What if clothing had never been invented and everyone was always naked?

Baby Kata

Do you think "prudish" religions like Christianity and Islam would have still flourished? Would rape be more or less common?
I think that there would still be humans in Europe, but there wouldn't be any North of the Balkans, Alps, or Pyrenees.

Winter even in Spain and Italy are quiet chill so naked humans hardly can live there. And probably Greece in winter is not very nice place too.

Baby Kata

Winter even in Spain and Italy are quiet chill so naked humans hardly can live there. And probably Greece in winter is not very nice place too.

It ranges from the upper 30s to the lower 60s in Greece in winter, usually

Baby Kata

Clothes make us give in to our urges more?

The question I'm trying to ask is: Would everyone always being naked lead to

1. More rape, since "private parts" are always seen, leading to more temptation for people to rape
2. Less rape, since "private parts" wouldn't really be private, and would just be seen as normal, which would lead to less rape


Based on that question we would think that today with people wearing more revealing clothes would result in less violence against women. But it seems that the opposite is true. Or is it just that we have more social nexus and more news that publicize what was hidden before.

Rape has nothing to do with the amount of clothes women wears. I remember a 90 year old guy saying that when he was a young man and women wore skirts to their ankles he get exited about seeing women’s knees. I have read that during Victorian times a women’s wrist was considered very sexy and aluring. I guess since women would wear clothing to the hand.

There was less violence against women then.
The native people of Tierra del Fuego are a good example how far naked people can go:

Despite the extremely cold climate in which they lived, early Yaghan wore little to no clothing until after their extended contact with Europeans. They were able to survive the harsh climate because:

  1. They kept warm by huddling around small fires when they could, including in their boats to stay warm. The name of "Tierra del Fuego" (land of fire) was based on the many fires seen by passing European explorers.
  2. They made use of rock formations to shelter from the elements.
  3. They covered themselves in animal grease
  4. Over time, they had evolved significantly higher metabolisms than average humans, allowing them to generate more internal body heat.
  5. Their natural resting position was a deep squatting position , which reduced their surface area and helped to conserve heat.
There was less violence against women then.

Source? I'm a little dubious of this claim although I'm willing to be convinced otherwise. But it seems to me that we're just at a point in history when violence against women is starting to be widely reported and recognized as an issue. After all, in those times marital rape wasn't even a crime.
Source? I'm a little dubious of this claim although I'm willing to be convinced otherwise. But it seems to me that we're just at a point in history when violence against women is starting to be widely reported and recognized as an issue. After all, in those times marital rape wasn't even a crime.

I have too bit hard to believe that Victorian era was for women safer than modrn times. In that times at least domestic violence was totally accetpable and rarely discussed.
There was less violence against women then.
Citation. Needed. Everything I've ever read(including stuff like autobiographies) indicates that rape and child abuse was scarily common in the Victorian period ranging from rape of servants being considered just an occupational hazard to martial rape not legally being a thing to pedophiles bloody everywhere and straight-up sex slavery in the States. Rape has very little to do with clothes, unless you think Saudi Arabia is some kind of feminist paradise. The only reason rape seems more common today is that people are actually able to organize against perpetrators more effectively, and the law isn't as ridiculously classist, racist and sexist as it once was.


That's another interesting idea, Neanderthaler have clothing, homo sapiens don't.
Neanderthal with their body mass and thick fat layer still naturally come to clothing once they hit colder climates.

Do you think Homo Sapiens would never try to get warmth by wrapping animal skin around them?

Anyway, clothes or not, it won't really make difference to Rape. Rape is mostly about power and thrill, not exactly sex.
Neanderthal with their body mass and thick fat layer still naturally come to clothing once they hit colder climates.

Do you think Homo Sapiens would never try to get warmth by wrapping animal skin around them?

Anyway, clothes or not, it won't really make difference to Rape. Rape is mostly about power and thrill, not exactly sex.

Probably need ASB involvement.

It was just the idea of having areas where Neanderthaler survive
Would this include shoes? We likely have much shorter lifespans if we can't protect our feet. Sooner or later you step on the wrong object and contract a fatal infection.

Higher incidence of skin cancer among lighter skinned populations.