The Republic of Texas my 2nd attempt

The US is not beating the British in the 1850's, period. Not in a going off to conquer things way anyway.

Britain has a larger population, industrial base, and starts with a much larger professional military, as well as a far superior strategic postion with command of the sea. The Us is going to lose this war.

What he said in Spades....!!!!!!!
i thought i remember seeing a thread on here on WI a war on the oregon dispute started who would win & i thought most agreed Britain would own the seas but the US would win on land? Also on having a larger army idk about in 1850 but in 1861 before the trent affair britain had only like 5000 total forces give or take in canada

Winning on land does not mean they win the War when the economy is in the toilet... and political dissent at home has divided the nation along Sectional interests long before the British even get started.

and the general consensus on any War over the oregon terr. is generally been that the US loses..the War. As unable to actually hurt Britain..they woll simply be forced to concede peace on British terms only. All of which will depend on how obstinate the US has been in refusing that peace in the first place. for an all or nothing gambit...and under that gambit they will get nothing.
well the US & UK went to war over the Oregon Dispute & while Britain rulled the seas & for awhile did better on land the US did better on land in the long run & won the war

As already stated, thats an impossibility under the premise you have submitted.

To be blunt, I don't think even your Texas has the horses by itself to beat Mexico and replicate the success of the US in the Mexican American war...
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well aurora thank you for your input on what i didd wrong in the Anglo-American War i just REALLY wish youda read it & said it when i posted those peaces so i could actually do something about it. i mean the only thing i could think of doing about it at this point would be to just go back & delete those Paragraphs & adjust the map.

& on Texas not being able to defeat Mexico, before i put the numbers that i had put for the overall size of the Texas army i did look up what the pop of the state of texas wsa in 1850 so i wouldn't put 50,000 total troops served in the war & the population was only like 70,000 cause that'd be like no women in Texas & ASB. what exactly was real bad on the Mexican War?
well aurora thank you for your input on what i didd wrong in the Anglo-American War i just REALLY wish youda read it & said it when i posted those peaces so i could actually do something about it. i mean the only thing i could think of doing about it at this point would be to just go back & delete those Paragraphs & adjust the map.

& on Texas not being able to defeat Mexico, before i put the numbers that i had put for the overall size of the Texas army i did look up what the pop of the state of texas wsa in 1850 so i wouldn't put 50,000 total troops served in the war & the population was only like 70,000 cause that'd be like no women in Texas & ASB. what exactly was real bad on the Mexican War?

I didn't read it in full until now.and honestly glossed over the Texan mexican war trying to catch up..

but try the attached.

Red would be if theBr. are feeling generous and, compromising and not willing to peanalize heavily.

light pink is punitive but still realistically willing to compromise...
add the dark pink if not.

Yellow is realistically the largest Texas I can see..but I grant that the lighter yellow is probably doable and even the light orange though its more likely that those areas will remain with the empire., note i have left San diego firmly with the Impero del Mexico, because there probably would not be a Franco - Prussian war in this scenario, as there is no pressure for the French to leave, so there is more invested there for them.

As to the civil war depends on when if it occurs...if during the A-Am war..then you probably have a max CSA adding all the light shades of green/white, later depends on events and course of the War... Olive is more likely to go to the South this early, though lighter forest green is still going to fall heavily under the influence of the Union from the start simply because of positioning. White goes either way but probably depends on how the Indian Terr. decides to you can throw a coin twice there, first..they leave or they don't, two they throw their lot with the CSA or go independent alongside the Texan Republic, given a yellow rose incident like yours, the Texans may just like that idea. In which case the white of Kansas and Missouri would not be tenable as part of the CSA.

Tex Ind.Alt.png
ok was bored & looking through my old threads & found this TL a few days ago & started having more ideas pop into my head.

Anyway like it or dont let me know what you think please & if you dont like it please let me know what you dont like or thinks too ASB & if i can & i see proof that what you say's wrong is wrong, i'll try & fix it thanks.

Knowing that the accusations by the Comanche probably were Otero was reluctant bring about war against the Comanche. However with the majority of the public & Congress pushing for war Otero would order the 5000 strong Army of New Mexico commanded by JEB Stuart to hunt down all hostile Indians.

The 3rd Texas-Comanche War would occur between May 1872 & July 1873. During this time 85% of the Comanche population in Texas would be killed or pushed into Mexico & Confederate Sequoyah. Though there were dozens of skirmishes between the Texans & Comanche the only large battle to be fought would be the Battle of Palo Duro Canyon on July 17,1873 between 750 Texans under the command of Colonel Sam Houston, Jr. & 1200 Comanche & Kiowa warriors under chiefs Lone Wolf & Quanah Parker. The battle would end with 248 Texas casualties & 642 Indian casualties & the surrender of Lone Wolf & Quanah Parker. The Battle of Palo Duro Canyon would be the last major battle fought between the Texans & the Comanche & Kiowa tribes & the remainder of the Comanche & Kiowa in Texas would follow Lone Wolf & Quanah Parker to a 5000 sqmi. peace of land set aside for Indians dubbed Comancheria. Though for decades most feelings toward white Texans were hostile & lynching’s near the reservation border were common for both sides through the 1890’s, Lone Wolf & Quanah Parker would embrace many Texas customs & become the leaders over the Indians of Comancheria & become well respected by everyone throughout Texas.

In January 1874 elections were held in the slave states of New Mexico, Rio Grande, & Texas over the continuation of slavery being legal in their states. While the state of Texas stayed mostly supportive of slavery at 73%, in Rio pro slavery votes barley beat out abolition votes getting only 52% of the votes, & in New Mexico abolitionist would have the popular vote with 59% making it the 6th free state. In October 1874 the two lines of the Transnational Railroad would be completed just a week apart with the Western Pacific Railroad Company finishing first. At the completion ceremony near Bryce Canyon Otero would drive the final stake in the ground completing the track. Miguel Antonio Otero would leave office in December 1874 to the popular former president Jeremiah Johnson.

After the loss of the Franco-Prussian War & the overthrow of Napoleon III the French Third Republic would quit supporting Maximilian & the 2nd Mexican Empire in 1872. This would raise fears among the Mexican royalists & Maximilian that the republicans might attempt to gain control once again. Hoping to find another powerful nation to take Frances place Maximilian would send officials to Europe & North America looking for support. In North America the United States would refuse to have any relations with the Mexican Empire which it still refused to recognize & in the Confederacy though President Longstreet (elected after Davis in 1871) would form an alliance with Mexico & open trade he informs the officials that the Confederacy would not be able to afford supporting Mexico having just recently finished reconstructing their nation. In Texas President Otero would reaffirm their alliance & trade with Mexico but as for giving them the support they need he only agrees to transfer 500 Gatling Guns & 10,000 Spencer Rifles. In Europe though getting trade rights from the UK, Spain, Italy, Austria, & Russia it would be unable to find a benefactor. However Maximilian’s luck would change in February 1874 when his officials in Europe decide to try Germany before returning. In Germany, though the Mexican Empire had been created by its old enemy France Wilhelm I would take interest in the possibility of an ally in the Americas & in August 1874 the Treaty of Berlin would be signed forming an alliance between the Mexican & German Empires. Germany would begin sending hundreds of officers to Mexico to train its troops as well as sending it more modern military equipment. Throughout the rest of the 19th century through heavy German influence Mexico would see a great rise in power in Latin America.
Heres another one let me know how it is & if anything needs changing

For Jeremiah Johnson his second term as president would see many changes in the Americas. In May 1875 French ambassador Emmanuel Henri Victurnien de Noailles would meet with Johnson informing him that France would end their lease of Corpus Christi 15 years early on August 1,1875 to help cut unnecessary French expenses. In 1840 when Corpus Christi was leased by France it was a small fishing village but with France now using the area it would grow significantly reaching 1000 people by 1850 & by 1875 the population was 10,000 with 90% being French or of French background. Being under French control the area would have a significant amount of French immigration to the area, & while some would move away into Texas many would stay in or near Corpus Christi. On August 1,1875 President Johnson & French ambassador Noailles would attend the handover ceremony of Corpus Christi in which the French flag would be lowered & the Texas Flag raised over city hall marking the end of a 35 year French rule over the city.

