WI 1492 Conclave deadlocked?

In 1492 Conclave Cardinal Borja had secured the support of the plurality of Cardinals through simony... However with these Cardinals vote plus Borja's own vote numbered 14 votes, one short of the required two-third majority. However, Cardinals Carafa, Costa, Piccolomini, Cibò, and Zeno, followed by Medici, were unwilling to be bribed. Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere, followed by Basso, was intractably opposed to Borja's election. Thus, the ninety-six year old Cardinal Gherardo, Patriarch of Venice, who was paid only 5,000 ducats, cast the deciding vote in OTL.
WI Cardinal Gherardo refused to be bribed or died in sede vacante? Cardinal Borja couldnt have secured the 2/3 majority since the other Cardinals were "incorruptibles" would this end to a very long Conclave or the tired Cardinals and a despaired Borja elect a compromise candidate?
How is an alternate Pope in 1492 alters History? Any thoughts?
In my AAR (The Ebony Cross, second link in my sig) I had something similar to this happen. Borja loses the conclave and Carafa becomes the new pope. I'm not sure how corrupt Carafa was or was not though.

Depending on who becomes Pope, it could be very good for the Papacy. It's too late to stop the expulsion of the Jews, but if a very reformist Pope is elected, he could remove some corruption in the Church and prevent the OTL Reformation from happening.
In my AAR (The Ebony Cross, second link in my sig) I had something similar to this happen. Borja loses the conclave and Carafa becomes the new pope. I'm not sure how corrupt Carafa was or was not though.

Depending on who becomes Pope, it could be very good for the Papacy. It's too late to stop the expulsion of the Jews, but if a very reformist Pope is elected, he could remove some corruption in the Church and prevent the OTL Reformation from happening.

According to the account of bishop ambassador Giovanni Andrea Boncaccio, at least seven cardinals considered themselves papabile: da Costa, Fregoso, Michiel, Piccolomini, Domenico della Rovere, Savelli, and Zeno.
The first ballot held on August 8, was said to have resulted in nine votes for Carafa, seven for Borja, Costa, and Michiel, and five for Giuliano della Rovere, with Sforza notably receiving zero votes.
The second ballot produced: nine for Carafa, eight for Borja, seven for Michiel, and five for Giuliano della Rovere.
The third ballot favoured Carafa and Costa with nine and seven votes respectively leaving Borja third...
Rodrigo Borja was elected in fourth ballot with 15 votes (his own vote went to Carafa) and in the subsequent accessus all Cardinals changed their votes in Borja's favour...
If Cardinal Gherardi wasnt persuaded then Cardinals Borja, Costa and Carafa would be "eliminated" being the leading candidates and i see Cardinal Michiel or Della Rovere or Sforza elected as a compromise candidate...