What would have happened to Rommel?


Mm, I think Inspector General of the Bundeswehr is a real possibility if he's willing to take it. I mean, he refused several inhumane orders, general treated prisoners and occupied populations well, and wasn't tainted by serving on the Eastern Front. Really his only quirk was a close personal relationship with Hitler.
I was thinking either Chief of the Armored Force or maybe even Chief of Staff.
How would rommel legacy be in Germany and viewed by the germans. Would the right or left co-opt his image for the right to prove they aint nazis the left i dunno being human and to rehabilitate the german pop to show they can change. Will he have monuments. Would he germany MacArthur, Cromwell, robert e lee, sherman, Belisarius.

Most likely it would be some military position crossed with being a sort of international good will ambassador as his son sort of became in his place.

So none of the above.

Jerusalem Medal to Stuttgart Mayor, Son of General Rommel

Manfred Rommel, son of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the “Desert Fox” of World War II, whose Afrika Corps once posed a threat to the Jewish community in Palestine, was designated “Guardian of Jerusalem” at a ceremony at City Hall in the capital Sunday.

Rommel’s famous father, regarded by military historians as perhaps the most brilliant general on either side during the war, was forced to take his own life after he was implicated in the German officers’ plot to kill Hitler in 1944.

North African Jews believe it was Rommel who prevented the “Final Solution” from being carried out against them when German might dominated North Africa from Egypt to Morocco.

Mayor Teddy Kollek of Jerusalem noted that if the German army had been able to invade Palestine, the fate of the population would not have been in Rommel’s hands.


In terms of the West German military I would expect him to use his political capital to push for military normalization.

The generation that came after the WW2 generation of Germans came to believe their armed forces was in the end a political entity and the cause of the World Wars. Their post war military wasn’t great, but it was a real military. Once in power the next generation left Germany with a military of combat inoperable units.

One wonders if Germany had a charismatic and telegenic military figure post war it couldn’t have altered the trajectory of Germany’s relationship to its armed forces in the eyes of the public for the next generation or two.

The surviving aristocratic Prussian generals were lauded for their military tactics, but were generally unlikable figures on quite a few levels.
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I have seen this type of mass thinking in action when they interviewed survivors of Pol Pot’s killings. It couldn’t have been Pol Pot who killed my family, he was our great leader, it had to have been the people around him.

Many North Koreans are like that; even the ones who defect seem to have some admiration for Kim Il-sung.