In January 1876 President Johnson would travel to Washington DC to meet with the US President Rutherford B. Hayes to attempt at opening relations between their two countries once again & on February 3,1876 both presidents would agree that it would be beneficial to both nations to return to friendly relations & reopen trade. With that US President Hayes would sign an executive order ending the embargo of against Texas. In 1877 after seeing how the Confederate presidential system limits the president to a single 6 year term as opposed to the Texas presidential system that has the presidents term at 3 years though a president can serve as many terms as they want as long as they are non consecutive, President Johnson addresses congress with a motion to change the Texas presidential system to resemble the Confederate presidential system. At first some of the Texas officials think this is an attempt by Johnson to extend his own time as ruler until he states that the new system should begin on the next presidential term & make himself & all former presidents ineligible to run for reelection. After much discussion the motion is passed with 55% of the votes & the constitution was changed to keep the president to a single 6 year term. President Johnson would end Texas’s final three year presidential term on December 1877 being succeeded by General J.E.B. Stuart.

Cuba had been fighting Spain for independence since 1868 but by 1874 things were looking grim for the Cubans. In 1875 seeing that their troops were slowly losing the war the Cuban rebel government sends out requests for assistance in gaining their independence. Officials would first travel to the United States & Mexico which the US would refuse unwilling to risk war with Spain & Mexico barley able to keep control of their own country would refuse as well. From the US & Mexico the Cuban officials would travel to Texas & the Confederacy. Texas would feel the same a the US & refuse unwilling to risk war with Spain, but in the Confederacy though the country had only recently finish with its reconstruction had their own territorial ambitions for Cuba but knew it would be unable to win a war with Spain due to Spain’s sizeable navy. However seeing how an independent Cuba could be much easier to conquer as well as having thousands of weapons left over from the war the Confederacy agrees to being smuggling supplies to the Cuban rebels.

From 1875-1878 the Confederacy would send 20,000 Spencer & Sharps rifles, 5000 Gatling Guns, & over 5 million pounds of ammunition & supplies. From the Confederacy their would also be over 1000 volunteers including veteran Civil War officers David Lang & James K. Marshall who would serve as generals in the Cuban Army. In February 1878 the Confederate ship Savannahsmuggling weapons would be captured by a Spanish warship. From February-August 1878 Spain & the Confederacy would be on the brink of war until at the urging of Texas the Confederacy would agree to stop supplying Cuban rebels & pay $100,000 to Spain. The damage however would be done for Spain & in May 1879 Spanish troops in Cuba would surrender to the Cuban rebels & having Cuba gain its independence. However Cuban total independence would not last long though in May 1881 a Confederate supported coup would overthrow the Cuban government & Cuba would become a Confederate puppet.

J.E.B. Stuart’s term would begin with Texas in its best shape since before the Confederate War of Independence. However in 1876 Texas would be struck with a new problem on its frontier. The Apache tribes & Texas settlers had occasionally fought since the early 1850’s though the skirmishes had never been large enough to need more force than the Texas Rangers. That would change however in June 1876 when a group of 3000 Apache warriors lead by Geronimo would lead a raid from El Paso up the Rio Grande to Santa Fe killing over 500 Texans before crossing back into northern Mexico. After the Great Raid of 1876 President Stuart would order the Army of New Mexico under General Felix Huston Robertson to quell the hostile Apache tribes.

The first action between Texas & Apache forces would happen at the Battle of Las Cruces between 450 Texas troops & 1500 Apache warriors on October 15,1876. Though the Texans would kill 700 Apache the Texans would be overrun & all Texans would be killed or executed. The Las Cruces Massacre would anger people throughout Texas & President Stuart would authorize raising troop levels in the Army of New Mexico from 5000 to 10,000 as well as assigning 1500 Texas Rangers to southern New Mexico to assist in hunting the hostile Apache down. From November 1876-February 1877 Texas forces would chase Geronimo & his army across New Mexico & Arizona but were unable to get the Apache to fight in any large battle. But on March 5,1877 outside of Tucson, Arizona the 1500 strong 1st Cavalry Division of the Army of New Mexico under General Sam Houston Jr. would finally catch up with Geronimo & 2000 warriors. The Battle of Tucson would be a major victory for Texas killing 1300 Apache while only losing 289.

After losing over half his force Geronimo would be chased into Mexico. Having finally given Geronimo a major defeat President Stuart would send a request to Maximilian to be allowed to send troops into northern Mexico to continue chasing Geronimo. However Maximilian would deny military access to Texas troops. Even though he denies Texas troop access Maximilian would send 2500 troops trained & commanded by Helmuth Johann Ludwig von Moltke to northern Mexico to fight the Apache. The Mexican Army would chase Geronimo from March-September 1877 before finally defeating Geronimo & 750 warriors at the Battle of Juárez on October 2,1877. The battle would greatly boost Mexican public support for the monarchy & its alliance with Germany. With losing 550 warriors in the Battle of Juárez Geronimo would cross the Rio Grande in attempt to escape once again, however 400 Texas Rangers would be in El Paso & attack Geronimo & his exhausted 100 warriors as soon as he crosses Rio Grande. After 45 minutes the 30 surviving Apache surrender after Geronimo is killed by young Andrew Jackson Houston another son of Sam Houston. After the death of Geronimo other than a few skirmishes the Apache War ends. On January 7,1878 the Treaty of Tucson ends the Apache War forcing the remaining Apache people to be relocated to the 4000 sqmi Apache Reservation in northwestern Arizona.
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With the success of the army in the Apache War support for the Mexican Empire was at an all time high. In July 1880 Maximilian would meet with the German ambassador Kurd von Schlözer to request support in an expansion war into Central America. Upon hearing the request Schlözer sends the word to Berlin. Though Wilhelm is unwilling to officially enter an expansion war in the Americas, the chance for Germanys puppet gain military experience as well as the possibility to send some of its younger officers as “advisers” to gain war experience. After much consideration & talk with his officials Wilhelm to give Mexico modern supplies & unofficial support from advisers & “volunteers” for its conquest of Central America.

In August 1880 Maximilian sends word to the Guatemalan government requesting them to cede the regions of Petén, Huehuetenango, & San Marcos to Mexico for $50,000. As Maximilian expected after hearing the Mexican request the Guatemalan government refuses outright. In October 1880 the Mexican Army would begin doing military exercises very near the Guatemalan border & issues an ultimatum to Guatemala to cede the claimed regions by January or face war. Fearing an attack by Mexico Guatemala sends officials to other central American nations as well as Colombia & Texas to get support in case of possible attack by Mexico. By December 1880 both Colombia & Texas denied allying with Guatemala but Honduras, El Salvador, & Nicaragua form an alliance with Guatemala. On January 15,1881 with Guatemala still unwilling to cede the claimed regions Mexico invades.

