If the Russians take over, then most likely the Joseon Dynasty or the Romanov Dynasty
It'll only get brought into the Romanov dynasty if they have a Personal dynasty over it. If not, the Russians could, as per the original, been on the same side as America in the war in the Korean Peninsula and deposed the ruling dynasty, only to find the Americans outright annexing them. In response, they establish a northerly Russian influenced state in the Korean Peninsula where they establish a new dynasty from a mysterious Korean pro-russian guerrilla by the name of Kim -


Except ITTL, he really IS a people's benevelonent dead leader with his generous social democratic system called Juche-Orthodox
That John Brown poster is amazing! I absolutely love it!



Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! I'm exhausted but I should have at least one new update tomorrow! Also, enjoy this Billy Graham poster. lol Also, bonus fact: I grew up in West Virginia and knew actual snake-handlers.

One thing I thought of today that could be cool and unlike Classic Madness is the Union experiences influence from black culture and music, like black gospel, and its the South this time around that wants none of that and sees it as dirty and worth banning. Just a fun plot idea I came up with. Escaped slaves running North from the 1810's up to whenever and after that an exodus of blacks fleeing to the Union would make it really interesting if they received total acceptance. I also think that the Union and AFC propaganda masters would instantly realize the potential appeal and energy of black style gospel to get the followers worked into a snake-handling frenzy, wracked with emotion and excitement. It makes sense if you were energizing a cult. The snake-handling churches I saw as a boy in WV used loud rockabilly music to get everyone going (no joke). Anyway, just a random thing I thought of today while bored at work.
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One more for the road. I was in a poster mood. Also, "Give me your soul!" isn't terrifying at all. XD Also I'm digging the Union renaming Detroit to "Sanctify."
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One thing I thought of today that could be cool and unlike Classic Madness is the Union experiences influence from black culture and music, like black gospel, and its the South this time around that wants none of that and sees it as dirty and worth banning. Just a fun plot idea I came up with. Escaped slaves running North from the 1810's up to whenever and after that an exodus of blacks fleeing to the Union would make it really interesting if they received total acceptance. I also think that the Union and AFC propaganda masters would instantly realize the potential appeal and energy of black style gospel to get the followers worked into a snake-handling frenzy, wracked with emotion and excitement. It makes sense if you were energizing a cult. The snake-handling churches I saw as a boy in WV used loud rockabilly music to get everyone going (no joke). Anyway, just a random thing I thought of today while bored at work.
That would work; I mentioned earlier the RU running an alt "Underground Railroad" to bring Negroes north. In the wake of the failed uprisings in Virginia and the resulting reprisals, many Negroes would no doubt want to escape.
The RU/AFC could have agents in the Southern Nations liberating slaves and moving them north; this would both weaken the Southrons and strengthen the RU. Some of the agents would no doubt be southerners who oppose slavery; IOTL, during the ACW, there were a number of pro union southerners, especially in East Tennessee, Western North Carolina and other places.
Many of the Negroes would no doubt join the AFC. I can easily see someone like Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and other prominent abolitionists IOTL being high level AFC/RU members.
It would also be a good way to stick it to the French; in the wake of Napoleon reinstating slavery, the RU can use that as propaganda to turn Negroes against the French. I can also see "Privateers" attacking slave ships.
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One thing I thought of today that could be cool and unlike Classic Madness is the Union experiences influence from black culture and music, like black gospel, and its the South this time around that wants none of that and sees it as dirty and worth banning. Just a fun plot idea I came up with. Escaped slaves running North from the 1810's up to whenever and after that an exodus of blacks fleeing to the Union would make it really interesting if they received total acceptance. I also think that the Union and AFC propaganda masters would instantly realize the potential appeal and energy of black style gospel to get the followers worked into a snake-handling frenzy, wracked with emotion and excitement. It makes sense if you were energizing a cult. The snake-handling churches I saw as a boy in WV used loud rockabilly music to get everyone going (no joke). Anyway, just a random thing I thought of today while bored at work.

That would work; I mentioned earlier the RU running an alt "Underground Railroad" to bring Negroes north. In the wake of the failed uprisings in Virginia and the resulting reprisals, many Negroes would no doubt want to escape.
The RU/AFC could have agents in the Southern Nations liberating slaves and moving them north; this would both weaken the Southrons and strengthen the RU. Some of the agents would no doubt be southerners who oppose slavery; IOTL, during the ACW, there were a number of pro union southerners, especially in East Tennessee, Western North Carolina and other places.
Many of the Negroes would no doubt join the AFC. I can easily see someone like Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and other prominent abolitionists IOTL being high level AFC/RU members.
It would also be a good way to stick it to the French; in the wake of Napoleon reinstating slavery, the RU can use that as propaganda to turn Negroes against the French. I can also see "Privateers" attacking slave ships.

