Vindoba Orientalim: A Romano-Pannonian Rump State

I: 456-457
  • Eparkhos

    Summer, 456

    The Rugii migrate into Noricum, led by their king Flaccitheus. They sack several small towns, and before the provincial governor, L. Flavius Propinquus, can respond, he is besieged with the extremely understrength Legio X Gemina in Vindoba (Occitanus). The X Gemina numbers roughly four hundred demoralised Goths and a few hundred local Celtic and Roman men. Propinquus knows that he won't be able to hold the fortress against a determined siege. Instead, he waits until Arian Pentecost and makes a break for the ruined fortress of Caruntum, specifically the town of Castra on the river-islands opposite it.
    Propinquus makes it halfway under the cover of darkness, and by the time the Rugii realize that the Latine Goths are no longer in Vindoba Occitanus. Instead, the Latine Goths had already ferried four hundred locals (essentially every unmarried woman who had been standing outside when they passed through) and themselves over to the island.

    Flaccitheus attempts to cross onto the islands, but when he lands he is repulsed. The Rugii begin to spread out, leaving a small group to watch the island.
  • Eparkhos

    Fall and Winter 456

    The Athaulfians begin to clear their island and build a hillfort on the north end of the island. However, after a few weeks, Propinquus calculates that they don’t have enough time left in the year to grow any food, and their reserves are too small to last the winter.

    In mid-fall, he leads a raid into Pannonia, crushing a 400-strong Rugii army and sacking several Roman towns before retreating back across the river. Flaccitheus attempts to take the island again, but his rafts are swept downstream.
    III: 457
  • Eparkhos


    Propinquus names the hillfort and surrounding settlement “Vindoba Orrientalis.” As spring comes, he launches a raid into Herlui lands on the north bank, returning three months later. When he does, he finds that the Rugii are gone, having been chased west by the Ostrogoths.

    Theodemir, King of the Ostrogoths, sends an embassy to Propinquus under his brother Vidimir. Vidimir is ferried to Vindoba Orrientalis, and enters negotiations with the Latine Goth. After a few days, Propinquus recognizes Theodemir as his nominal overlord and promises to stop raiding the south bank, and in exchange he is recognized as Rex Athaulfus.

    Propinquus raids west that fall, laying siege to the Herular city of Gerulata before being driven off by the Herular king Rodulf. That winter, the Latine Goths are content, and their food reserves last until spring. That Christmas, Propinquus is elevated by his men and declared King of the Athaulfii and crowned by Saint Severinus.


    Propinquus invades Sarmatia, marching along the north bank of the Danube. He raids as far south as Singidunum before turning back. In mid-fall he marries Gudeliva, niece of Theodemir.


    Propinquus launches his yearly raid, this year into Rugilia. While he is gone, two legions under J. Petrus Aquinius arrive on the southern bank, there to relieve Propinquus of his command under the orders of Majorian. L. Gaius Gothicus, his brother, stonewalls Aquinius while sending pleas for aid to Theodemir and messages to Propinquus to return as soon as possible. The two arrive at roughly the same time and route the Romans, driving them back south.


    Propinquus remains at Vindoba Orrientalis for the entire year, fearing the return of Aquinius.