General Tomás Mejía invades Petén with 35,000 troops quickly overruns any resistance & reaches Lake Izabal by February 1,1881. While Mejía invades northern Guatemala General Miguel Miramón invades southern Guatemala with 30,000 troops reaching Puerto San José by January 27,1881 where he runs into General Alejandro M. Sinibaldi commanding an allied army of 15,000. The Battle of Puerto San José ends in a victory for Mexico & causes 8000 casualties for General Sinibaldi’s army who retreat into Guatemala City. After defeating General Sinibaldi General Miramón moves to Guatemala City & lays siege on the city on February 1,1881.
After taking control of the small Guatemalan Caribbean Coast General Mejía moved to invade Honduras running into little resistance until Puerto Castilla where he runs into General Ponciano Leiva & a Honduran army of 27,000 on February 19,1881. The Battle of Puerto Castilla lasts three days before the Honduran army is finally overran & General Leiva surrenders. Though defeating & capturing an army General Mejía’s army doesn’t come through unscathed. Losing 10,000 (4750dead) General Mejía is forced to stay in Puerto Castilla until reinforcements can be shipped in.

Though Texas doesn’t ally with the Central American states President Stuart sees the risk of a stronger Mexico & begins transferring modern weapons & supplies to the Central American armies through Nicaragua. The army first equipped with Texan weapons is the 30,000 strong Nicaraguan Army under General Evaristo Carazo readying in western Nicaragua to march to Guatemala & attack General Miramón before Guatemala City falls. On March 20,1881 General Carazo leaves Managua for Guatemala City hoping to reach it before the Guatemalan Army Surrenders.

General Carazo however isn’t able to reach Guatemala City in time & on April 15 General Sinibaldi in Guatemala City surrenders. Captured along with the army is the Guatemalan president Justo Rufino Barrios who seeing that his country is completely overrun agrees to the unconditional surrender & occupation of his country. On April 21,1881 after re supplying General Miramón moves his now 50,000 strong army into El Salvador. Though El Salvador was thought to be the easiest country to conquer, on May 3,1881 while nearing the capital San Salvador General Miramón’s army is met by General Carazo’s army reinforced with 15,000 Salvadoran & Hondurans. The Battle of San Salvador is fought off & on from May 4-12,1881 in & around before General Carazo finally retreats after suffering 22,000 casualties. Though he now holds El Salvador General Miramón’s army is in no better shape having suffered 26,000 casualties driving Carazo’s army back & halt all offensive movements. Badly bloodied but still hoping to keep Mexican forces out of Nicaragua General Carazo move what’s left of his army to the Honduran capital Tegucigalpa to merge his army with the Honduran Army waiting for General Mejía’s move.

On June 12,1881 after finally getting reinforcements & supplies General Mejía & his 45,000 troops begin moving towards Tegucigalpa to finally crush Honduran & Nicaraguan resistance. However General Mejía misses General Carazo as both his & the Honduran troops pulled out of Tegucigalpa on June 10 & withdrew into Nicaragua to take a chance on defeating the Mexicans on open ground. Over the next three months General Carazo would gain more arms from Texas & gather an additional 30,000 Nicaraguans & Hondurans making his army at 75,000. At the same time General Mejía would move into northern Nicaragua but after learning of the significant increase in Nicaraguan troop levels would garrison his army in Matagalpa while sending word to General Miramón that additional reinforcements would be needed to conquer Nicaragua. On August 18 upon getting word from General Mejía, General Miramón would leave El Salvador with 50,000 fresh troops to meet with Mejía at Matagalpa.

General Carazo would learn of General Mejía’s position & his drastically lower troop levels on September 1. Learning this General Carazo decides to attack General Mejía before he can get reinforcements & begins marching toward Matagalpa from Managua on September 5. On September 11 learning of General Carazo’s moves as well as General Miramón’s position just crossing into Nicaragua, General Mejía would leave Matagalpa to move onto the plains of the Caribbean lowlands. In doing this Mejía would shorten the distance Miramón would need to travel as well as move the coming battle to open ground & keep his army from being stuck in a city. Carazo would catch up to Mejía on September 26 near the village of Siuna before the arrival of Miramón & begin the Battle of Siuna. Fighting between the numerically superior Nicaraguans against the technologically superior Mexicans would last until September 28 when General Mejía after losing 18,000 casualties order the retreat towards Honduras. Though Carazo’s army was badly bloodied suffering 23,000 casualties Carazo would order his army to pursue Mejía hoping to catch up with him & wipe out his army before General Miramón could arrive. This would prove a grave mistake when on October 2 Carazo’s exhausted army would run into General Miramón’s force at Bonanza.

The Battle of Bonanza would begin on October 2 & be the final battle of the war. Carazo’s army would hold the Mexicans back for 3 days before finally being overrun on October 5. General Carazo would attempt to flee but would be captured the next day on October 6. With no substantial force left in their countries both Honduras & Nicaragua unconditionally surrender on October 12,1881. With Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, & Nicaragua conquered & occupied Mexico annexes Guatemala while turning Honduras, El Salvador, & Nicaragua into the autonomous territories of Honduras & Nicaragua. Though the annexation of four independent countries causes an outrage in the US, UK, & France & Britain & France even threaten war against Mexico to reestablish Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, & Nicaragua but Germany warns that any hostile action against Mexico would result in war with Germany as well. Not wanting to start a war with Germany over the issue Britain & France back down.
world mexican war


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In December 1883 JEB Stuart would be succeeded by Californian Romualdo Pacheco. In 1884 the slavery votes would be cast in Rio Grande & Texas. The Rio Grande would become the seventh state to vote for the abolition of slavery with a vote of 62% for abolition. With Rio becoming a free state Texas would be the last slave holding state in the republic voting to keep slavery with 59% against abolition.

In the Confederacy, slavery was still legal in every state though in Kentucky & Tennessee the percentage of slaveholders had steadily decreased since independence as need & use for slave dropped. Seeing this drop would begin making slaveholders in other Confederate states worry that their nation might begin to take the route of Texas & slowly do away with slavery. More slaveholders though fear that the hope of freedom might cause a slave rebellion.

Confederate slaveholders worst fear comes however on August 12,1884 when 20,000 slaves near Charleston, South Carolina would rise up in rebellion. The Charleston Rebellion would cause a chain reaction & from August- November 1884 over 500,000 slaves would rebel against their owners in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, & Mississippi & attack Confederate Army depots throughout the 4 states & begin fighting the Confederates.

Upon learning of the extreme increase in rebellious slaves President Wade Hampton III would order the mobilization of the Confederate Army to quell the rebellion before it spreads throughout the Confederacy. The first major battle against the slaves would be outside of Charleston, South Carolina when General of the Army Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson would lead 65,000 troops to recapture the city from 100,000 slaves lead by self proclaimed General Crixus. The Battle of Charleston would be fought on December 3,1884 & though the Confederate soldiers were greatly outnumbered, proper training & experience would lead them to victory killing 21,000 as opposed to losing only 4500 in return. General Crixus would order the rebel slaves to retreat into the city of Charleston thinking that the Confederate forces would not attack in fear of causing whit casualties. Crixus however would be wrong, on December 5 General Jackson would lay siege to the city & he & the Confederate Navy would begin bombarding the rebel positions within the city.

