A German Star: Erik Fritz (37)

A Hidden Facility Somewhere in Atlantic City.
January 15th, 195

After a few weeks to rest and recover and to go to Cuba to film a documentary about the island and its wonders, Fritz found himself again in the most inner sanctum of the whole country with his old "friend" and, there, he had been taken aside by Oswald and given his special orders, along with a document by the Aetheling’s own hand giving him special powers to carry the orders out. Even this unwanted power had improved Fritz's mood... until he landed in Antarctica "to see untold wonders, on special assignment by the Aetheling himself!", as a happy ORRA officer had greeted him in that forsaken place with a huge smile on his face. So, once in his room in the small office building, he poured himself a whisky which he drained instantly and then relaxed back into his chair. He knew that his presence disgusted the stiff-lipped archaeologists and scientists who were part of the mission. However, he thought with a dark grin, they were even more troubled by Dross and the ORRA agents that surrounded him. That morning, after landing, he had had his moment of fun when he had seen their eyes bulging out of their sockets to read the words of the Aetheling himself ordering the expedition to do its utmost to facilitate a successful completion of Fritz’s mission, which was apparently very secret. Oh, my day... he thought, with a smirk on his face

-Now let’s talk business -he began bluntly - I'm pretty sure that you aren’t exactly thrilled at our presence here - Without waiting for an answer Fritz continued - But remember: the sooner we are successful the sooner you and your crew can get back to your important work.

"And the sooner I'm out of this frozen hell, the better", Fritz added to himself.

-You have my full cooperation, what can we do to assist you.... Mr Fritz?” Doctor Brody answered, attempting to hide his discomfort at the situation.

-My men will begin the work to assemble one of the AeroJet Model 47 tomorrow and would appreciate all the help your mechanics can give us. -Brody nodded and Fritz went on -Furthermore, I have been informed that you team had flying boat to photograph vast areas, is this true?

-That is correct, Mr Fritz. Much of the maps have proven erroneous.

-I see, Now your plane is grounded because lack of spare parts, I have been informed, too. I hope that your plane did not stray into the restricted area?

- Of course not! -Brody protested, just to follow in a less firm voice- Not to my knowledge, at least, but why care about that…

-Are you aware of what happened to the Miskatonic University and the Starkweather-Moore expeditions? - Brody nodded- There is more to that story however and what I’m about to tell you is classified information, understood?” Brody nodded again and Fritz continued. -There are ruins in the restricted area, my dear Doctor! Perhaps remains of a settlement of some primordial civilization… or so I have been told - Brody looked very skeptical as it sounded like the ravings of a lunatic, but Fritz just went on.- We have obtained maps and references from the survivors of the Starkweather-Moore expedition. They point to a location that will most likely hold the objective of my mission.

-Will my men be required to participate in any of this? - Brody was obviously concerned.

-Yes and I’ll probably want your help, too. My men will protect you, of course.

-Of course…

-Cheer up, Doctor! I’m just an actor but this could be the greatest discovery of all time!

-One thing, Mr Fritz... -Fritz simply nodded at the pale Brody- What have these ruins. if they exist, to do with the disasters that befell the two expeditions?

-I can’t tell you any details, Doctor Brody, that is classified, but don’t worry, my men can handle any opposition - Fritz smiled before getting up- That’s all for now. I think we all need some rest...

As soon as Fritz left the room, Brody poured himself another glass of whisky and thought about the conversation and the fate of the two expeditions. What could be out there that it required a platoon of ORRA troops to protect it? An unexpected feeling of dread raced through his spine while he emptied his glass.


Fritz and Dross as the actor attempts to end
a conversation to go to the toilette.

