What if the U.S. invaded Latin and South America?

Latin America as a whole is 3 times the size of the USA. If they put on an allied front,there is no way that the USA would win. Through sheer numbers alone we would be overwhelmed, not to mention tackling the Andes,Amazon or Pampas. And of course,the language barrier. It would be insane,foolhardy and incredibly stupid to even attempt it.
In 1865, Spain attempted to annex the peruvian Chincha Islands, Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia allied with Peru to prevent the spanish from annexing the islands, Brazil prestige was raising after the Christie Question; many latin american navies started to use ironclads and monitors during these decades; even during 1885 chilean navy alone was powerful enough to stop the american fleet, not counting with the combined strenght from the other latin american fleets; during c. XIX the wounds from the independence wars were still open so if another nation tried to invade and control various latin american natios, this will easily trigger a second war of independence and this time more organized and with more international support; speaking of that, the British Empire is very interested in South America and they wouldn't like to lose their influence over there...

The answer is no, the United States can't control all of Latin America, even conquering Mexico would be expensive and I highly doubt that the americans would allow that