours). I would say when they still have good relations with the Caliphate of Cordona. Have this leader expand through North Africa as a unifying force against the recently fallen Ummyads and the Shitte Fatmids.

The more I look into Barghawataism I find it more interesting. Barghawataism was really just a mix of Sufism, Sunni, Shiaism, Judaism and local traditions. The Barghawata could have easily been a unifying force. Later like every ethnic religion they will accept outsiders but for the first few hundred years after unifying North Africa it would be primarily an ethnic faith. Standing side by side with Sunnism, Shiism and Sufi, honestly they might just break off completely.
That just sounds generally gross and I don't imagine many people would want to follow it.

Many of its practices are based on traditional Berber practices, so I don't think it would be considered disgusting to Berber peoples.
Seems like you'd have better luck with a Berber religion before Islam. The peoples of the North African interior were in a rather similar boat the the early Arabs - a semipastoralist trading people familiar with both Judaism and Christianity but also possessing their own distinct pantheon. Christianity also didn't really take off there, for whatever reason.

If I didn't have so many timelines going I'd love to whip up something based on this idea.
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This is an interesting idea! The Islamic Moorish architectural distinction of the Maghreb could be appropriated and then help magnify the religious split. I'm thinking of the single lighthouse minarets and the Byzantine style columns and arches and the muqarnas/mocarabes.

Also, this would preserve the Berber languages well.
That just sounds generally gross and I don't imagine many people would want to follow it.

Washing the anus and naval before the mouth sounds, to me, like slander along the lines of the accusations of committing perverse orgies that orthodox Christians leveled at Gnostics.

I don't think we'd see a major world religion come out of this, but I can see this becoming an ATL Sunni version of the Alawites of Syria, located in the Maghreb and possibly in Iberia if some version of Andalus survives.