Canada could be a sort of 'New Homeland' for freed blacks from the South beyond anything in Africa/ATL Liberia. (As to screw with the Canadians even more and to help create a loyal class up north.)
"Maybe the RU offers 40 acres and a mule in the New Territories to any blacks leaving the South."

Like The Homestead Act, it's a good way to settle loyal citizens on underpopulated territory, It helps defend it from hostile powers and it creates tax revenue.


I agree, we need an alt-Homestead Act for the RU. It would be difficult though considering that they don't actually own Louisiana, that's the one problem.
Could the RU get Louisiana earlier here? I mean, with the way things are heading, France will have a hard time defending from the RU, so may as well cut their losses on focus on other areas. Have to remember settling Louisiana was fairly difficult for the OTL US as well.
"Could the RU get Louisiana earlier here? I mean, with the way things are heading, France will have a hard time defending from the RU, so may as well cut their losses on focus on other areas. Have to remember settling Louisiana was fairly difficult for the OTL US as well."

It's going to be a lot harder for France to settle Louisiana across the ocean than it is for citizens of the RU. RU citizens are, if I remember correctly, already starting to move in to Louisiana. And why shouldn't they? It's free land that is only nominally French, and I can't see Napoleon wasting the time and resources holding on to it. It'd be more in line with his interests to just sell it for cash.
Canada could be a sort of 'New Homeland' for freed blacks from the South beyond anything in Africa/ATL Liberia. (As to screw with the Canadians even more and to help create a loyal class up north.)
The portions given to the RU, maybe; the French areas, not so much. After all, the French reinstated slavery and brutally put down a negro revolt in Haiti; the RU will no doubt point this out in their propaganda repeatedly.
Maybe the RU offers 40 acres and a mule in the New Territories to any blacks leaving the South.
I agree, we need an alt-Homestead Act for the RU. It would be difficult though considering that they don't actually own Louisiana, that's the one problem.
An alt Homestead act would be very useful for settling RU controlled areas in the Old Northwest (note: only "betters" need apply). As for Louisiana, this would be done more covertly.
And after Louisiana, they could grab Texas and California like OTL. I know it might seem 'too' like OTL, but one of my few criticisms on the original was that the RU expanded too much in such a short amount of time. Even with a Pacific Coast, there's still places for Custer to conquer, and the Union would remain divided after all. I could see the Southron Powers taking places, either in the Caribbean or maybe even joining the Colonial race.

Also I like the RU actually being supportive of Afro-Americans. It goes to show that you don't have to go full KKK or full Hitler on race to actually be an evil dictatorship. Hell, its more interesting that the RU is oppressing 'fellow whites' rather other races. I could see the Dixie nations and possibly France calling the RU 'race traitors'. They're slaveholding powers, after all, I'd never expect them to be 'good guys' of any sort.
One thing I thought of today that could be cool and unlike Classic Madness is the Union experiences influence from black culture and music, like black gospel, and its the South this time around that wants none of that and sees it as dirty and worth banning. Just a fun plot idea I came up with. Escaped slaves running North from the 1810's up to whenever and after that an exodus of blacks fleeing to the Union would make it really interesting if they received total acceptance. I also think that the Union and AFC propaganda masters would instantly realize the potential appeal and energy of black style gospel to get the followers worked into a snake-handling frenzy, wracked with emotion and excitement. It makes sense if you were energizing a cult. The snake-handling churches I saw as a boy in WV used loud rockabilly music to get everyone going (no joke). Anyway, just a random thing I thought of today while bored at work.
"The Southron would you believe you're little more than chattel to be worked to death! But we, the true enlightened Christian Republicans of the Union, thanks to our science of phrenology, have absolute proof that you are their Betters!!!! Brothers and Sisters....welcome to your New Africa!!! CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh! That means you could give "(Can't get no) Satisfaction" to someone cool, like Chuck Berry or Jimmi Hendrix!

I agree, we need an alt-Homestead Act for the RU. It would be difficult though considering that they don't actually own Louisiana, that's the one problem.
You sound like one of those troublemaking unbelievers....Would you let a little detail like the Papist French Traitors stand in the way of Manifest Destiny and our Holy Duty to build the New Jerusalem?!?!
You better start Hailing before we report you to the ORRA.....