While the main rebel force in South Carolina would be surrounded in Charleston in Georgia Confederate forces would be meeting a different situation. General Edward Porter Alexander gather 35,000 troops outside Atlanta with in the first few weeks of the rebellion, but by late November he had still got no word on which rebel group to pursue. Finally General Alexander would get orders to begin pursuing the enemy in northern Georgia on November 29,1884. On December 7,1884 General Alexander would catch up with 22,000 rebels at Crow Valley in Whitfield County, Georgia. The Battle of Crow Valley would last two days ending late at night on December 10,1884. In the battle Confederate forces had killed 9000 rebels in battle while capturing an additional 12,000. The 1000 rebels that managed to escape would break up & scatter into the woods. After the battle General Alexander would move the 12,000 prisoners to Atlanta to be sent to Andersonville Prison where more than 90% of the rebel slaves sent there would never leave the prison again. After transferring the prisoners & gaining 10,000 more volunteers, General Alexander would continue to pursue the rebel armies throughout Georgia winning major battles at the Battle of Adairsville December 29,1884, the Battle of Pickett's Mill January 14,1885, the Battle of Marietta January 27,1885, & the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain February 16,1885 killing or capturing over 200,000 rebels. The rebel defeat at the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain rebel slaves in Georgia would abandon conventional warfare & begin a guerrilla war against the Confederates.
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The outbreak of the slave rebellion in the Confederacy would alarm the slave owners in Texas who would begin taking precautions to ensure that the rebellion wouldn’t cross over to Texas. While the rebellion causes fears in the slaveholders in the rest of the nation see the rebellion as a sign that the day of slavery is coming to an end. In the federal government senators, congressmen, as well as the president begin discussing the best way to end slavery within the nation.

While the South Carolina rebellion has been pushed into Charleston & the rebellion in Georgia has been knocked down to small scale insurgency, in Alabama & Mississippi the rebellion is in full swing with the rebel slaves in control of Mobile, Birmingham, Jackson, Vicksburg, Biloxi, & nearly entered the Confederate capital at Montgomery before Confederate troops were able to stop the advance. However in January 1885 General P. T.
Beauregard commanding 75,000 troops would leave New Orleans & enter Mississippi. On January 13,1885 General Beauregard would near Biloxi & soon begin the Battle of Biloxi against 38,000 rebels. After two days of fighting Confederate troops would take control of the city after getting 10,000 casualties killing 25,000 rebels.

From Biloxi General Beauregard would defeat 32,000 rebels at Mobile on February 12,1885, 26,000 rebels at Jackson on March 1,1885, & lay siege to 55,000 rebels at Vicksburg on March 20,1885. While major rebel groups in Mississippi are getting mopped up in Charleston on March 25,1885 the nearly five months siege would end when Confederate troops storm the city three days earlier during a bombardment taking the rebels off guard. However the sights the troops see in the city are horrific, over 90% of the city had been destroyed & of the estimated 30,000 civilians that were trapped in the city, only 500 survived. News of the carnage in Charleston quickly travels across the Confederacy & in response thousands of militia men pour into South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, & Mississippi attacking the rebel slaves

With militias pouring into Georgia General Alexander leaves the insurgents to them & cross into Alabama & marches on Birmingham. On April 14,1885 General Alexander would encircle Birmingham cutting of all retreat routes for the 25,000 rebels in the city. The Battle of Birmingham would last from April 15-19,1885 & end with all the rebel slaves either killed in the fighting or lynched afterwards as the troops remembering Charleston show no mercy. With Birmingham secured only Vicksburg remains in rebel control & after hearing of Charleston & not wanting that to happen to Vicksburg, General Beauregard would order the assault on the city. The assault on Vicksburg would happen from April 17-18,1885 before the town would be captured from the rebels.

With the fall of Vicksburg the groups of rebel slaves would be smashed into small bands conducting a guerrilla war against the Confederacy. Though the insurgency would last over a decade the Great Slave Rebellion would be declared over on May 1,1885.
Though talks over ending slavery had at first just been unofficial discussions, after seeing the destruction & massive death toll of the Great Slave Rebellion in the Confederacy as well as the ongoing insurgency throughout the country the issue would quickly become a highly talked about issue throughout Texas. In May 1887 Congress would meet to discuss officially ending slavery. Though senators & congressmen from Texas would assure Congress that there would be no chance of a revolt from Texas slaves, the decision had already been made & on May 15,1887 the Texas Congress would vote for ending slavery in the Republic of Texas & President Pacheco would sign the Abolishment Act of 1887. With this Act between January 1,1888 & January 1,1893 all slave owners must free all slaves under their ownership. To try & get slaveholder to free their slaves quicker Congress also approves that slaveholders that free slaves in 1888 be compensated for 100% of the worth of the slaves. However the percentage the slaveholders were to be compensated would decrease by 20% each year until after the January 1,1893 deadline when all slaveholders would be forced to release their slaves without compensation. Though most slaveholders would protest to the new law, by the end of 1888 60% of all slaves were emancipated & by the 1893 deadline 99% of all slaves would be emancipated & the holdouts would quickly be forced by Texas Rangers to emancipate their slaves.

In December 1889 Romualdo Pacheco would be succeeded by Sam Houston, Jr. the son of Sam Houston. Houston’s time in office would be used modernizing the Texas military. Houston’s term would see the development of modern short & long range artillery though two of the most important changes to be made to the army would be the purchase of the new Maxim Machine Gun in 1893 & the development of a new infantry rifle. Officials from the Texas Army would look at the German Gewehr 1888, Russian Mosin–Nagant, & the British Lee-Metford rifles. However there was also great interest in the new Mexican rifle, the semi-automatic Mondragón rifle. In late 1893 John Browning under contract with the Texas Army would purchase rights to develop its own version of the Mondragón rifle & in 1896 after improving the rifles durability in wet climates as well as decreasing the ammunition size from the 7×57mm Mauser to the 7.62×54mmR the Texas version named the Browning Model 1896 or M-96.

Though the Texas Navy had been considered the second strongest in the Americas after the United States, by the late 1880’s failure to refit & modernize had left the navy hardly able to do much more than coastal defense. In early 1890 President Houston would approve the funding to build a modern powerful navy. In the California & Galveston shipyards construction would begin on four battleships based off of the British new Centurion class battleship, eight protected cruisers based of the USS Charleston, & 40 small armored support & coastal defense ironclads. To help pay for the modernization nearly all of the former navy would be scrapped or sold to other nations.

Though Houston would start the modernization of the military he would be unable to see it through. In August 1894 President Houston would die suddenly. The death of Houston would shock the citizens of Texas who had never lost a president while in office as well as shock Vice-President James Stephen Hogg who would suddenly see himself sworn in as President of Texas. Upon being sworn in President Hogg would continue the projects started by Houston.

