Who here has read the World Hitler Never Made?

As the title says who has read this book? It`s an analysis of most of the AH media of what if Hitler won or escaped and survied the war and alternate holocausts. It was written in 2005. I finally got it over a month ago and loved it.
I just want to hear what others think of it.
Hell. Yes.

Excellent book, and an excellent discussion of how the memory of WWII has evolved in the years since 1945. It's also rather interesting to see the weird permutations between types of stories and the ways authors handle subjects. (i.e. stories about British resistance against the Nazis tend to be more cynical and tragic than their American counterparts, removing Hitler from history never makes things better, and let's not forget the surprisingly large body of "Morgenthau Germany" literature).

The book's also been helpful in providing a way for me to look critically at other bits of SF ephemera I've collected, particularly at my collection of Soviet invasion literature. There's actually quite a bit more variety in that sub-subgenre than you would suspect.