V for Vendetta movie

Now shooting in Germany. Starring: Natalie Portman!

I don't know about the exact POD (in the comic it looked like a nuclear war in the 80s, but in the movie it seems that the Germans won WW2), but hey, it's AH...
Also filmed partly in London, they closed off part around Parliment one night recently to film a scene involving lots of people dress as Guy Fawkes tsaging a revolution. One paper here described it as a 'vision of a future Britain'

Never read the comics so no idea what is about-have to be honest hope it is some alt history plot (Germans winning WW2 or 80s nuclear war) rather than 'this is a future Britain'.
In the comic, a nuclear war in the '80s let to governmental breakdown in the UK. When the dust settled, a fascistic leader ended up in charge. He was basically a British version of Hitler who had all blacks, asians and various other groups sent to extermination camps. At the beginning of the comic, all this has already happened and the people in general live a rather grey and dreary life under the fascist government.

It's a very cool comic although I don't at all agree with the nonsensical anarchist philosophy it espouses.


"V" is by Alan Moore, who also brought us "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" and "The Watchmen" among others. But, even though I liked his other works for their gritty pessimism and their frankly disturbed anti-heroes, I didn't enjoy "V" that much. Perhaps because the whole post-nuclear war thing feels dated now. And the atmosphere had something of a "classic" Orwellian feel that made it seem like a comic out of the 1950s.
But then, who knows how much (or how little) of the original graphic novel will make it onscreen? It's not like TLEG is a hopeful precedent.
Hendryk said:
But then, who knows how much (or how little) of the original graphic novel will make it onscreen? It's not like TLEG is a hopeful precedent.
Well, I heard that the Wachowskis (the Matrix guys) are involved, so hopefully they won't mess it up too much.

The thing I found interesting was that the story had two sides I found equally despicable (totalitarianian, cruel Norsefire versus the sadistic anarchist V). Hope they keep that in the movie.
SPOILER WARNING:Spoiler Warning.There was a picture shown of the man with the mask in full costume-may be on DC Board under V for Vendetta or DC Movies.The guy playing him is /was Elrond-Hugo Weaving?Also Mr.Smith!
Inevitable I suppose- Hollywood audiences don't like seeing movies where there are no good guys...

The thing I never liked about 'V' was that it didn't jibe properly with the English national character. The English have never stood for totalitarian governments and even in the aftermath of a nuclear war I find it hard to believe that Fascists could have come into power...

It's still a crackingly good comic though!