What Happened Here?

This map is placed somewhere in the early 1700s.

Alternate Europe Map.jpeg
Well, that was a joke... Either Sweden or that thing called the Kalmar Union that decided to take over the Baltic and get a corridor to the Black Sea. Hm?
Bingo, but can you guess what what's going on with the other countries?

France never took Provence from the HRE in the Middle Ages and failed to focus her attentions on Italy during the Renaissance. Instead, the wealth and prosperity (combined with other various circumstances of the TL) of the Low Countries prompted Paris to move north, eventually reaching the Rhine after a succession of various wars.
France never took Provence from the HRE in the Middle Ages and failed to focus her attentions on Italy during the Renaissance. Instead, the wealth and prosperity (combined with other various circumstances of the TL) of the Low Countries prompted Paris to move north, eventually reaching the Rhine after a succession of various wars.

I guess I should point out now that the two German states are vassals of the French and Swedish empires, and the nation along the Caucus mountains is also a Swedish vassal state.
I guess I should point out now that the two German states are vassals of the French and Swedish empires, and the nation along the Caucus mountains is also a Swedish vassal state.

this isn't the Wittelsbach Spain thing is it, alternate or more likely different Bourbon/Hapsburg showdown around 1700.

Bavaria allied to France dominates the western parts of the HRE and what Brandenburg and the Hohenzollerns dominate the eastern HRE.

The Swedish vassal to the south would be the Crimean Tartars I suppose... shouldn't they still be vassals of the Ottomans.

mind you the whole east looks like it would be wrong if that is the case...P-L would probably still exist allied to Sweden perhaps with remnant Hohenzollern and Hapsburgs in the East of the HRE

So that must be wrong. But it does explain the West of Europe and the same borders for Spain, Portugal and Grt.Britain and to a lesser extent the Ottoman and Italian breakdown.
This map is placed somewhere in the early 1700s.

The POD is probably some time (centuries) after the death of Charlemagne. East and West Francia survive. The blue color in the Crimea is Khazaria, with serves as a buffer between the Mongols/Tatars to its north, Christian Europeans to its northwest, and the Muslim Ottoman Empire to its south.
For some reason, I'm wondering if the Norse decided to vest thier interests in trade, ala, 11oo/12oo's. Certainly they were trading in these areas, and they might have tried to concentrate here. Just a thought. It would explain Western Europe being less fractured to a point.
No Islam
Byzantine empire remains strong by holding Egypt
No civil war following Charmaine's death- three successors states survive
Rus move into East Europe.
Mongols push Rus back west and Kazars south.
The POD is probably some time (centuries) after the death of Charlemagne. East and West Francia survive. The blue color in the Crimea is Khazaria, with serves as a buffer between the Mongols/Tatars to its north, Christian Europeans to its northwest, and the Muslim Ottoman Empire to its south.

Actually, I was thinking that the Swedish Empire won the Great Northern war and annexed territory giving it access to the black sea, and set up Caucus and East German vassal states as buffers, and France sets up a West German vassal state in response.
Actually, I was thinking that the Swedish Empire won the Great Northern war and annexed territory giving it access to the black sea, and set up Caucus and East German vassal states as buffers, and France sets up a West German vassal state in response.

Ah but thats the thing... I don't think Karl XII had any interest in annexing large swaths of P-L...only in ejecting Augustus and putting his own man in place in charge of the whole thing thus gaining P-L essentially as an ally to the south against Russian encroachment. Given the longevity of Stanislaus Lecsyznski (and yes the spelling is probably not exact) that would be a partnership probably lasting through the first half of the 1700's at least.

Thats why I thought the eastern borders looked off somewhat for that kind of POD. It would probably pre-empt the rise of Brandenburg-Prussia . I think the Swedes would then back a pro-Swedish regime in P-L for some time just to keep their southern frontiers and their Baltic provinces free from interference from that quarter. Could you possibly get a push for a P-L-R to counter any resurgence of Russia.

Unless....Wittlesbach Spain event...no War of Spanish succession Austria joins Russia in War against the Ottomans... pitting the Ottoman's and Swedes against Austria/Russia/Saxony (in an attempt to regain P-L) in the East P-L ends up divided by pro-Augustus and pro-Stanislaus forces....The bulk of it to pro-Stanislaus forces and is so weak they are eventually annexed directly to the Swedish Empire in a future 4th Grt Northern War that results in the annexation of D-N and the establishment of the Crimean Tartars as Vassals.