The Troubled Germanies | An Anthology Series

The Troubled Germanies | An Anthology Series


The Troubled Germanies | An Anthology Series

POD - 1840

STORY PERIOD - 1930-1950s


POD Summary:

The 1840 Revolts have come and gone, and the monarchies and autocrats throughout Central Europe responded harshly to the calls of democracy, nationalism, and worker's rights. With saber and shot the hopeful firebrands of that bygone spring were forced back, and the petty lords of the German Confederation hold on to their realms on a teetering blade. Germany is not unified, but neither is it yet lost. A hundred years later, and the age old system has finally began to show it's cracks, as what should have been the epicenter of European power projection falls further and further behind on the geopolitical scale.

New revolutions, open strife between the statelets, civil wars, and foreign interference shutter throughout Großdeutschland. The German Question having still been unanswered, the humble peoples of Prussia, Bavaria, Austria and more have decided to make their voices heard once more. Open and defiant against their masters, democratic forces storm age old capitals, while fascists hold rallies and persecute in the open streets, the lands of Germany are ablaze, and the world stage must answer.


Narrative Summary:

The Troubled Germanies will be a series of stories set across the 1930s~1950s inside of Germany and neighboring European countries, focusing less on the exact history of how Central Europe became such a destabilized region, and more focusing on telling narratives within that framework. This will be a very rule of cool timeline, focusing on characters and set pieces instead of tracking down ever last string of historical accuracy. Each story/part will be a self contained tale broken into acts/chapters that can be enjoyed as the reader pleases. A certain story not taking you? Hop on over to the next and see if that changes.

All in all, if you want to see stories told within a Germany that brings to mind historical themes of the Arab Spring and other similar Revolutionary Waves of history, with a focus on the life between the lines instead of the words themselves, this is the timeline for you.