Violent video games banned or restricted in USA

OTL the Wii has been successful with people who wouldn’t even think of buying a XBOX or Playstation.

This is known. However, it's important to note that consoles are not profit generators, and given the lack of dependence your proposed genres have on speed of processing and graphics you remove alot of the heavy hitters that jusify the development on and for that hardware. Like the casual market iotl you'd see a move to low powered handhelds, not triple A spending on anything.
Maybe Myst-style adventure games remain more popular than they have IRL?

I actually don't think that a shift to less human(oid) enemies in action RPGs would be a bad thing, because one thing that's often a bit dissonant is that you can play a character like the Lone Wanderer from Fallout 3 or Commander Shepard from Mass Effect as something of a peacemaker and humanitarian based on dialogue choices. And yet this same person seems largely unfazed by having to kill people all the time, even if it is self-defense. I'd prefer more options for non-lethal takedowns along the lines of Deus Ex and/or missions where most of the "action" is against, say, non-sentient combat robots and then there's a confrontation with the mastermind and choices for how to resolve it.