Voltron ( with AH elements), He-Man and Green Arrow coming to big screen


Voltron To Be Adapted For Film

New Regency has partnered with the Mark Gordon Co. to adapt Voltron: Defender of the Universe, the 1980s Japanese animated SF TV show, into a possible franchise, Variety reported.

Producer Mark Gordon has been developing the movie, with Justin Marks writing the script.

Interest in the property hit a high after Transformers turned into a box-office juggernaut, raking in nearly $300 million to date.

Marks' take is described as a post-apocalyptic tale of survival set in New York City and Mexico.

In the animated series, five Galaxy Alliance pilots control vehicles shaped like lions that combine and form the massive sword-wielding Voltron robot in order to battle an evil menace.

Marks is also adapting He-Man and the Masters of the Universe for Joel Silver at Warner Brothers and the DC Comics superhero Green Arrow for Supermax.