The Triple Empire Alliance of 1807?

During the Napoleonic wars Napoleon had a grand plan to find allies in the Ottoman Empire and Persia, having antagonized most of Europe and needing some way to pressure his enemy Russia.

In 1807 Napoleon signed a peace treaty with Russia, a treaty lasting for around 5 years before the invasion in 1812. Before the treaty France had tried to distract Russia by aiding their enemies in Persia, promising training and presumably arms for the archaic Persian army. This army later fought to the best of their ability in the Russo-Persian War, fielding a mix of modern infantry, tribal irregulars and even units of Russian deserters who fought as a kind of 'Guards' or elite forces.

What I propose is that the peace never comes to pass, and Napoleon actively pursues a tripariate alliance with the Ottomans and Persians. I do not have the necessary background knowledge to write a TL (yet) but I''d very much like to discuss the idea. If anyone have some thoughts on this or can direct me to some intereting sources on French politics in the Mid-East and on the Ottoman and Persian political and military situation I'd be much obliged.

Possible highlights include
- A three-way Invasion of Russia, with Ottoman and Persian attacks in the Caucasus and Balkans in support of the French invasion
- A modernized Ottoman military, French expertise helping to overthrow the Jannisary dominance deacades early
- A Shia Jihad on the Russian 'Great Satan'
- Russian counter-attacks and the full glory of massed artillery
- Polish lancers chraging over the steppes to meet cossacks in deadly combat

...and much more.
Russia did fight France, Persia and Turkey at the same time in 1806-7 and only missed repeating the situation in 1812 by defeating the Ottomans a month before Napoleon's invasion.

So the alliance is easy to engineer - all the Turks need to do is hold on for another month or so and 1812 will have all free fighting against Russia.

Only problem is that it's virtually a re-run of OTL