The Republic of Texas my 2nd attempt

Germany would resume unrestricted submarine warfare in early 1917 & begin targeting American ships once more. This would be the final straw for the US & President Charles Evans Hughes would ask US congress to declare war on Germany on April 7,1917. Though the vote for war would easily pass many in Congress would worry about possible hostilities by the Confederacy with sending so many American troops to Europe. This worry would soon subside however when due to German attacks on Confederate shipping as well the Confederacy would declare war on Germany on May 21,1917. Though per the Treaty of Nassau the Confederate military was not to exceed 50,000 with Confederate entry into the World War against Germany both the US & Texas would drop the treaty term & allow the Confederacy to increase its military. However even with the ending of the troop limit the Confederacy would only send 750,000 troops to France as opposed to the over 2,500,000 US troops sent.

This is from a while ago, but a POD as far back as the 1830s will probably cause some major butterflies that will all but make the Entente disappear. Germany might be unified, it might not be. Who knows, it might be unified in 1848, and therefore won't be as militaristic as OTL's German Empire. You lost me at Charles Evans Hughes; he would totally be butterflied away. Things might happen in the Ottoman Empire that causes it to not lose land in the Balkans in the late 1800s, taking away the major reason for WWI's occurance.
This is from a while ago, but a POD as far back as the 1830s will probably cause some major butterflies that will all but make the Entente disappear. Germany might be unified, it might not be. Who knows, it might be unified in 1848, and therefore won't be as militaristic as OTL's German Empire. You lost me at Charles Evans Hughes; he would totally be butterflied away. Things might happen in the Ottoman Empire that causes it to not lose land in the Balkans in the late 1800s, taking away the major reason for WWI's occurance.

thank you for your input. doing world wide butterflies is something i have always had trouble with, it just never seems to click how an independent Texas stops Germany from forming, or makes the Ottoman Empire stronger when there's never any interaction between them. i do see that it could & would change things in the Americas especially in North America. i am trying to make more changes though from my origination plans so it won't follow OTL as much
thank you for your input. doing world wide butterflies is something i have always had trouble with, it just never seems to click how an independent Texas stops Germany from forming, or makes the Ottoman Empire stronger when there's never any interaction between them. i do see that it could & would change things in the Americas especially in North America. i am trying to make more changes though from my origination plans so it won't follow OTL as much

But Charles Evans Hughes becoming president is not a worldwide event.
The US had been working on creating a nuclear bomb since WW2 began in 1939. However as it became increasingly aware that the Confederacy was gearing up for its own war the US would increase its research drastically. The research team would be headed by many scientists that had fled to America during the Nazi’s rise to power such as Albert Einstein, Leo Szilard, Enrico Fermi, & J. Robert Oppenheimer. The project would be in many areas across the US but the main lab would be in Green Bay, Wisconsin where the scientists worked to produce plutonium as their main material.

Texas had began its own nuclear program in early 1940 under scientists such as Norris Bradbury, Stan Frankel, Isaac Anielewicz, Henryk Lubetkin, & head researcher Heinrich Jäger. While making progress instead of attempting to produce plutonium the Texas scientists would be taking the harder route of extracting uranium-235 from uranium-238. While both the US & Texas projects new of each other the programs remained separate until the Confederate invasion on September 15,1941.

Facing a powerful foe both the US & Texas would combine their nuclear programs & place the headquarters in Salt Lake City in November 1941. The program would come under the joint US & Texas military jurisdiction & given the code name “Project Infinity” in January 1942 & given full funding by the two countries. While Texas had uranium deposits in Colorado the richest one was in the Belgian Congo. In April 1942 the US & Texas 1,500 tons of uranium oxide being stored in Staten Island & South Padre Island. By the end of 1942 work would be moving swiftly & project leaders Oppenheimer & Jäger would predict a bomb within the next 2 years.
Ha, I guess that butterflies away South Padre as a spring break destination! :(
well they're not testing it there, thats just spare uranium till they need it. i picked south padre cause i read somewhere that it was one of the places the US was looking at for their nuclear testing

That does suck, but there's always been too many douchebags there anyway.

well at least we still have floating the Frio & Guadeloupe, Larry Joe Taylor's, Rednecks with Paychecks, Billy Bobs, the stockyards, etc. Besides were Texans a little radiation sickness ain't gonna stop us from partying:D
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General Stuart III would reach the outskirts of Alexandria by January 2,1943 & began a two day shelling of the city as his troops would move into position to begin the assault. For three days Stuart & Lee’s troops would battle each other throughout the parish before Stuart’s forces would finally break through & capture Alexandria January 7. Being defeated at Alexandria Lee would retreat to Baton Rouge as well as send work to General Ridgeway that he was in danger of being cut off. Word would come to late however when General Stuart’s forces would take Lafayette relatively easy on January 15 & reach the Gulf.

