Ultra revealed immediately after WW2

What if someone walks into the office of a Swedish newspaper in May 1945 to sell a story. The story is that the British were reading most of the German codes during WW2. He (or she) could be British or American and trying to make money from his knowledge now it is no longer critical for winning the war but while it is still an exciting story. Alternatively he could be could be a German who had assembled a convincing case but had never persuaded his superiors and now is going to use his work to make money. Ideally both individuals should visit several newspapers so that several Swedish journalists become convinced by the story. Naturally, I would be happy with other mechanisms such as US Congressmen etc.

Would the German generals blame their communications officers rather than Hitler in their memoirs? Would Anglo-American generals receive criticism for not winning quicker despite knowing what the enemy was going to do? Would the British make someone like Turing into a hero? Might the British have given designing computers higher priority? Would the Poles make their claim?


Soviets immediately take the point, and make big changes to all their cyphers. The U.S. Venona Project suffers as a result, and a few post-war Soviet spies go uncaught.
Would the German generals blame their communications officers rather than Hitler in their memoirs? Would Anglo-American generals receive criticism for not winning quicker despite knowing what the enemy was going to do? Would the British make someone like Turing into a hero? Might the British have given designing computers higher priority? Would the Poles make their claim?

1. (German General Blame Game) A bit, but Hitler would probably remain the main focus because it makes them look better to a world public that hates him.
2. (Armchair Allied Blame Game) Yes. Unfairly as the ULTRA information was a lot patchier than people think.
2. (Science Hero) Maybe, but with Turing himself it'd be... complicated, as he was basically hounded to death for being gay.:(:mad:
3. I doubt it.
4. (Credit Where Credit is Due) Sure, why not? Not that it would do them any good...