War of the Worlds

you are XXZDSFRG from planet X and you have been asigned to conquer earth. you can destroy 50 cities. ?which ones do you chose?


40 of America's greatest cities. Then tell everyone else they're either with you in the fight against American terrorism, or against you. If they're against you, make like they're next. America's buggered, sadly, but nobody else will be foolish enough to fight back, so long as you're reasonable otherwise.
Galbatorix said:
you are XXZDSFRG from planet X and you have been asigned to conquer earth. you can destroy 50 cities. ?which ones do you chose?

Why do you say destroy? This is a campaign against urban blight making use of eminent domain.
I wouldn't destroy any cities. A truly advanced civilization would have other means to conquer a planet besides laying waste to it. I'd ally myself to the strongest power (which on Earth is the United States) and get it to do the grunt work of taking over the world, with the assisstence of "advisors" and my high tech weapons.
Just destroy the largest 50 Metropolitan areas, after all, as an Alien, how much would I know about the Earth to do it any other way, anyway?
Hermanubis said:
Just destroy the largest 50 Metropolitan areas, after all, as an Alien, how much would I know about the Earth to do it any other way, anyway?

Exactly. Just tap into Earth's TV and radio trasnmissions and figure what the 50 richest cities in the world are and then go and nuke them.
hit Canada's 50 biggest cities.... if Canada doesn't have 50 cities (which is very likely), use whatever is left over on France...
Now, whatever did the Canucks do to you? :p

Personally, I'd go for the resources. Just kill everyone sitting on them and bat all futile assaults away. Just treat the animals like animals. :cool:
Go to large unscrupulous countries who can do the grunt work (China), and give them the tech to take over the world in your name, with the help of hight technology and the ability to destory and city that resists.
When you say 'conquer Earth' what do you really mean?
Do you want to rule over the existing population?
Do you want to eliminate humans and colonize Earth with your own race?

That is part of the 'war of the worlds' issue that has always fascinated me. We have all these aliens vs. earth senarios but in many cases it is difficult to determine why the aliens are here in the first place. (Well that is not always the case - remember "To Serve Mankind")

Actually the "V" series was a more realistic version of how aliens might take over.

(In the current WoW movie the alien machines had already been buried on Earth for eons prior to the arrivial of the aliens themselves. If they could get all those tripods here in the past, why not just take over then? Also, I find it hard to belive that those machines could remain undetected?)
Johnestauffer said:
...In the current WoW movie the alien machines had already been buried on Earth for eons prior to the arrivial of the aliens themselves. If they could get all those tripods here in the past, why not just take over then? ...

Maybe they wanted the sport of killing off other technological creatures or they had some strange philospophy that it was only morally right and proper to kill and render as fertilizer other sentient beings - rather than lower animals, which they conspicuously did not seem to exploit in such a way. Who knows what lurks in the head of a three legged alien? You are right, though, so much of that movie just made no sense whatsoever.
Dave Howery said:
nothing... it's just... that... they're Canadians.... and French... isn't that explanation enough?


And if you go for Quebec, you get a twofer! Pretty cool.