Tudors Shall Prosper: What if Edward VI lived?

What if Edward VI managed to live an extra 45-ish years? He gets married to Elisabeth of Valois in lets say, 1561, when she is 16. They have kids (if things go well anyway) and he has heirs to the throne. How would this affect the world and the British Isles?
Things between Edward and Elisabeth are bound to be tense unless she wholeheartedly accepts Protestantism. As far as how Edward rules, I think he would expect very much to rule in the mold of his father - a ‘do as I say’ type of king - and will likely continue to prosecute Catholics in his realm.
What if Edward VI managed to live an extra 45-ish years? He gets married to Elisabeth of Valois in lets say, 1561, when she is 16. They have kids (if things go well anyway) and he has heirs to the throne. How would this affect the world and the British Isles?
I guess there would be unfavorable relations with Spain earlier, and the Church of England continues mostly unabated.
Though given Edward’s personality and religious leanings I could see him maybe choosing to bolster the rebels in the Netherlands (if that still becomes a thing) but that’s not a guarantee
What happens to Lady Jean Grey in this timeline?

Indeed what happens to the Tudor Princess Mary and Elizabeth?

If Edward lives and extra 45 years and dies in 1598, I wonder what sort of Britain he will be handing his children? Certainly an England where Protestantism has 'bedded in' and Catholicism has been suppressed- would his young son, the new King face a 'gunpowder plot' of his own or will things have become too settled for that?

I could see Edward VI still getting invovled in the discovery and exploration of the New World, perhaps even more so than Elizabeth did.

At least with Edward and successors on the Throne we are likely to keep the Welsh Dragon on the Coat of Arms:

Is it possible *Anne of Denmark, daughter of Christian III of Denmark, could be betrothed to Edward VI? I know her marriage to Augustus of Saxony was due to Danish wishes of closer ties to Germany but still. Being connected to another Protestant power could prove useful. Also, trade.

*Mostly I just want another plausible alternative for a bride besides Elisabeth of Valois.
If our surviving Edward VI lives I could see the following potential wives for him:

  • Princess Catherine Vasa of Sweden (born 1539). Her father was a Lutheran convert, so I could see her doing well in a Protestant England. OTL she lived to be 71, and she had 10 children.
  • Princess Cecila Vasa of Sweden, (born 1540) . A far more scandalous lady than her older sister, she actually met Elizabeth (when Sweden was hoping for Elizabeth's hand) and had a residence in England. Her son, Edward of Baden, was born in England. She, OTL, had six legitimate children and 1 illegitimate daughter. Probably the most entertaining option.
  • Elisabeth of Hesse, (born 1539). Father was also Lutheran. OTL had several children but most died in infancy.
  • Hedwig of Brandenburg (born 1540). Her father was Elector Joachim II Hector of Brandenburg and her mother was Hedwig Jagiellon. OTL had 9 children and is described as humble and pious.
  • Elisabeth of the Palatinate (born 1540). Father was Frederick III of Simmern, the Pious, Elector Palatine of the Rhine. OTL was super loyal to her husband and fought hard for his freedom.
  • Barbara of Hesse (born 1536). Daughter of Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse and his legitimate wife Christine of Saxony. Her father was a leading champion of the Protestant Reformation. OTL she had one son, who himself had fifteen children and to whom the current English and Spanish royal families of Europe decend from.
  • And, it wouldnt be a Tudor timeline without Mary, Queen of Scots ( born 1542). She's his cousin and Catholic and the Auld Alliance is a thing so unlikely. Possibly an option after the death of Dauphin Francis.
Another option is Anna of Saxony (b.1544) purely because she's so fantastically rich. But Edward wanted Elisabeth. He thought he could persuade her to convert because she was so much younger than he was.

Lady Jane Grey will have a much happier life as a scholarly royal cousin, and as for Elizabeth... I'm tempted to say Edward marries her off to an Irish noble, such as the Earl of Ormonde or Barnaby Fitzpatrick, and uses her to help bring Ireland to heel.
What happens to Lady Jean Grey in this timeline?
Indeed what happens to the Tudor Princess Mary and Elizabeth?
Mary likely dies an old maid. Elizabeth goes off to Denmark or Sweden
If Edward lives and extra 45 years and dies in 1598, I wonder what sort of Britain he will be handing his children? Certainly an England where Protestantism has 'bedded in' and Catholicism has been suppressed- would his young son, the new King face a 'gunpowder plot' of his own or will things have become too settled for that?

I could see Edward VI still getting invovled in the discovery and exploration of the New World, perhaps even more so than Elizabeth did.
Actuallyy, based on OTL under Ned, he was more interested in conquering Oran
At least with Edward and successors on the Throne we are likely to keep the Welsh Dragon on the Coat of Arms:

But no Scots unicorn, which could prove problematic if the thistle and lily combine
Edward martyring Mary might make it happen.
NO. Edward would have nothing to gain to killing Mary Stuart, who was an anointed Queen and NOT his subject. if you are talking about Mary Tudor instead, NOBODY would lift a finger if she is executed for treason by Edward VI as she is his subject by birth. That is the same reason for which Charles V sent his ambassador in England to Mary with the message who he would be unable to do anything for her if she continued to resist to her father’s will.
Wonder if his survival and stricter Protestantism compared to Elizabeth mean that the Plantations have more royal backing, with a lot larger Protestant element in Ireland.

Also means the Puritans stay home, especially if his heir(s) take after him, with big knock-on effects.
Can I ask for what reason Edwards match with Elisabeth of Valois was considered desirable for either side, beyond the money France would receive?

Also would Edward be more likely than elizabeth to aid the Dutch/secure power in the Netherlands during the 80 years war?
Can I ask for what reason Edwards match with Elisabeth of Valois was considered desirable for either side, beyond the money France would receive?
Mostly prestige. Plus an alliance against Spain was seen as desirable by both sides. Plus Elisabeth as eldest daughter of the French King would most likely bring a better dowry than the other possible Protestant candidates for Edward, who would also be less prestigious than her and do not bring a comparable alliance
So, I'm a little unclear on when Eric XIV of Sweden started pursuing but I have a feeling that I've read something about it starting before she was Queen. Now obviously she has a much less chance of becoming Queen here than OTL. But if Eric still comes a courting, I could easily see Edward saying yes and arranging the marriage.
So, I'm a little unclear on when Eric XIV of Sweden started pursuing but I have a feeling that I've read something about it starting before she was Queen. Now obviously she has a much less chance of becoming Queen here than OTL. But if Eric still comes a courting, I could easily see Edward saying yes and arranging the marriage.

Marriage between Eric and Elizabeth would too avoid the king some problems with his brothers, speciality if this marriage would produce heir.
So, I'm a little unclear on when Eric XIV of Sweden started pursuing but I have a feeling that I've read something about it starting before she was Queen. Now obviously she has a much less chance of becoming Queen here than OTL. But if Eric still comes a courting, I could easily see Edward saying yes and arranging the marriage.
Elizabeth would be an highly prestigious and advantageous match for Eric as either Queen or half-sister of the King so is likely who Eric would still court her… In any case Elizabeth’s main options here are either Sweden or Denmark