TL Development: October Surprise 1980

I've been toying with the idea of writing a timeline on this theory which proves the Reagan campaign and possibly even Reagan himself did in fact make a deal with the Iranians to withhold the hostages release until after the election.

The plan calls for quite a few PODs. The first PoD is that a ship alleged to contain arms promised to the Iranians was stopped and seized at the harbor in Lisbon.

The second PoD is Adelino Amaro da Costa does not die in a plane crash in 1980. da Costa believing that the Americans were responsible for what is seen as an assination attempt goes to the UN General Assembly on July 15th of 1981 and has in his possession the promised documents linking the Reagan Campaign to the Iranian hostage takers.

As per OTL on July 18, 1981 The USSR's TASS news agency reports the emergency landing near the USSR/Turkish border of an Argentine-registered transport aircraft leased and flown by Israelis, carrying a full load of US weaponry and military spare parts. The US Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East, Nicholas Veliotes, investigated this occurrence and concluded that the downed aircraft was on its third such flight in a series of shipments of US weapons to Iran which had been authorized by high officials in the Reagan Administration.

By August of 1981 the Democrat controlled US House of Representatives launches an investigation into the matter and begins handing out subpeonas.

This is where I have currently stopped. I did not want to pursue the matter any further until I can put aside ASB issues that people may have.
Just FYI conspiracy theories don't get traction here that easily. Also, how does the former Governor of California have those connections?
Just FYI conspiracy theories don't get traction here that easily. Also, how does the former Governor of California have those connections?

It's not batshit, it's plausible. People have assumed the hypothesis to be true for the sake of a TL and haven't been called out. This is an Administration that had the CIA support the Contras smuggling cocaine to the US to make it into crack and legitimize the Drug War. This is the Iran-Contra Administration. It's entirely possible.

George Bush and William J. Casey.
Just FYI conspiracy theories don't get traction here that easily. Also, how does the former Governor of California have those connections?

I don't think Reagan had those kind of connections, but most certainly George H.W. Bush did as former head of the CIA. The plan as it stands now is either have Reagan implicated by witnesses or some kind of audio recording. The alternative plan is to Bush take the fall. Either way Reagan ends up as a one term President.

I understand that this is a controversial subject. But considering all the congressional investigations into this matter, there was a genuine belief in the plausibility of this event actually taking place.