The Great Slave Rebellion had devastated much of the Confederate Deep South both in the destruction of many cities & land as well as the loss on nearly 1,000,000 slaves to farm & run factories. With the ability to purchase new slaves the Confederate economy was quickly falling. Seeing the imminent economic collapse as the potential end to the Confederate way of life, in February 1895 Confederate President William Montgomery Forrest (son of Nathan Bedford Forrest) authorized the Confederate military to invade & annex Haiti. On May 16,1895 the Confederate Navy & Army would invade Haiti. By June 17,1895 the entire island would be under Confederate occupation, however fighting would continue with many Haitians fighting a guerilla war against Confederate occupiers.

The invasion of Haiti would bring immediate protests from the United States & Texas calling the invasion an unprovoked act of aggression against a sovereign nation. However neither country would expect what would come next. In August 1895 upon orders from President Forrest Confederate forces in Haiti would begin capturing all Haitians of acceptable age & fitness & begin transporting them to then Confederacy to be used as slaves. With the Haitians too old or unable to be used as good slaves in the Confederacy, Confederate soldiers would begin placing them in concentration camps to work in Haiti or just as often were shot.

Though against the Confederate invasion of Haiti, not knowing of the Confederacy’s forced enslavement of the Haitians President Hogg at first does nothing to assist the Haitians. However in January 1896 after being elected to his own term in office would authorize giving Haitian rebels limited assistance with weapons & supplies. Through meetings with Haitian rebels though Texan officials in Dominica would begin hearing of forced enslavement & mass killings committed by the Confederates. While the stories coming from Haiti would anger many Texans without proof no actions could be made against the Confederacy. In September 1896 though proof would finally be given to Texas officials. The proof would come from many Haitian rebels that would take photos of Confederate transport ships being loaded with Haitians, extremely overcrowded concentration camps, & the most gruesome photos would be of multiple mass graves taken throughout Haiti.

Once the photos reach mainland Texas they would be posted in newspapers throughout the country. This would cause mass calls for the Texas government to take action to stop the Confederacy. Seeing most that of the country would be behind him President Hogg breaks all ties with the Confederacy as well as closing the border & cutting off trade. President Hogg would call for President Forrest to end its occupation of Haiti as well as the return of all Haitians forced into slavery. President Forrest would refuse outright to withdraw from Haiti & in January 1897 would send troops to its border with Texas. In response to the Confederate troop movements President Hogg would order the mobilization of the Army of Texas & begin moving troops to the Louisiana border. From January-July 1897 tensions between Texas & the Confederacy would be near the boiling point, however on August 14 the final line would be crossed. On August 14,1897 Confederate troops in Haiti would attack Haitian rebels & pursue them across the border into Dominica. While moving through Dominica Confederate troops would run into a Texas patrol & a firefight would happen ending with the death of 26 Texas troops. After learning of the border incursion & skirmish with Confederate troops on August 20,1897 President Hogg would ask Congress to declare war on the Confederacy.
alright hope this is good give me some feedback

Texas would declare war on the Confederacy on August 23,1897 & invade southern Haiti, Louisiana across the Sabine River, & into Arkansas from Texarkana. Though the Texans had the more modern equipment of the two militaries Texas had not fought a conventional army since the Mexican War in 1851. The Confederate Army however had had combat experience & had been fighting since 1884. With more experienced men & officers Confederate forces would push back the Texas troops & on September 12,1897 invade Texas & Dominica.

Confederate forces would drive to the outskirts of Beaumont in the south, & Paris & Tyler in the north. However Confederate forces would be stopped outside these cities by fierce resistance & superior numbers with the arrival of reinforcements of the Armies of New Mexico & the Rio Grande. On October 1,1897 due to the heavy use of machine guns & modern artillery both sides would begin digging a network of trenches & fall into a long trench warfare. Though trenches were used in Dominica the war was much more mobile with fights between armies happening all across western Dominica. Though the Confederacy had more troops on Hispaniola due to the large insurgency by rebel Haitians numbers of troops available for Dominica were limited. That however would change on December 28,1897 with the Republic of Cuba entering the war against Texas. Soon 20,000 Cuban soldiers would begin pushing into Dominica along with the Confederates.

Though for the first three months of the war the sea had remained for the most part calm that would change with Cuba’s entrance into the war. Though the Cuban Navy only consisted of 8 ironclads & 1 protected cruisers the RCS Independencia Admiral Antonio Ortega came up with a plan that while the Texas fleet stationed at Santo Domingo was being completed in Galveston the Cuban & Confederate Navies could attack Santo Domingo & land troops in the city & with that capture the Texans main supply depots for it forces in Dominica & possibly end the war on this front sooner. After hearing Ortega’s plan Admiral Irvine Bulloch would authorize 3 ironclads & 1 protected cruiser to assist in transporting the 5000 assault troops to take Santo Domingo & the attack was set to take place on January 15,1898. However unknown to either Admiral the Caribbean fleet had set sail from Galveston under the command of Captain Robert Moore leaving the 4 unfinished ironclads to be completed on January 1,1898 traveling to Hispaniola by a longer route south to avoid being noticed by Confederate & Cuban ships. Captain Moore’s orders were to harass Confederate merchant fleets around Hispaniola & in the Caribbean but on January 10,1898 he would receive telegraph of increased Cuban & Confederate ship movements around Hispaniola.

The Confederate/Cuban fleet would reach Santo Domingo on January 13,1898 & begin bombarding the city in preparation for the amphibious assault. However on January 14,1898 Captain Moore would reach Santo Domingo & attack the Confederate/Cuban fleet the Battle of Santo Domingo would be an overwhelming victory for Texas sinking 2 protected cruisers, 8 ironclads, & the 3 transport ships killing 6000 in exchange for only losing 1 ironclad, 3 heavily damaged ironclads, 1 lightly damaged protected cruiser, no damage to the Battleship, & the loss of only 60. With the destruction of the Confederate/Cuban fleet Captain Moore would soon begin attacking Confederate & Cuban shipping near Hispaniola & throughout the Caribbean.

Though the victory at the Battle of Santo Domingo would help raise the spirits of the Texas people, it would have little effect on the moral of the troops on the eastern front. Their moral would drop lower on January 19,1898 when Confederate forces under General Joseph Wheeler would launch a massive assault on Texas lines near Paris. Though 5600 of the 20,000 Confederates that attacked the Texas trenches would die it wouldn’t stop them from capturing Paris & driving Texas troops 30 miles west before being stopped. The Confederate breakthrough would cause a chain reaction in the northeastern front with Confederate forces pushing west & south to the outskirts of Nacogdoches & Tyler. Seeing the success of the Paris Offensive Confederate commander of the Beaumont Front General Robert E. Lee, Jr. orders his own mass assault on February 14,1898 after gaining 100,000 Cuban reinforcemenrs.

The Beaumont Offensive would begin on February 20,1989 however unlike at Paris this one would prove to be far deadlier with Texas’s increased troop numbers in the area. From February 20-28,1898 Confederate forces would drive the Texans back through Beaumont & 15 miles further west of the city. However of the 120,000 Confederate troops that assaulted Texas trenches over 32,000 would be killed. With these major defeats Texas moral on the Eastern Front would be at an all time low & desertions would become more common. Fearing continued loss of moral would collapse the Eastern Front President Hogg would seek from his generals a place to gain victory at. That place would be the as of yet untouched Sequoyah. Though offensives into Sequoyah had been proposed since the wars beginning, with the high need for men in the Eastern Front few soldiers were left to conduct a second offensive. On March 17,1898 Colonel Temple Lea Houston would meet with President Hogg with an idea to gain troops to fight in Sequoyah. Houston’s idea would be to offer the Kiowa, Comanche, & Apache tribesmen the chance to fight the Confederacy in exchange for the chance to be able to leave their reservations as well as gain citizenship in Texas. Though President Hogg thought no Indian would agree to fight for the Texans he would agree to it out of desperation & send Colonel Houston to Comancheria & the Apache Reservation on March 20,1898.

