WI – DC & Marvel buy the farm, or, The Secret Crisis of Infinite Chapter 7

In the TL I'm proposing, DC and Marvel implode right at the time small independent titles like Cerebus the Aardvark were barely getting off of the ground, while firms such as Dark Horse, never mind Image, hadn't even started yet. When the Big Two go under, what happens to the distribution system?

Even if the mainstream comic shops go under, you'd still have gaming stores (Elfquest, etc.) and headshops (Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers et al) as alternate channels.
Even if the mainstream comic shops go under, you'd still have gaming stores (Elfquest, etc.) and headshops (Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers et al) as alternate channels.

True. But alternative comics had their own underground distribution network which in OTL went under some time in the early 1980s.

Hmmm. I wonder what Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, Frank Miller and Grant Morrisson would be doing in this TL? For that matter, what about Mark Millar, Frank Cho and Stan "The Man" Lee himself? This scenario is going to derail/divert a LOT of careers; I suspect that television and the book publishing industry may benefit greatly from all this.
True. But alternative comics had their own underground distribution network which in OTL went under some time in the early 1980s.

Hmmm. I wonder what Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, Frank Miller and Grant Morrisson would be doing in this TL? For that matter, what about Mark Millar, Frank Cho and Stan "The Man" Lee himself? This scenario is going to derail/divert a LOT of careers; I suspect that television and the book publishing industry may benefit greatly from all this.

Moore was working on cartoons for several underground magazines. he only changed to writer after deciding he couldn't survive on an artist's salary.

Ennis was born in 1970, so that's harder.

Frank Miller would have just moved to New York to enter the industry, so he may end up in a bad spot.

Morisson would have been working for some alternative British comics, OTL the comic folded 5 issues latter, but in this TL maybe the comic stays alive, and he strikes it big there.

Frank Cho has a nursing degree, and was a syndicated comic artist. He disliked the Syndication comics business though.

Mark Miller as influence by Moore, and turned to comics because of Fiancial issues following the death of his parents.

Stan Lee is a bit harder. poor parents, got the Job with is uncle's help and much of his career hinges on Marvel.
supposing Marvel collapses, he could become a novel Writer or something like that.
Also no Karakuridoji Ultimo.
Frank Miller would have just moved to New York to enter the industry, so he may end up in a bad spot.

If DC and Marvel both go under (presumably because readers are sick of
four-color storylines and Hostess cupcake ads), then maybe it's time for
E.C. to come back from the crypt? If Miller is already in New York, he'd
be an excellent fit for them.