Reverend Milo Miles

Elroy Jenkins wasn't much on religion. He wasn't much on reading either. He was pretty much satisfied to live out his days working on his dad Nehemiah's farm here in Michigania. Oshkosh, the capital of the state, was 10 miles away, but it was still a frontier. Elroy was 22 but he had barely ever met people from outside of his tiny town of Washingtonburg. He spent most of his days splitting logs and minding the animals. During planting time he'd hitch up Shirley and Betsy, Jenkins' family's two mules, and plow the fields. During harvest his hands would callous from all the hard work harvesting their meager crops. All in all, Elroy was a very unremarkable man, and he longed for an adventure or something more interesting to do. But, alas, he settled himself into complacency and didn't try to improve his lot, knowing one day he would inherit the farm, marry a local girl, and start the cycle all over again.

But it was on July 9, 1829, that his life would change forever. Milo Miles, the renown American Fundamentalist Reverend, was coming to the tiny town of Washingtonburg, something which stunned the locals. For such a mighty man of God to come visit their insignificant village, Miles must indeed be a kind and caring reverend. Elroy was skeptical of most all religions, and he thought the local pastor of their Calvinist church was extremely bland and did nothing to help win him over. But, Elroy thought, he had heard this Miles and his American Fundamentalist Church were sweeping the land. It had been around since the turn-of-the-century, but out here in the sticks, Elroy had scarcely heard of it. He figured he might go check it out tonight and see what the fuss was about.

Elroy put on his Sunday threads, with his old stovepipe hat and his worn black jacket, and set out on his horse to go to the revival. It was being hosted down at the banks of the mighty Fox River. It was a splendid day, all-in-all, only slightly chilly for such an early spring day and the sun shown down brightly on the waters as Elroy approached. There were already over a hundred people present, some of whom had come 50 miles just to hear Milo Miles preach. There was a wooden platform with a pulpit that had been set up for Miles, and his men were scurrying about making sure everything was just right. A giant cross with a bursting star in its center, the symbol of the AFC Church, was erected behind the pulpit just as Elroy got there. Truly, for such a small event in a small hamlet, the AFC was going all out.

Elroy situated himself on a stump nearby, taking off his hat and placing it on the ground beside it. He waited and waited for the service to begin, but Miles was still in his personal carriage. After what seemed like forever, the carriage door creaked open and a handsome man in a Eastcoast style suit, immaculate in every way, stepped out. The crowd applauded as Miles made his way to the pulpit, smiling all the way. Elroy had never seen a more dapper man in his life, and he couldn't help but be impressed. His own suit was barely held together at the seams and here this man was, smiling and perfectly groomed. Miles was doing something right with his life.

Miles situated himself behind the pulpit and bowed his head to all the people in the riverside audience. He then clasped his two hands together and said, "Let us pray." All present, including Elroy out of respect, bowed their own heads. Miles began, saying, "Oh Lord Jehovah, we beseech thee to pour thy blessings out upon all those gathered here today, and to keep them safe on the long roads back home some of them must travel. Oh Lord God of the Chosen People, bring me strength to convert and bring your everlasting peace to the men, women, and children gathered here today. May I bring even more souls into your fold, and may they take their new knowledge and preach the miracle and truth of Manifest Destiny to the far corners of the globe. In the name of Jehovah and Manifest Destiny, Amen."

"Amen," agreed everyone. Elroy wasn't sure about this man, but he seemed to be very dedicated, so he at least appreciated that much.

Miles picked up his Bible from the pulpit and held it high, saying, "This! This book! This is the Way, the Truth, and the Light! Via, Veritas, Vita! This, my countrymen, is not just a promise of everlasting peace and love and fellowship, but as the words of the Angel of Destiny said through the pen of the Prophet Burr, God Help and Keep him, 'Manifest Destiny shall heal our wounds and sorrow! For God our Lord has lifted us above all other nations!' Verses 1 and 2 of the book of Manifestum proclaim, 'A shining city upon a hill, we shall worship Jehovah and build for him an altar in the evening dews and damps. Yea, whoever shall stand against us shall be struck down with thunderous fury, for the Angel of Destiny has told us to march on. We shall build a watchfire, and prepare the New Jerusalem to receive our Savior and his cohort of past patriot-saints upon his Second Coming. Amen.'"