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I wonder what a crossover with the Drakaverse would look like where the new United States and some of their allies (without countries in Africa and continental Europe got ISOT into the Drakaverse 1942.
A German Star: Erik Fritz (38)

The Barrier Camp
Queen Maud Land
February 10th, 195

Fritz was pleased to see Dross's men assembling the second AeroJet Model 47M plane. It was a very nice day with an almost perfectly clear blue sky. The Antarctic sun shone down on the barrier camp. and Fritz was in a good mood in spire of the hellish cold becase he had just finished a lengthy lesson about the dangers and challenges of flying in artic conditions. Dross could be pretty obsesive sometimes, and Fritz was hopjng for some more exciting acivity. He was bored to sobs after suffering too many times the historians (or whatever the heck they were) having their endless discussions and boring lectures by Schoenberg. Then he saw that Dross leaving the main building and moving in his direction. He wore the same white bulky clothes as all of them did, but his hat and protruding shoulder tabs identified him as an ORRA man. He walked up in front of him and made the perfunctory "all heil!" salute. Dross wasn’t really very formal about these things normally, but he enjoyed the irked reaction of the intelectual part of the expedition every time. So, he yelled at the top of his lungs just to be sure that Doctor Brody and his colleague, Professor Falken, could hear him. Then, with the same viciouos grin on his face, he asked Fritz

-So, I gather you are going to fly in the first recce flight?

-Tomorrow morning, indeed.

-If the reports are correct, it will be an excellent day for avionics; I hope I will have the opportunity to fly with you and see some of the staggering vistas of this ice realm - Fritz did not like the dreamy expression. of Dross' eyes.

-I’m sure you will, old boy.

-Have Falken or Brody told you anything of interest?

-No, nothing yet, we’ve only discussed archeological finds, especially their excavation in Peru.

-I’m sure it’s very exciting , Keep me informed if any of then tell you anything interesting or out of the ordinary, wouldn't you?

-I doubt they’ll trust me, they seems a decent fellow - Fritz laughed.

- Remember. You are here to assist me with my mission.

-If you keep repeating that, I think I won't forget it, old boy -Fritz added, still grinning.

-Pay special attention in case Brody mentions anything related with a failed German excavation in Egypt in 1938 - Dross added suddenly. He look very sesious and that just spurred Fritz's desire to laugh very loudly.

-Did I ever tell you I was about to film "The Mummy", back in the late 30s? -When Dross rolled his eyes Fritz knew he had just hit the mark.

-There are aspects to this mission that you are not aware of yet, and the Aetheling himself is reading my daily reports. Furthermore, Falken is the foremost expert of ancient Thule and other fabled primordial civilizations., and a celebrated member of the Thule Gesellschaft

-The Cool Gesewhat? That sounds like a very yummy German dessert...

-FRITZ! - if looks could kill, Dross would have massacred Fritz on the spot.

-Very well, very well, I get your point, Dross. Relax, man! You know, so much stress can't be good for anyone's health.

Turning on his heels, Dross left Fritz and walked back towards the main building. Fritz, still smiling, wondered if it was a good idea to keep testing Dross's patience. For the moment, Fritz tough, it seemed just the perfect idea. Tomorrow the flight will provide him with enough adrenaline to forget about teason the ORRA man.

Suddenly, a huge snowball hit Fritz square on his face.


You son of the gun!
This probably is more on the supernatural side, but it's possible the Worm and Njarl (Madnessverse "dark god" and "angel of Manifest Destiny" respectively) are Chaos entities (although more similar to Chaos from Sailor Moon than in Warhammer). They are not going to use their full power since that may lead to the rise of heroes to stop them, so they are primarily influencing society (especially RU/NUSA) from behind the scenes to make it worse.

Alternatively, Njarl is a manifestation of the problems of America/Its dark side. A fallen angel born from the problems of American society, from imperialism to racism. Obviously, this doesn't have any standing in a realistic timeline. The "Chuck's Dream Sequence" chapter did seem supernatural at times though (although it's also possible that is because Oswald is Oswald.)
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This probably is more on the supernatural side, but it's possible the Worm and Njarl (Madnessverse "dark god" and "angel of Manifest Destiny" respectively) are Chaos entities (although more similar to Chaos from Sailor Moon than in Warhammer). They are not going to use their full power since that may lead to the rise of heroes to stop them, so they are primarily influencing society (especially RU/NUSA) from behind the scenes to make it worse.

