What if Queen Elizabeth I married King Philip II of spain and had issue?

Philip II of Spain (b.1527: d.1598) m. Maria Manuela of Portugal (b.1527: d.1545) (a), Mary I of England (b.1516: d.1558) (b), Elizabeth I of England (b.1533: d.1603) (c)

1a) Carlos, Prince of Wales (b.1545: d.1568) m. Elisabeth de Valois (b.1545) (a)

1a) Philip III of Spain (b.1565)

2a) Ferdinand of Spain (b.1567: d.1568)

3a) Stillborn Girl (c.1569)​

2c) Henry, Prince of Wales (b.1560)

3c) Margaret of Spain (b.1562)

4c) Isabella of Spain (b.1565)

5c) Edward, Duke of Burgundy (b.1566)​
True perhaps, but your forggeting one part of the equation...Phillip....theres so many reasons why the protestants, or even moderate catholics, would want him gone anyway they could

You're giving Philip a too bad reputation, granted Dutch national historiography is also filled with it.

Yes, he was pious and a devout Catholic, but his work ethic was what later Protestants claimed as the 'Protestant work ethic', delegating things wasn't his strong suit. So sure he was a convinced Catholic, but he was a very different Catholic monarch than Louis XIV.
Philip II of Spain (b.1527: d.1598) m. Maria Manuela of Portugal (b.1527: d.1545) (a), Mary I of England (b.1516: d.1558) (b), Elizabeth I of England (b.1533: d.1603) (c)

1a) Carlos, Prince of Wales (b.1545: d.1568) m. Elisabeth de Valois (b.1545) (a)

1a) Philip III of Spain (b.1565: d.1610) m. Margaret of Austria (b.1567: d.1633) (a)

1a) Charles II of Spain (b.1584: d.1611)

2a) Philip IV of Spain (b.1586)

3a) Maria Isabella of Spain (b.1589)

4a) Stillborn Boy (c.1591)

5a) Juana of Spain (b.1594)

6a) Ferdinand of Spain (b.1598)​

2a) Ferdinand of Spain (b.1567: d.1568)

3a) Stillborn Girl (c.1569)​

2c) Henry, Prince of Wales (b.1560: d.1589) m. Catherine de Bourbon (b.1559: d.1604) (a)

1a) Philip I of England (b.1582)

2a) Edward, Duke of York (b.1585)

3a) Charles, Duke of Clarence (b.1587)​

3c) Margaret of Spain (b.1562: d.1619) m. Henry II, Duke of Lorraine (b.1563: d.1624) (a)

1a) John de Lorraine (b.1585: d.1588)

2a) Philippe de Lorraine (b.1586: d.1588)

3a) Louis de Lorraine (b.1587: d.1588)

4a) Marie Claude de Lorraine (b.1590)

5a) Stillborn Boy (c.1591)

6a) Henri III, Duke of Lorraine (b.1593)

7a) Stillborn Boy (c.1594)

8a) Francis de Lorraine (b.1595: d.1599)

9a) Stillborn Boy (c.1596)

10a) Christine de Lorraine (b.1598)

11a) Nicole de Lorraine (b.1598)​

4c) Isabella of Spain (b.1565) m. James VI of Scotland (b.1566: d.1625) (a)

1a) James, Duke of Rothesay (b.1584: d.1602)

2a) Charles I of Scotland (b.1589)

3a) Elizabeth Stuart (b.1594)​

5c) Edward, Duke of Burgundy (b.1566: d.1601) m. Marie Elisabeth of France (b.1572: d.1593) (a), Elizabeth of Denmark (b.1573: d.1626) (b)

1a) Philip, Duke of Burgundy (b.1590)

2a) Elisabeth of Burgundy (b.1592: d.1593)

3b) John of Burgundy (b.1595: d.1599)

4b) Catherine of Burgundy (b.1596)

5b) Charles of Burgundy (b.1599)

6b) Margaret of Burgundy (b.1602)​