Miles adjusted himself and stared down each and every single person present with his piercing blue eyes. He continued, lowering the book and asking, "Now, what does that have to do with you folks? I'll tell you. Each and every single man, woman, and child here is needed to help build that altar in the evening dews and damps. Why evening? Why that time of day, you ask? Because we are in the evening and setting sun of this fallen world. This Luciferian pit of abyss we call Earth is in the final stages of rot before the New Jerusalem shall come and right the ship before the Master comes home again. Don't throw away the lessons of First Thessalonians, 'But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.' The foreign hordes in Europe! Those Papist dogs, they think they have safety under the bloody boot-heel of Napoleon? Wrong! Woe unto them! For the day of the Lord cometh as a thief in the night, my brothers and sisters! We are entering the End of Days. But this is a good thing! We, my countrymen, are the Chosen People of God. We are the New Jerusalem, a rock upon which the Prophet will build his foundation upon. We have been through so much pain and so much agony as a country these many years, wandering through the wilderness, not knowing why we were seemingly cursed, our fathers slain in their masses in 1812, our mothers and sisters raped, our homesteads and property set to light by the Canadian hordes, our so-called allies leaving us to destruction. But the day of holy vengeance is upon us! The day of the Sanctification!"

"Amen!" rippled through the audience.

"The day of the Purification!"


"The day of the Salvation!"


"The day of the Transmogrification!"


"The day of the Restoration!"



The crowd was quickly coming over to Miles side. Next, he would pull out all the stops. He raised his fist in the air, proclaiming, "Holy fire and damnation shall be poured forth onto those that deny us our Manifest Destiny, and they shall be turned like unto salt and glass! We, my fellow countrymen, are the future of this planet. We shall build a New Jerusalem, a New Zion, here in North America. We shall overrun, overtake, and overcome all enemies who seek our destruction. Never again will we face uncertainty, murder, or poverty. The White Anglo-Saxon American Man shall liberate the oppressed Southron Negro, and together they shall beat back the tidal wave of anarchist foreigners and imperialists and unite this continent under a single holy banner, waving in the fresh, clean air the from Atlantic to the Pacific, and yes, right here in Washingtonburg as well. In Canada! Our rightful soil! In Mexico! Where bloodthirsty madmen butcher their own. We shall show the papist and imperialist aggressor-pigs that those who stand against the Kingdom of God shall not stand for long. We should almost feel sorry for them, for the transmogrifying hellfire and judgement God shall pour forth upon our enemies will decimate the earth. But this judgement need not await you or your family! For if you accept the Word of God, Angel, and Prophet into your heart, you too can be prepared! You too shall help build God's Eternal Kingdom on this Earth and receive everlasting salvation!"

The people were loving every second at this point. Some were crying, remembering the horrors of 1812, losing entire families. Losing everything they ever had. Where had the Lutherans or Baptists or Methodists been when that was happening? And here was this young man, promising everlasting life and the power to rebuild America into a nation that could absolutely destroy its enemies in the blink of an eye. To Elroy, it sounded a little too good to be true, but Miles had his attention.

Miles strutted back and forth on the platform, sweating under the noon day sun from being so worked up. He ripped off his suit jacket and raised his arms to the sky, rambling in some nonsensical language Elroy had never heard. Then Elroy realized the pastor was speaking in tongues, so full of the Holy Spirit that the Lord had completely overtaken him. The man thrashed about, his eyes shining like glowing lamps, and then he came down into the audience. He started tapping people on the foreheads. The Smiting of the Spirits. Awe overcame Elroy as Miles proceeded to literally exorcise the devil out of a dozen people, sending them flying backwards. The whole thing was made even more dramatic by a small band on the right side of the platform, who were playing Onward Christian Soldier loud and clear.

Before long, the whole crowd was shaking and gyrating, almost like a fever had come over them all. They were shouting and convulsing, writhing on the soil, spinning in circles. A choir, all dressed in blue robes, which had been standing silently behind Miles this entire time, had now brought four small wooden crates to the platform. Then, they all lined up and began to belt out the sweetest version of Amazing Grace that Elroy had ever heard. The band stopped.It was like living in slow motion as they sang and the Reverend Miles jumped up and down, filled with fire and the Holy Spirit. Elroy's shock was still great, however, when out of one of the crates Miles produced a rattlesnake, deadly as could be, and proceeded to chant in tongues as he held the serpent aloft.

