TL expansion game

Here is the goal, in one week from today I will pick the best scenario presented. It is anything covering 15 to 50 years from 1500 AD onwards. Have fun be serious, funny, or however you think is best.

Now when I pick a winner, that person list the next POD, using their TL as a base. This keeps going till we have a nice TL all set up.


Required POD: Some royal house merging with another. So have the great Tudor-Yamato Empire, the Burbon-Romanovs or whatever you want.

Due date:8/15/2008
A thread will come up this day for all the entries to go in.

Judging: Simply I pick the one I like the most.

Afterwards: The winner lays out the next POD based on the TL that won.
I'm ignorant. What signifigance does a merging family hold?

Picture Austro-Hungary merging its royal family with the German Empire's. On one hand you have an alliance but if say the daughter of AH marries the son of Germany then the child of the two could rule both nations. Think of Elizabeth of England marrying Ivan the terrible, now you have England and Russia united.
I'm sorry to report I will not be participating in this challenge for my knowledge of this ass.


Then I pick Elizabeth I marrying into the house of Oldenburg. Perhaps a marriage to John XVI (hard to find information).
Frederick II (the Great) of Prussia persuades his father to accept the marriage that he proposed and marries Maria Theresa of Austria, thus merging the houses of Hohenzollern and Habsburg.
Sounds interesting, though I know next to nothing about the royal houses of this era and I don't have my historical atlases because I'm going through a move. I'll give it a shot, but this is my first shot at this. I have a free day tomorrow so I'll try it then. Hopefully I'll get something done by then but no promises!
Er.. I seemed to have misunderstood what you were going for. I thought we were constructing a timeline one chosen winner PoD at a time...

We are. Its just we need a POD to start with no? This is the start of it, in a few days the winner is chosen, that winner sets down the next POD built from his Tl and we keep going till no one posts anymore.