Colonel Houston would arrive at Comancheria first. Though initially denied entrance by the tribesmen Comanche & Kiowa leaders Quanah Parker & Lone Wolf would eventually allow him to speak with them. After speaking with Houston Quanah Parker & Lone Wolf state that they will only agree to this if their people will be lead by them & not white men in which Colonel Houston agrees to. Between April 1-30,1898 50,000 Comanche & Kiowa tribesman would volunteer to fight & follow Quanah Parker & Lone Wolf to the nearby Fort Stuart (Amarillo) to be equipped & trained with M-96’s & & Maxim Guns. While training happened for the Comanche & Kiowa Colonel Houston would travel to the Apache Reservation to give them the same offer & on April 21,1898 Apache William Alchesay would accept Houston’s offer. Over the next month 45,000 Apache would be transported to Fort Stuart to be equipped & trained with M-96’s & Maxim Guns while the invasion of Sequoyah was planned. After two months of training & preparing the Apache, Comanche, & Kiowa Armies invade Sequoyah on July 3,1898.

Though their was a string of forts across the Sequoyah border with Texas other than that many troops had been pulled out to fight in East Texas. To avoid mass casualties the Indian Armies would pass the Confederate forts leaving them for the reserve Texas forces to be used for occupation duty. Over the next month Indian forces would move across Sequoyah raiding settlements & attacking Confederate forces. By August 10,1898 Texas controlled over half of Sequoyah & was moving into eastern Sequoyah, however on August 14,1898 20,000 Kiowa & Comanche troops would attempt to capture the town of Tulsa which was guarded by 7500 troops of the Creek Nation Army. Though the Creek were entrenched on the outskirts of the city the Indian forces believed that their lines would crumble under a mass cavalry charge. In the late afternoon on August 14 15,000 of the 20,000 Indian troops would charge the lines, however the Creek Army would be equipped with 2500 Maxim & Gatling Guns. Though a few Indian troops would make it to Creek lines the Creek machine guns had killed or wounded 9000 & they would be forced to retreat. Though Indian troops were able to take Tulsa On September 1,1898 with artillery support the 1st Battle of Tulsa would show both armies that the age of cavalry was over.

President Hogg had been trying to get the US to enter the war against the Confederacy since October 1897 but was met with rejection every time. But in the US President William McKinley had been keeping a close eye on the wars progression & after the Texas defeats in January & February 1898 he would know that the US would have to do something to keep the Confederacy from defeating Texas & becoming even stronger. However without a cause other than assisting Texas whom many in the US Congress believed should fight alone since they supported the Confederacy in its war of independence President McKinley knew he would never get the votes to declare war. President McKinley would get his cause though in late August 1898 when President Hogg authorized the release of the photos of the genocide in Haiti the Confederacy was carrying out. After viewing the photographs Congress would have no excuses anymore On September 18,1898 Congress would approve the mobilization of 750,000 troops & prepared to declare war once the mobilization was complete in January 1899.

fronts as of September 1898


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Though Texas was now a free nation, blacks in the country were still not granted citizenship & because of that unable to enter the military. However in Dominica the situation for Texas forces was worsening everyday. While Confederate & Cuban forces on Hispaniola numbered 150,000 Texas had barely 60,000 troops & though the white population now was growing the black & majority black population still held the higher population. Knowing that without reinforcements the state would inevitably fall governor Horacio Vásquez & General Winston Stephens would agree to allow anyone that is at least 25% white to enlist in the army & anyone below that line would be allowed to enter the militia on September 13,1898. From September-November 1898, after announcing the drop in race requirements the Texas army in Dominica would increase by 80,000 regular army & 25,000 militia troops. While recruits were still being trained General Stephens would go on the offensive on October 25,1898 against the enemy lines. The Texas offensive would catch the Cuban/Confederate forces off guard & by mid December had pushed enemy troops out of all but south west Dominica & even began crossing into Haiti itself. Though the Cuban/Confederate forces would continue fighting on, with all supply routes cut off by the Texas Navy hopes of stopping the Texas offensive continued to fade.

From September-late December on the Eastern Front neither side would see very big breakthroughs, however Confederate forces would see more one more major breakthrough before the end of the year. On December 24,1898 General Wheeler would order another mass offensive against the lines at Tyler & Nacogdoches. Though Confederate forces would take many casualties the lines at Tyler & Nacogdoches would break after just a couple hours & give the Confederacy their greatest advance yet pushing the lines to Dallas & Palestine. On January 14,1899 due to the inability to stop Confederate forces General in Chief of the Army Felix Huston Robertson would replace commander of the Eastern Front armies General George C. Pendleton with General Joseph Humphrey. General Humphrey would take a more aggressive approach to the Eastern Front & immediately begin planning a mass breakthrough.

After months of mobilizing the United States would finally declare war on the Confederacy on January 12,1899 & invade Virginia & Kentucky. Though Confederate forces had been slowly moved to the CS/US border since the US’s mobilization began with so many forces in Texas US troops under John C. Bates would reach the Rapidan River & Roanoke in Virginia before being stopped & in Kentucky troops under General Wesley Merritt would reach the Tennessee River & Frankfurt before Confederate forces could stop them. With the US now at war with the Confederacy Texas & the US would sign the Treaty of St. Louis on January 22,1899 forming an alliance between the two countries against the Confederacy.

On February 5,1899 General Humphrey would order a two pronged counteroffensive from Palestine towards Tyler & Nacogdoches. The offensive would surprise Confederate forces & by February 10 Texas troops had retaken Tyler & Nacogdoches & pushed the line to Longview & San Augustine before enough Confederate reinforcements could be brought in to stop the advance. Due to the massive advance by Texas Confederate troops originally destined for the Trinity River & Dallas Fronts would be rerouted to Longview & San Augustine. General Jackson Taylor commanding Texas troops at Dallas would take advantage of the lull in Confederate reinforcements & attack enemy lines on February 22,1899 & by February 26 Texas troops would emerge victorious from the Battle of Dallas & push the Confederacy back to McKinney & Sherman.

While things on the Eastern Front would just now be turning in favor of Texas in Hispaniola Confederate/Cuban troops would be in full retreat & on March 1,1899 the majority of the Confederate/Cuban forces would retreat into Port-au-Prince. With all land & sea routes cut off the 30,000 Confederate & 80,000 Cuban forces would surrender to the 110,000 Texas troops on March 15,1899. With the war on Hispaniola over Texas troops would stay in Haiti to keep order until a workable government could be reformed.

Though Texas had initially made large advances against the Confederacy by April lines would stagnate once more. In Virginia US troops would be suffering the same problems unable to move forward against Confederate lines, however in Kentucky US forces would win the Battle of Frankfurt & push Confederate troops into Lexington & in western Kentucky US forces would push into northwestern Tennessee. The US would also open a third front & invade northern Arkansas on April 26,1899.

