Triple Intervention


This is one of those maddening things that straddle our divide- I put it here for "after 1900" because the biggest effects are in this era (I think)

After the Sino-Japanese war (1894-95) Russia, France and Germany join in the triple intervention forcing Japan to give up Port Arthur in return for an increased indemnity. Suppose we change it a bit:

After England refuses to join, the Russians turn to Spain (more than willing because she was mad about Taiwan) as well and the powers demand that Japan turn over everything (Germany gets Taiwan, Russia a "mandate" for Korea, Spain the two battleships building in England) They also split the indemnity between themselves (France might get a little more since she doesn't take any territory) The amount is 200,000,000 taels (300,000,000 rubles, 600,000,000 marks, 750,000,000 francs) Split four ways that will buy about 7-8 Battleships

Which is what they all do (Spend it on their navies anyway you like)

Now my questions:

The two battleships would be ready for Spain before the American war- do you think that changes much? Both for Spain and America

Would Germany have still gone ahead and seized Kaichow? This led to the scramble for concessions and the Boxer Rebellion (1898 and 1900)

How would England have responded at Fashoda? would she have been more likely to press the case seeing a Franco-Russian buildup or settle for the diplomatic victory as in OTL?

It certainly prevents Japan from being able to launch its attack on Russia in 1904 and the results. How does Russia fare now? and what is England's response to increase Russian dominance in the Far East?