Upcoming Alt-History/Sci-Fi Novel by Alternate History Hub: The Atlantropa Articles

For those not in the know, Alternate History Hub is a Youtube channel run by one Cody Franklin that is one of the most popular and successful Alternate History platform on the medium. The channel is directed to more 'mainstream' and implausible alternate history concepts, but it's nonetheless a good 'gateway alternate history' source.

Cody has announced his first novel, The Atlantropa Articles, to be released October 15th of this year, as a science-fiction story set in the mid-22nd Century, in which the Third Reich was truly a Reich to last a thousand years (or in this case two). Adolf Hitler is a near-mythological figure seen as a visionary akin to Napoleon or Alexander the Great for having lead the charge to implement the Atlantropa Project: an international project to drain the Mediterranean as a hydro-electric, job creating, and expansionist plan to spur a new age of colonialism across what was once the Mediterranean seabed (this project never got off the ground IOTL). Before the full damaging effects of Atlantropa became obvious, Nazism and Fascism cemented itself as the virile new ideology needed in Europe, with pro-Axis governments popping up all over the continent. However, as the project was completed, the Mediterranean became a blistering desert rather than than the fertile oasis expected.

Although obviously pretty out there in terms of realism, it sounds like a fun read. Here's a link to the Amazon page and the trailer from his Youtube channel.

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