With the entrance of the US into the war the Confederate Navy new its northern bases were no longer safe & decided to make an attempt to enter Havana or Mobile. With that on February 12,1899 the Confederate Navy would join at Charleston & begin sailing to the Gulf of Mexico. However word of the Confederate naval movements would reach the US & the information would be sent to the Texas & US fleets. Upon learning of the Confederate naval movements the Texas Galveston Fleet Patrolling of Louisiana under Admiral Horatio Wallace & the US New London Fleet patrolling off Virginia under Admiral George Dewey would move at full speed to catch the Confederate Navy. The navies would catch the Confederate fleet in the Florida Straits & on February 17,1899 begin the Battle of the Florida Straits, largest naval battle of the war.

The Confederate Naval forces would consist of 2 battleships, 7 protected cruisers, & 10 ironclads, the Texas fleet would consist of 1 battleship, 4 protected cruisers, & 6 ironclads, & the US fleet would have 1 battleship, 6 protected cruisers, & 6 ironclads. The Battle of the Florida Straits would last most of the day but finally the Confederate Navy would be defeated with 2 battleships, 6 protected cruisers, & 8 ironclads sunk & 2700 dead.
The US & Texas would not get off without casualties, Texas would lose 2 protected cruisers, 3 ironclads, & its battleship 1 protected cruiser, & 4 ironclads damaged & 400 dead. The US would lose its battleship, 1 protected cruiser, 2 ironclads, with 3 protected cruisers damaged & 550 dead. The three remaining Confederate ships would manage to escape retreat into Havana. With the Confederate Navy now destroyed the Texas & US navies would be in complete control of the seas.


With the fighting on Hispaniola finished General Stephens would look toward Cuba & send word to General Robertson in Houston requesting an additional 100,000 troops to successfully take Cuba out of the war. Though Robertson would admire General Stephens ambition & agree that Cuba should be taken out of the war, General Robertson knows with the Eastern front eating up troops Texas would not have the manpower to take invade & take Cuba alone. That problem however would be solved when meeting with the US commanding General Nelson A. Miles in April 1899 Robertson would propose a joint invasion of Cuba. After discussing it the two generals would agree that the US would send 50,000 troops to assist General Stephens’s 70,000 troops in invading southern Cuba while Texas would plan a landing of 40,000 marines in Havana within two weeks of the US/Texas landing in southern Cuba. The US would begin transporting troops to Haiti for training in May & the invasion is set to happen in August 1899. While troops were being transported the US & Texas Navies would begin to heavily bombard Havana, Santiago de Cuba, & Guantánamo Bay.

The Trinity River portion of the Eastern Front had been relatively quiet for months with both sides low on troops with Texas using them in the Palestine Offensive & the Confederacy sending them to the fronts with the US. However hoping to take Texas out of the war General Lee would prepare an offensive to take Houston. While in preparation Lee would gain an additional 75,000 troops & the offensive would finally commence on May 19,1899. The sudden offensive would catch the Texas troops off guard & they would quickly be overrun & by the late evening on May 20 Confederate forces would reach the outskirts of Houston. However the advance would be short lived however when General Humphrey would order 50,000 troops into Houston to push back the Confederates before they were able to dig in & by May 25 the Confederate force were driven back east of the Trinity River by Texas troops combined with heavy naval bombardments from ships in Galveston Bay. With the loss of 50,000 this would be General Lee’s final attempt at an offensive towards Houston.
US forces would breakthrough Confederate lines on the Rapidan River on June 1,1899. The US would push the line south until hitting the James River on June 4,1899. With this breakthrough Confederate lines would break throughout Virginia & into Kentucky with US forces finally winning the Battle of Roanoke & taking control of most of the Cumberland Plateau. Due to this breakthrough Confederate forces in Lexington would finally retreat from the city on July 4,1899. During the 1899 summer in the Western Theater US forces would take more of western Tennessee, Sequoyah north of the Arkansas River, & push closer to Little Rock in Arkansas.

On August 8,1899 the invasion of Cuba by Texas & the US would begin. Though much of Santiago de Cuba & Guantánamo Bay had been destroyed in the two months of bombardments 50,000 Cuban troops still defended the two areas, & Texas & the US would lose 7500 (3450 US, 3550 TX) taking the areas but by August 10,1899 the US/Texas force would have secured a decent foothold in southern Cuba. On August 15,1899 after the rest of the US/Texas force arrived on Cuba the two armies would begin moving up Cuba. The Texas force of 50,000 commanded by General Stephens taking the southern route & the US force of 45,000 commanded by General Theodore Roosevelt who had recently been promoted due to his actions in Kentucky & Western Tennessee taking northern route. By the time the Texas invasion of Havana was set to begin on August 25,1899 due to most of the Cuban fighting force being either on the Eastern Front in Texas or captured in Haiti the US/Texas force would reach the Ciego de Ávila Province. The invasion of Havana would begin on August 25 with Texas forces landing east & west of Havana. By August 26 Havana would be under siege & constant bombardment by the navy. Havana would stay under siege until October 31,1899 when after learning that its last substantial force on Cuba under General Demetrio Castillo Duany had been defeated & captured at the Battle of Matanzas by the US Army, commander of Cuban forces in Havana General Máximo Gómez would lead a coup overthrowing President Tomás Estrada Palma who was still unwilling to surrender & surrender to allied forces. On November 7,1899 the Treaty of Havana would end Cuba’s role in the war & force Cuba to cede Guantánamo Bay to the US & Isla de la Juventud to Texas. The treaty would also have Cuba occupied by US & Texas forces until a more stable government can be set up after the end of the war.

With their homeland conquered & surrendered many Cuban troops in Texas already tired of war would begin surrendering in mass to Texas forces. Taking advantage of the Cuban surrendering General Humphrey would order General Richard Greer to attack Confederate lines on November 22. Upon his orders General Greer would attack Confederate lines at the Trinity River & due to the Confederate loss of manpower would overwhelm the Confederates & push them back. By December 1 Texas forces had retaken Beaumont & driven the Confederates across the Neches River before finally being forced to stop.

Texas forces would do one final offensive before the end of the year. On December 14,1899 the Comanche/Kiowa Army would attack south with 45,000 from the Sequoyah lines at Atoka towards Paris. At the same time would order a mass assault from Longview towards Paris to meet up with the Comanche/Kiowa forces & cut off the 100,000 Confederate troops on the Sherman & McKinney fronts. On December 19,1899 the Texas & Comanche/Kiowa Armies would meet in Paris & succeed in cutting Confederate forces & General Wheeler around Sherman & McKinney off from the rest of the Confederate lines. Though General Wheeler would try three times to break through to Confederate lines he would be defeated each time & on February 7,1900 he would surrender to Texas forces.
Lines as of December 1899


The first two months of the 20th century would see three crucial events take place in the war against the Confederacy. On January 15,1900 Richmond would finally fall to US forces with General James Hoge Tyler being pushed out of the city & across the James. Tyler’s forces would retreat to the Roanoke River & dig in, & US forces would reach Confederate positions by January 22. With Tyler’s retreat from Richmond US forces would push into eastern Tennessee & western North Carolina as well. On January 31,1900 the Battle of Little Rock would end in victory for the US with General Francis T. Nicholls retreating to the south side of the Arkansas River. On February 7,1900 Confederate forces under General Wheeler surrounded at Sherman & McKinney would surrender to General Humphrey.