"Ye shall pick up deadly serpents and they shall not hurt thee!" cried Miles, jumping up and down ritually, sweat pouring off his brow, his shirt's underarms now sporting massive dark circles. His boots hit the wood of the platform with every hop, rhythmically setting the beat for the band to begin playing again. This time they played Old Time Religion, a hit that was sweeping the nation. Even Elroy had heard. As the choir sang and the band played and the preacher hopped up and down with a venomous animal, Elroy found himself joining in the song, almost without thinking.

Give me that old-time religion,
Give me that old-time religion
Give me that old-time religion
It's good enough for me!

It was good for the Hebrew Children,
It was good for the Hebrew Children
It was good for the Hebrew Children
It's good enough for me!

It will do when I am dying,
It will do when I am dying
It will do when I am dying
It's good enough for me!

Elroy and the rest of the crowd were now worked up into a fever. It was almost like an out of body experience to Elroy. Here he was, someone with no interest in religion or gods, getting swept up in the whole thing. It was magnificent theatre, and though Elroy tried to snap himself out of it, he decided to just let Miles take control.

Miles threw the serpent into the crowd, where believers caught it. He then did the same with snakes he pulled out of the other crates. Then, the sweaty minister made his way through the crowd, smiting more spirits and laying hands as he went. Suddenly, he was right before Elroy. They locked eyes and Miles outstretched his arms.

"Believers!" shouted Miles in a voice even more powerful close up, putting Elroy in further awe. "We are here to save souls! Brother, what is your name, my boy?"

Elroy felt his heart about to explode. Here was this famous man, talking directly to him. "Uhm... Elr--Elroy Jenkins, sir," he stammered awkwardly.

Miles put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Brother Elroy! Will ye come to the riverside and be washed and sanctified of your sins in the everlasting Waters of Manifest Destiny?"

Elroy froze for a second and then just decided to go with it. "I... I will! I wish to sanctified, good reverend!"

"Hallelujah!" screamed Miles, followed by the crowd doing the same. Again, a feeling of moving almost in slow motion came over Elroy as he walked behind Miles to the riverside, the crowd parting like the Red Sea before Moses. When Miles and Elroy got knee-deep in the water, Miles started performing the ceremony. Elroy dropped to his knees. "Brother, do you accept the Word of God and the Books of Manifest Destiny to be the Way, the Truth, and Light?"

"I do," said Elroy.

Miles pushed him under the water and then pulled him back out. "Do you accept Jesus Christ as your savior?"

"I do." said Elroy again, spluttering from the water.

Miles again dunked him underwater and then pulled him back to ask, "Do you accept the Angel of Destiny as the guardian of your country, this New Jerusalem?"

"I do!"


"Do you accept Aaron Burr as the Prophet of the Lord God of the New Israel?"

"Yes I do!"


"And lastly, brother, would you give your life in defense of your God, Country, and People?"

Elroy smiled and said, "Gladly. For the first time I know peace."


More people came splashing down into the water, ready to be baptized as well. The entire town of Washingtonburg would eventually become card-carrying members of the American Fundamentalist Christian Church.

Elroy Jenkins would join the Oshkosh Fundamentalist Volunteer Brigade in 1832. He would be the first soldier killed in combat during the Subjugation of Vermont, on October 1st, 1832, just three days after his 23rd birthday. His body was returned to his family and buried underneath the trees of his Washingtonburg, Michiganian home, with an AFC cross above his grave. Private Elroy Jenkins, Oshkosh Fundamentalist Volunteer Brigade, was the first man to have given his life in the First Union War of Aggression. He wouldn't be the last...
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You know, if I never knew the AFC was a bunch of religious cultists gone mad, I would’ve laughed seeing them making peolpe shake as if they have ants in their pants.
You know, if I never knew the AFC was a bunch of religious cultists gone mad, I would’ve laughed seeing them making peolpe shake as if they have ants in their pants.

Many churches have had services almost like that to a tee, as well. lol

My inspirations:






As well as more obvious things like the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses (although the JW mainly just inspire constant use of Jehovah as God's proper name.). Also, Benny freaking Hinn. lol

You can't tell me the guy at 3:50 in the second video doesn't sound like how you picture some AFC backwoods Lewisiana cultist in the Madnessverse. Watch these videos for a mere inkling of what the charismatic AFC movement will possibly become in the future, on an industrial scale. You get people to do that, you're just about two steps away from giving them a rifle and telling them to go kill for God, Country, and the Anglo-Saxon Race. Again, I grew up with snake-handlers. People can get prettttty weird if you have a bunch of other people doing it with them. XD
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