Alternatively, Njarl is a manifestation of the problems of America/Its dark side. A fallen angel born from the problems of American society, from imperialism to racism.
Honestly given the spelling I thought Njarl is Nyarlathotep. And I thought the Worm is a badly garbled Quetzalcoatl.
Honestly given the spelling I thought Njarl is Nyarlathotep. And I thought the Worm is a badly garbled Quetzalcoatl.
Yes, that is also possible that Njarl is or is related to Nyalarthotep. Worm being a "pop culture Aztecs/Quetzalcoatl" also makes sense.
I know realistically Madnessverse does not have supernatural entities, but this was a fun thought experiment.
A German Star: Erik Fritz (39)

Camp ‘Thule’, Antarctica
February 22nd, 195

The heavily loaded AeroJet Model 47M finally touched down after its long and slow descent. Only a ver mad pilot would go through with a flight in the Antarctic night, although far from pitch black it was still a risky endeavor. However, Chuck Oswald was one of the most persuasive human beings ever born. Fritz was resting in his tent after spending the night talking with Dr. Falken, who had raved while they had shared a bottle of schnapps. The story sounded rather fantastic but Fritz had his share of strange things himself after visiting the Dreamland to discard it. Falken claimed that the Miskantonic University expedition had found a primordial city located in a massive mountain range of comparable size to the Himalayas. This could very well be ancient Thule itself, Falken swore over and over, so he had to fly to Camp ‘Thule’, the forward base that acted as a fuel depot and housed a permanent rescue team with a Model 47M on standby. Dross, on his part, was not too cheerful about the place and had sent Fritz a very vivid description of the area and the excavation the team had initiated on one of the large plateaus they had found in the frozen city. The ORRA engineers had obviously made phenomenally rapid and effective borings and blastings in the thick ice layer and found an entrance into one of the buildings. Falken then fell asleep in a drunken stupor, but not before he had managed to explain that they had found carvings made by the founders of the city!

In the cold arctic summer night, Camp ‘Thule’ wasn’t very impressive, just a small barrack and two large tents beside the very primitive ‘air strip’. Fritz was guided by the ORRA guards to a small office., Once there, Dross rose from his chair behind a small desk, smiling, “Ah my good friend! How good of you to join us here at Camp ‘Thule! I’m on my way down to the Ice Palace, do you care to join me?”

“Oh yes, why not" Fritz retorted cinically.

“Stop pretending you’re not intrigued, Mr. Fritz” -Dross sounded too formal and too happy and, all of the sudden, Fritz began to feel that something was rotten in Camp Thule.

“What have you found here?”

“Come I’ll show you!” Dross grinned and led him outside and they walked over to one of the large tents, which they entered. There was nothing inside except a circular pathway, seemingly leading into the bowels of the earth. Dross lit a flashlight and led the way while Fritz followed a bit hesitantly. They walked in silence for a good fifteen minutes before they reached an exit, which was lit, the pathway continued downward.

“This is our floor, methinks.”

The two men walked trough a long corridor, lit by electric torches pass two ORRA soldiers and then entered a majestic and colossal stone gallery. Dross noticed Fritz's pale face and his grin became wider.

“Yes it’s unbelievable, ancient Thule must have been powerful indeed.”

They reached a doorway, approximately three meters tall and in the shape of a pentagon, which they passed through and entered a vast plaza with several doorways leading in many directions. The ORRA me. were establishing a camp in the centre of the plaza and about ten ORRA soldiers were busy opening crates and assembling equipment. The air was filled with the sounds of the working men and a diesel generator powering an impressive array of lamps. Dross led Fritz through a short hallway and into a huge star shaped room. A large table surrounded by five chairs had been placed half way into the room, beside it stood Falken, who turned around as Dross and Fritz approached.

Falken, very excited, took them to one of the great mosaics covering the walls, and began talking excitedly..

“Look here, gentlemen, this is intriguing craftsmanship! What do you make of it?” Fritz eyed the mosaic; the creatures depicted didn’t resemble anything even remotely related to humanity. They were shaped like upright sea cucumbers, topped with a thick, star-shaped organ. Midway down their torsos was a ring of five thin tentacles, and at the bottom were five thick tentacles for locomotion. Some of the creatures were equipped with wings.

“What the Jev..." Fritz whispered.

“What do you think the scene represents?” Faulken asked, quite oblivious to Fritz's perplexity.

“Well… er... but…”


"I'm a loss at words... this is..."

“Well - Falken interrupted him-, I’d say this is some kind of scene from a myth, a fabled encounter with gods or spirit creatures. However the overall presentation does not give that impression. I have never seen a find of such an alien appearance.”

