WI: Afrikaneer Exodus


There is a confusion here (as usual) between Afrikaaners and White South Africans. They are not the same thing. Apart from English speakers there are substantial numbers of Germans, Dutch (real Dutch), Portugese and Greeks. most of these have kept or can easily regain their original nationality. The Jewish community was also very large and has a revolving choice of Nationality that is usually British, Australian or US.
Perth in W Australia, Irving, California and Wimbledon in the UK are all South African suburbs.
The exodus has mainly comprised the skilled young (under 40). 'Unofficial' figures are around 1.2 million out of 6 million since 1995. A recent analysis of school and university enrollment and advertising audience measurement suggests that the 'White' population is down to 3 million and ageing rapidly.
Prior to 1995 more than half the 'White' population had or had access to a European passport, usually British.
So if an expat British passport holder moves to an EU country, he is not even counted by immigration a having entered the country as there are no longer any checks.
The White population has, though, been boosted by a very large number of Eastern European ladies with very special skills.
The question was undoubtedly asked as a basis for 'Would the country collapse if all the whites left?'
The answer is--- a matter of time. Power cuts, cholera in the water, traffic jams, potholes, bankrupt state industries etc. etc. Ah, but while it is -20C in England and -19c in the US, it is 38C in Joeys, Durbs and Kaapstad.
The sun shines and a good wine is still cheaper than water is in London.


Other time line?
That's happening in ours!
They've all headed East and landed up in Australia.
You can't walk into an office anymore without someone saying "Ouse it?"
NZ for one has never taken in more than a few thousand refugees at any point in time. If I recall correctly we accepted a couple of thousand of Poles and Dutch in the immediate decade following WW2. Since that point we have not accepted large groups of displaced people/refugees and have generally stuck to our agreed refugee quota. We have of course hundreds of thousands of non refugee immigrants over the last 30 years but that has not been without negative reactions.

If we accepted say several hundred thousand South African immigrants in over a short period in the 1990s then that would almost certainly mean we would have to radically cut all other sources of migration as we digested the refugees for the next decade – which would then raise issues with our traditional immigration sources and of course Australia, as we seem to sometimes serve as a training ground for migrants en route to Australia, as once they get NZ citizenship or residency it is very easy to move there.

It would be really interesting to see what a mass dumping in the UK would do for that country's domestic polictics. Speaking as someone resident in the UK and as part of the Kiwi-Aussie-Saffa axis, as we are lumped together, I think it would be pretty interesting. You would effectively be getting an early and probably bigger version of the E European/Polish immigration wave of the the Naughties (aka mid 2000s) but with an added layer of post colonial guilt and highly charged racial politics.

I wonder if that would cause a much earlier reform in immigration law and perhaps some sort of tighter restriction to fellow EU members?



Other time line?
That's happening in ours!
They've all headed East and landed up in Australia.
You can't walk into an office anymore without someone saying "Ouse it?"

Correct pronounciation "Owz-itt?"
In the '90s South Africans in Perth were nown as Boat People. Within days of arrival, they bought a boat.
I admit that my estimate for New Zealand was probably overboard, but I was under the assumption that some white South Africans would come under family reunification, while others as refugees, but most as skilled immigrants. New Zealand does appear to have had a minor brain drain since the 1990s (see link below) so I wouldn't see why not try to attract skilled engineers, farmers, miners, etc so are more likely than not to speak English. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/foreign-policy/news/article.cfm?c_id=209&objectid=10114923

If a mass exodus had occurred we have to remember that this would be of a highly skilled and educated group of people that from an immigration standpoint would be highly desirable. In 1974-76 when over 800,000 former settlers flooded Portugal from Angola and Mozambique the initial reaction was that the country couldn't accommodate all of these people (Portugal only had 9 million inhabitants at the time). However, the retornados as they were known were 4 times as likely to be university educated and in the end helped the economy as many established businesses, also many began to dominate certain fields. I can see this happening in any country where these refugees would settle.
Perhaps certain conservative elements of the Dutch Reformed and those Presbyterians with similar theologies (The Dominionist faction) can attempt to aid Afrikaners of similar theological beliefs to settle in the USA?
I had a discussion with Straha several years ago where a good number of them settled around Gillespie County, Texas. We mostly discussed how the Afrikaans culture and language would do in that kind of environment.
Well my suggestion called for about 1.3 million South Africans leaving the country: over a third of the Afrikaners and a smaller portion of other races. There would be a great deal of social tension, even if only a tenth of them actually settled in the Texas Hill Country.


how would their racial thinking and beliefs effect the countries they left for. I can see Canada and australia both getting a large quantity of them. And if they were forced out changing the politics