Now being cut of from supplies & reinforcements Confederate forces in Houston would begin losing ground to Eisenhower’s army. Though the Confederate Air Force would continue to drop supplies to the besieged Confederates General Ridgeway would know that they would be unable to hold off the Texans forever & that they would need to attempt a breakout back to Confederate lines. Deciding on this Ridgeway would get word to Lee telling him of the upcoming move & on February 3 both armies would go on the offensive with Ridgeway pushing east & Lee pushing west. General Stuarts forces would quickly be overpowered & forced to retreat north. On February 14 Ridgeway’s forces would cross the Sabine back into Confederate territory.

As Confederate troops withdrew from Houston, General Eisenhower would enter the Texas capital for the first time in over a year. However being fought over twice & constantly being bombed left the city in ruins. Though the capital was back in Texas hands with over 95% of the city destroyed & 98% of its residents either gone or dead it would be a city in name only.


Though General Ridgeway was forced to withdraw from Texas when General Stuart III cut off the supply lines, the withdrawal would have a somewhat positive effect for the Confederacy when by narrowing the front Generals Ridgeway, Lee, & Buckner would launch a counter offensive against Generals Stuart III & Walkers forces. On March 2 after giving Ridgeway’s secondary troops time to fortify a defensive line along the Sabine the Confederate counter offensive would begin.

Facing overwhelming numbers Stuart & Walkers forces would be driven back from Alexandria & Oxford. From March 2-8 Texas forces would be forced back into northern Louisiana & the Arkansas’s. This drive would also cause General MacArthur to pull back from southwest Tennessee as his southern flank became vulnerable. Finally on March 9 Stuart & Walker would be able to hold the line outside Shreveport & Memphis.

As the Confederate counter offensive pushed the allies back in the south west however, in Kentucky US forces would finally capture Louisville on March 20 gaining a decisive foothold in the state. With Louisville now in US hands Patton would have no choice but to withdraw some from Ohio to hold back General Brooks. However even with moving troops to the Louisville Front Patton would be unable to retake the city. In New Jersey the Battle of the Pine Barrens would continue to rage however, Confederate forces would slowly be pushed back. Looking to end the battle in a US victory General Marshall & US Marine General Rockey would come up with a plan to surround the Confederate forces.

On April 21 the US Navy would move into the Delaware Bay while 40,000 Marines would land to the Confederates rear. Now surrounded by US forces Confederate troops would attempt a breakout into Pennsylvania however US troops & Marines would encircle them & begin to close in on the Confederate troops in South Jersey. On May 14 Colonel Robert Taylor would surrender the remaining 55,000 Confederate troops to General Marshall & in doing so leaving nothing between Marshal & Philadelphia .


With the loss of so many men in New Jersey General Hodges would be unable to stop General Arnold as his forces breakthrough the Confederate lines in Harrisburg on May 5. By May 10 both Arnold & Marshall’s armies would reach the Philadelphia suburbs & begin pushing to retake the city.

Though having their suspicions neither the US or Texas had been able to gain proof of where or even if the Confederacy was working on nuclear weapons. The Confederacy though would indeed be working to develop them & even be further along then the allies. Since the discovery of nuclear fission by Germany in late 1938 President Forrest had had Confederate scientists working to create their own bomb. In late April 1943 Confederate scientists would succeed in splitting U-235 from U-238 & would begin work on creating a large enough pile to create a bomb with. However disaster would strike the Confederate project when during a US bombing run on Greenville, SC where the program was stationed the nuclear reactors would be seriously damaged. Though the workers would work to keep the reactors stable, on June 4 the reactor would reach critical & cause a nuclear meltdown. Radiation would engulf Greenville & the surrounding area killing 35,000 including most of the Confederate scientists & leaving thousands more with radiation sickness.

On June 23 after more than a months of fighting General Hodges would be forced to withdraw from Philadelphia leaving the whole state in US hands. Hodges would retreat to Baltimore & begin setting up defensive lines, while troops entering Philadelphia would be given a hero’s welcome as they entered the city as liberators.


From May-late June the west & northwest fronts would remain for the most part static. However on June 30,1943 Generals Eisenhower & Stuart would launch a new offensive to capture Louisiana. As armored & artillery units pounded on the Confederate lines along the Sabine Stuarts forces would move out from Shreveport moving towards Lafayette. For ten days Stuart would move south & on July 10 General Eisenhower would breakthrough the Sabine defenses pushing east. On July 13 after thirteen days of bloody combat Texas forces would enter Lafayette ending the Thirteen Days Campaign.

As Eisenhower & Stuart pushed into Louisiana General Walker would begin his own offensive towards Mississippi. On this offensive however Walker would discover that the Mississippi River had been heavily fortified with heavy artillery batteries & dozens of long thought extinct Confederate river monitors. Upon discovering that Walkers new offensive would be short lived as Buckner’s forces would leave the Mississippi impenetrable.