The German Archeologist put his glasses back on and traced his finger over another strange scene, located below the one they had been examining. It illustrated less wholesome things. Things possessing a vile elasticity…

A weird feeling crossed Fritz's bowels. Gasping, he began to admit that he had made a fatal mistake by joining the expedition. There was not enough Tequila in the to calm his nerves. The thought finally forced a small shout of terror through his lips.
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A German Star: Erik Fritz (40)

Camp ‘Thule’, Antarctica

From the Diary of Eric Fritz (some profane expressions have been removed)

February 23nd, 195

Every day we make new and amazing discoveries, or so I'm told by Dr. Falken. Dross keeps pestering me about a fascinating mosaic in one of the rooms they found yesterday. It’s a beautiful map of what probably is some imaginary world of Thulian legend. Some of the continents depicted are surprisingly similar to the landmasses of Earth, though. Dr Jones suggested the possibility that the map really show our world, but three hundred million years ago. Apparently a scientist named like a veneral disease developed a theory on Tectonics (or something like that) twenty years ago. The continents drift in opposite directions carried by some kind of currents, or so they claim. This would explain some geological and zeological mysteries. According to Jones, it would mean that Antarctica would have been positioned at the equator once upon a time. That would explain some things about this frozen city, but it would generate even more questions. I must confess I'm beginning to be puzzled by all this shit.

February 24nd, 1953

We have been exploring the doorways, three meters tall and are in the shape of a pentagon, a feature that is consistent in much here: pentagon shaped doorways, rooms and halls. According to Falken, "the dark primordial stone segments interlock like a enormous puzzle, how could any ancient civilization succeed with such a feat?". We are running out of beer, by the way.

February 25th, 1953

I have the odd feeling that Dross is searching for something specific in these ruins. We had a meeting today to get the project well organized after our good and magnificient Aetheling has sent further instructions to us. We held it in the ‘map room’ and I could only partially concentrate on the proceedings because my eyes were time and time again captured by the stark alien beauty of this place and the weird shadows that seemed to move around us. Dross and Jones have reached a compromise: his presence will be tolerated in return for his full cooperation in the work and that he will return with us. Today Falken and Jones will work with in the upper levels while Dross leads the work in the labyrinth of dark corridors that spreads like a giant maze under these huge stone galleries. Of course, I volunteered myself to help Falken and Jones, even if the latter would love to be with Dross. He seems too eager to know what is down there. I’m sure we will know soon enough.

February 28th, 1953

We have all been very busy these last days. Dross and twenty ORRA men have been busy down in the maze and they have found a corridor. Dross is convinced that it leads to whatever prize he is seeking. Unfortunately, the corridor is blocked by ice and rubble. I guess it will take them at least a couple of days to clear the passage. Meanwhile, Falken, Jones and I are studying and cataloguing a wide selection of motifs and writings that they consider crucial to reach some sort of preliminary conclusion or guesswork if you will, of who the builders of this vast icy necropolis were.

March 2, 1953

Utterly amazing developments! Falken and Jones are stunned, but even I'm able to see that all we have discovered point in one direction. The mosaics do not represent creatures of myth as we thought initially. Jones believes that the ancient builders of these ancient halls were not human, or even remotely related to us. The mosaics show them to have a radial symmetry, like primitive invertebrates. These creatures seems to have coexisted with humans, or some kind of proto-humans. Unquestionably there are scenes on the walls showing short, ape-like creatures among the barrel-shaped masters and their amorphous slaves. Were they their pets or perhaps a source of sustenance?

March 5, 1953

Dross has finally reappeared from the lower levels. They have at last reached the chamber but had to resort to using flamethrowers to clear the hallway. Apparently they need "our" help with something so we will descend into the maze tomorrow! These grim halls are getting on my nerves, so I decided to see the sky this evening. Jones was easily persuaded to join me and both of us enjoyed the rays of the sun immensely. There is something very wrong with the halls below. I can’t put my finger on it; I just feel we shouldn’t be here. I’m sure it’s the suffocating claustrophobia of this place that wears me down. We will have to visit the surface more often, to drive away the dark thoughts.

March 7, 1953

One of the soldiers has disappeared during the night. He was apparently guarding the entrance to the maze. Dross is furious and brought with us a ten man escort to the chamber deep below. The winding dark tunnels were very unnerving and we are nowhere near mapping the main arteries of this maze. If we took one wrong turn would we ever find our way back? The soldiers were visibly nervous and I didn’t feel especially secure in their company.

