The Stuarts remain in power

In this TL James is not an absoulute Monarch and gives more rights to parliment thus butterfling away the Glorious revoulution....this is my first Britwank hope everybody would watch it, The Stuarts shall hold the English crown!!!!!!!!

In August 1685 tensions were growing beetween King James and Parliment

Over the standing army and creation of more catholic regiments but John decided to compromise, He promised Parliment that the standing army would be disbanded but in return the
test act must be repealed and Catholics and Protestants should have an equal right to the military on the views of Relegious discrimination and his advocation for a Tolerant England.... In return he wouldn't elect the catholic regiments. Parliment was assured now, although they did not like Catholics in the army they agreed to his demands and thus Parliment continued in England.... James read the works of Voltaire and Hobbes and was deeply attracted to them, he had been an advocator of absoulute Monarchy but some of their ideas made sense, However James did not want to lose his power, his divine right to Rule, Also James was growing weary of the dissent growing in his Dominion of New England and realized revolts would occur so he had his previous standing army that was about to disband board these ships and sail for the Americas in order to enforce his policies....... Parliment was even kore reassured that James would not dissolve them, became more close with James although he was catholic and people in the Anglican church started having second thoughts about the mistreatment of Christians, However this did not bode well in Massachusetts where the Puritans were enraged at what was occuring however Pennsilvania under the Quakers was rejoicing... In order to further ease the people James made a proclamation where he created the famous law of relegious freedom, All Christians regardless of their religion are herby tolerated in the English domains and have the rights of an English citizen, but they must swear an oath of complete and utter loyalty to Parliment and the English crown.... For decades England had gone through relegious unrest yet this king was planning to end it, Soon James was no longer hated but in the colonies due to his raising of taxes dissenters were growing....
Was James II an 'absolute monarch' in OTL? I never knew that was so.

I do recall that Charles I wanted to behave somewhat like an absolute monarch and ended up losing his head.
Well yeah, Dominion of New England, more control over colonies, Dissolving parliment, making all the rules, yeah he was an absoulute monrch in OTL...:mad: And a Stupid, incompetant twit...:cool:

In 1686 James had safely cemented his power, but he did not like Parliment, however he knew that if he crossed Parliment he would lose power.... Meanwhile French expansion was growing, They had a hte swathe of territory in Canada, something James did not like, so he decided that since France was in good relations with him, he would have the colonists seize Spanish territory, soon he sent letters go Settlers in the North America that if they wanted they were allowed onto Mexican land, while Privateers were hired to steal cargo and gold from Spanish ships, overjoyed many settlers moved onto Florida, the Spanish crown was enraged and ordered Britain to stop this vile actions it was commuting, however James ignored the Spaniards, All he did was reply saying he had no idea what was going on and that he lost all control in his colonies.....
In this TL James is not an absoulute Monarch and gives more rights to parliment thus butterfling away the Glorious revoulution....this is my first Britwank hope everybody would watch it, The Stuarts shall hold the English crown!!!!!!!!

Both William and Mary were stuarts (williams mother was a stuart), so technically in OTL the stuarts did stay in power, just another stuart.
erk, me no like scenario-Stuarts = biggest unmitigated disaster area since Tudors both lots are a set of steaming viper vomit (well ok honourable exception of Liz)

Yorkist to the core!
Oh I knew Mary was a Stuart but in this TL The male line of Stewarts manages to hold onto power, also in this TL James II is not the same James II of otl this tl James II is not an idiot, good for nothing Absoulutist who made some if the worst decisions in English history, he was in Otl as bad as a troll from 4 Chan /b/ section to us englishmen......:):) hope that clears everything up, update coming soon.:):);)
Oh I knew Mary was a Stuart but in this TL The male line of Stewarts manages to hold onto power, also in this TL James II is not the same James II of otl this tl James II is not an idiot, good for nothing Absoulutist who made some if the worst decisions in English history, he was in Otl as bad as a troll from 4 Chan /b/ section to us englishmen......:):) hope that clears everything up, update coming soon.:):);)

When and why did he change from the James II we know and loathe?
When and why did he change from the James II we know and loathe?

Well for now he is the same a OTL except more compromising, but he soon relaizes the benefits later on of taking parliments advice and he still has absoulute power, so he smartens up realizing if he played goody with parliment he could keep his throne, and his power, while not giving parliment a chance to seize his powers or stirring a revolt against him....:);)