The Tennessee Front had been static for months but on July 27 General MacArthur’s forces would finally establish a beachhead on the eastern bank of the Tennessee in northern Tennessee. Now with troops on the eastern bank the troops would begin moving south down the river. On August 14 after nearly three weeks of fighting & though Confederate forces still held the southernmost part of the state MacArthur would declare victory in the Battle of the Tennessee & begin preparing to move on Nashville.


Though General Patton had withdrew some forces from Ohio to keep General Brooks from breaking out of Louisville, believing he could still break out of southern Ohio. This would prove a mistake when in late June after given command of the new 7th & 8th Armored Divisions General Brooks would go on the offensive from Louisville. With most of his tanks in Ohio Patton would be unable to stop Brooks. Brooks would nearly reach the West Virginia border before Patton would finally halt the advance on July 13. With the loss of nearly 400 tanks the Battle of Northern Kentucky would be Patton’s biggest loss in the war yet.

With Philadelphia back in US hands Baltimore would be the only major US city still in Confederate hands between Generals Arnold & Marshall & Washington. However before moving on Washington Marshall would have to retake one more area from Confederate control to protect the US rear. On July 31 General Marshall would begin the Peninsula Campaign or the Battle of Delmarva, moving into the Delmarva Peninsula battling the 100,000 Confederate troops still stuck on the peninsula. For a month fighting would rage across the area before finally on September 2 Colonel Michael Scott would surrender the remaining 63,000 Confederate troops to Marshall at Salisbury.

With the Delmarva Peninsula now in US hands General Arnold would begin the push towards Baltimore on September 7. However General Hodges wouldn't give up Baltimore without a fight & would move an additional 150,000 troops around Baltimore as Arnold moved into position at the city. On September 14 the Battle of Baltimore would officially begin.


After the Thirteen Days Campaign the Western Front would experience a lull for over a month due to Texas supply lines being stretched to far & the Confederacy not having the resources to launch an effective counter attack. However by late August Texas’s supply problems would be worked out & Eisenhower & Stuart would begin moving once more. On August 23 Eisenhower’s forces would reach Ridgeway’s defensive lines outside Baton Rouge & begin the attack.

As Eisenhower would begin the Battle of Baton Rouge General Stuart would make attempt to cross the Mississippi however before being able to cross successfully he would have to take out one of the Confederacy’s most fortified positions, the fortress city of Vicksburg. Though the city had suffered intense aerial bombardment the city would still house nearly 150,000 regular & irregular defenders & General Lee stated that they would hold the city at all cost. On September 1 the Battle of Vicksburg would begin as Texas forces supported by the newly arrived US river monitors would begin crossing the Mississippi attempting to gain a foothold on the east bank. It would soon become clear that taking Vicksburg would be no quick task.


With Texas forces in Louisiana on the offensive once more US & Texas Generals MacArthur & Walker would renew their own offensives by September 1. General Walker would be the first to strike when on September 2 his forces would cross into northern Mississippi & meeting stiff resistance by Buckner’s forces at Southaven. The Battle of Southaven would last four days before ending with Buckner being forced to retreat back to the Corinth-New Albany line due to superior forces on September 6.

While MacArthur would keep his southern flank & front from moving it would be decided to first assist General Brooks in taking out the last Confederate pocket in western Kentucky. On September 15 both army’s would begin moving troops into the area beginning the Western Coal Fields Campaign. The last of the Confederate resistance would be finally put down on October 1 at the Battle of Leitchfield.

With western Kentucky in US hands MacArthur would reset its sights on Nashville & begin preparing to move on the city. While the front shifts in the Midwest in Havana, Texas & the US would finally reach an agreement for Cuba to allow the allies to use Cuba as the staging ground to open a secondary front in southern Florida.


The Battle of Baltimore had been going on since September 14 however by the end of October the slow US advance into the city would be gaining momentum. On November 2 US would effectively gain control of Baltimore north of harbor after the Battle of Federal Hill. From the Confederate resistance would rapidly deteriorate & on November 7 General Hodges would order the withdrawal from the city.

While having lost Baltimore Confederate resistance in Maryland would continue to stay strong. On November 17 Confederate forces would make another stand outside Annapolis thus starting the Battle of Annapolis. However this to would be short lived as Hodges would be forced to retreat to the defensive positions surrounding Washington on November 29. Though now in sight of Washington Generals Marshal & Arnold would know that retaking the capital would be one of the most difficult objectives of the war as the Battle of Washington began on December 14 against the 225,000 Confederate defenders.


Other than the occasional air & naval bombardment Georgia had mostly been untouched by the war. That would change however in October 1943 when Texas & US officials would reach an agreement with Cuba to stage an invasion of Georgia from the island since it was closer than any US or Texas ports in exchange for the withdrawal of US & Texas forces from Cuba except for Guantanamo Bay & Isla de la Juventud at wars end. In late October Admiral Chester Nimitz would begin transporting 75,000 Texas Marines under General George Moore & Admiral Frank Fletcher would bring 100,000 US Marines under General Thomas Watson. Texas & US forces would spend the next 2 months training & preparing for the invasion.


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