The chamber itself was pentagon shaped and the walls were covered with the symbols of Ancient Thule. A large metal contraption rose in the centre of the room, holding a dark sphere, like the claw of some giant monster. On closer inspection it was evident that the metal holder was in fact a puzzle of small metal parts assembled in some unfathomable way. The sphere itself, which apparently is what both Falken and Dross are after, looked like it was made of a black, crystal like material, its surface covered with more of the strange captions. Falken told me that the fools had tried to disassemble the holder with a small explosive charge yesterday. This dangerous experiment had not even leaved a dent on the metal-like material.

March 11th, 1953

The puzzle remains unsolved! All those hours spent in that grim place for nothing! I found Dross were he has spent a lot of time lately, in a hallway far from our camp. He has been studying symbols surrounding what looks like doorways which all end abruptly a few meters inside. I told him about the failure but he graciously thanked me for our efforts and then looked at me strangely for a few seconds before he picked up his notebook. He then showed me something remarkable.

By consulting some rare work called ‘The G'harne Fragments’, discovered by sir Howard Windrop in his explorarion of Africa in the 1910s. It has helped to decode the ancient signs of Thule, tj3e same signs that had vanquished the combined minds of Falken and Jones. I have a suspicion that Dross has had these notes all along but deciding to share them now for some reason I can’t think of.

March 14th, 1953

Two more soldiers have disappeared. No traces of them have been found. Even though we are all very preoccupied with our work, a feeling of paranoia is spreading in the camp. Dross has ordered us all to stay within the confines of a ‘safe area’ he has defined. We must be accompanied by at least two ORRA men if anyone of us has reasons to leave it. There must be something down there… And Dross seems determined to find it.

The same day, later on.

The situation is becoming untenable. While the results of the translations are mind-boggling, we are distracted by the fact that someone or something is stalking us in these dark halls. Another soldier and an expedition member have disappeared. Dr. Jones and Falken have made a summary of the history records they have managed to translate. According to their findings, the rise and fall of the Thulian Empire predates the evolution of our present species of humans, the Homo Sapiens, and possibly even the dinosaurs! They fought countless of wars with other non-human civilizations, using weaponry of unbelievable destructive power. We have so far identified three other intelligent and distinct races in the mosaics. One of them, described as Thule's most dangerous foe, was a semi-aquatic octopoid race whose home was a now submerged continent in the Pacific Ocean, named R'lyeh by the Thulians.
So worrfan wrote an excellent Reverse! Republican Union, but what do you guys think a Reverse! CoCaro would look like?
Not racist, has a history of getting screwed over by wannabe aristocrats and has therefore developed an incredibly powerful "nation of the common man" cultural identity. Rather then being permanently stuck in the 50s has a 1960s hippie wave aesthetic.
Not racist, has a history of getting screwed over by wannabe aristocrats and has therefore developed an incredibly powerful "nation of the common man" cultural identity. Rather then being permanently stuck in the 50s has a 1960s hippie wave aesthetic.
Was thinking the exact same thing, might try writting some stuff like Reverse! versions of Murrica's AMAZING carolina posts
Georgia might work better in place of a Reverse Carolina. It was aristocratic but seemingly no more so then it's neighbours at the time and it was fairly diverse back before the Great American War. It the originl WMIT, it was also one of the wealthier southron nations. Where CoCaro might be painfully conservative, Geogia can be the nation of constant Swing and good times.
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Georgia might work better as a in place of a Reverse Carolina. It was aristocratic but seemingly no more so then it's neighbours at the time and it was fairly diverse back before the Great American War. It the originl WMIT, it was also one of the wealthier southron nations. Where CoCaro might be painfully conservative, Geogia can be the nation of constant Swing and good times.
Oooh like that idea even better
Georgia might work better as a in place of a Reverse Carolina. It was aristocratic but seemingly no more so then it's neighbours at the time and it was fairly diverse back before the Great American War. It the originl WMIT, it was also one of the wealthier southron nations. Where CoCaro might be painfully conservative, Geogia can be the nation of constant Swing and good times.
Money makes the man.