In Central America Costa Rica had been the only country to not fight against Mexico in the Mexican-Central American War of 1881 & therefore was able to remain independent from Mexican rule. However in the years since the war Mexico had increasingly pushed influence & Mexican settlers into the country but had held of on directly annexing the country due to threats of intervention by Texas. But since war between Texas & the Confederacy had started in 1897 Emperor Agustín de Iturbide had greatly stepped pressure on Costa Rica. Due to Mexico increasingly hostile towards them some Costa Ricans start clashing with Mexican settlers & in December 1899 three Mexican citizens would be killed during a fight between settlers & Costa Ricans. Upon learning of the deaths Agustín would use it as an excuse to send troops into Costa Rica to “keep the peace”. Though Mexico would get protests from Texas, with it being at war with the Confederacy they do no more than protest. In March 1900 after more than three months of occupation Mexico announces the annexation of Costa Rica.

Hoping to finally push the Confederates out of Texas Generals Robertson & Humphrey would plan three offensives against Confederate lines. In late March 1900 the Texas Armies would begin preparing offensives from Perryville(McAlester) in Sequoyah, Longview, & Beaumont. On April 15,1900 the Texas offensives would begin & quickly Texas & Indian forces in Sequoyah would push into Arkansas which would cause lines in east Texas to crumble as Texas forces push from Longview & Beaumont. By May 1,1900 Texas forces would be halfway to Hot Springs, Arkansas, & to the outskirts of Shreveport & Lake Charles.

An anti-war protest of 20,000 people occurs in Montgomery on May 7,1900. By May 8 the protests would erupt into a riot that would quickly spread across the capital. Rioters would trash the city until May 10 when Confederate troops would come in & put down the riot. Though the riot was put down it would show many of the troops on the fronts that even the people of the Confederacy could see that the war was a lost cause. However President Allen D. Candler would refuse to acknowledge what the rest of the country has come to know & orders 70,000 more troops to the Lake Charles front.

On June 17,1900 General Lee would launch the Confederacy’s final offensive at Lake Charles. The offensive would successfully push Texas back nearly to the Sabine River before being stopped. The Confederate success wouldn’t last long however when on July 10,1900 Texas & US forces would go on the offensive across all fronts hoping to finally to push the Confederacy to the negotiating table. In Virginia & Kentucky US forces would bust through Confederate lines on the Roanoke & at Bowling Green pushing into North Carolina & central Tennessee while US troops in the Western Theater would finish taking western Tennessee & move into northern Mississippi. In Arkansas & Louisiana Texas troops would overtake Confederate positions at Hot Springs & Shreveport while troops in southern Louisiana would retake land lost in the previous Confederate offensive & by August 1,1900 Texas forces would be nearing Baton Rouge.

Though the offensive would lose steam & finally stop on August 14 the damage was already done to the Confederate moral. Mutinies would erupt in Confederate lines with troops tired of fighting a lost war would begin surrendering in mass to allied lines. Finally on August 31,1900 President Candler would request a ceasefire.

Negotiations for ending the Confederate War would be made between Confederate President Allen D. Candler, Texas President James Stephen Hogg, & US President William McKinley at Nassau, Bahamas. Negotiations would begin on September 26,1900 & would immediately become heated, sometimes to the point where the leaders would threaten to restart the war. But on November 8,1900 things would begin to cool down when President Candler would agree to cede Sequoyah to Texas, however reparations & land cession to the US would still not be agreed on until November 15,1900. Though President Candler calls the treaty too harsh with the alternative being the occupation of the entire Confederacy would agree & on November 15,1900 sign the Treaty of Nassau ending the Confederate War. The terms of the treaty would be:

Regulated the payment of the Confederacy’s war indemnity of $7.5 billion to each the US & Texas, & $5 billion to Haiti due to be paid in 5 years.

Abolishment of slavery in the Confederacy.

Free transport of all Haitians illegally taken to the Confederacy & forced into slavery.

Cession of all confederate land north of the Arkansas River to the US to become the State of North Arkansas.

Cession of the state of Sequoyah to Texas.

Cession of all land north of the Rapidan River in Virginia as well as the adjustment of the Virginia-West Virginia border.

US occupation of Kentucky for 25 years.

Confederate Army not to exceed 50,000 active troops.

Though all nations agreed to the treaty an altercation would soon develop over land ceded to both Texas & the US. While Texas had been awarded the State of Sequoyah the US was awarded all north of the Arkansas River which would include northeast Sequoyah. The altercation would soon be resolved however with the US offering to purchase the land for $3,000,000. With the Confederate War now over Texas & the US would look to Cuba which it had occupied since November 1899. While some in both countries would call for the annexation of the island by either the US, Texas, or both countries Presidents Hogg & McKinley would agree to set up a joint puppet government & set up General Máximo Gómez as the new president of Cuba on January 15,1901. Though issues in Cuba & on the mainland would be dealt with, Haiti would be a different story. Haiti’s land & population had been devastated by the Confederates & though both the US & Texas would guarantee Haiti’s independence it was decided that Texas would continue occupying the country while it rebuilds until the US & Texas deem it fit to control itself.

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President James Hogg would leave office in December 1901 being replaced by the recently retired General of the Army Felix Huston Robertson. Upon entering office Robertson would continue the rebuilding of East Texas & Sequoyah. He would also make a deal with the slowly reemerging Haitian government to furnish most of the materials to rebuild Haiti. In doing this Robertson would not only direct much of the reparation money Haiti was getting towards Texas but for the most part turn Haiti into a satellite state of Texas. This would cause some controversy between Robertson & some officials in Texas who would state that Texas had just fought a long, bloody, & expensive war to protect Haiti, but with more money being brought into Texas it is eventually forgotten about.

Though money from the Confederacy & Haiti had helped, because of the Confederate War much of the Texas economy had taken a severe blow & with the continued reconstruction it was not getting better. That however would change in 1902 with the discovery of a massive oil reserve at an area outside Beaumont called Spindletop. With the discovery of oil Beaumont would transform overnight for a town ravaged by war to a rapidly growing boomtown. The discovery would also bring investors from across North America investing in land speculation. Throughout the rest of the 1900’s & 1910’s oil discoveries would be made throughout the Texas states of Texas, Rio Grande, New Mexico, Sequoyah, Baja, & Arizona.

With the Oil Boom the economy of Texas would be pulled out of the gutter & bring it up temporarily surpassing the United States. With money now coming in President Robertson would approve funding for the rapid expansion of the railroads in the Midwestern states & territories in 1904. Because of the railroad expansion the Utah & Deseret territories would see a significant increase in population to the point where both territories would be eligible to become states by the end of Robertson’s term in 1907.

Though the Texas Navy had been modernized in the early 1890’s with the commissioning of the HMS Dreadnought in 1906 the craving for these new capital ships would quickly spread & in 1906 President Robertson would sign a bill approving the construction of 4 dreadnought battleships based on the plans of the British Bellerophon class battleship, & 8 new armored cruisers based on the design of the German Scharnhorst class cruiser. & 30 destroyers based on the British Tribal class destroyer while all existing ships were to be sold or scrapped. This would not set well with the Texas government which saw the constructions as an unneeded expense.
Throughout 1906 & 1907 Texas would sell 20 armored support & coastal defense ironclads to different countries mainly Mexico, Colombia, & 5 to Cuba, while scrapping the remainders, of the 3 battleships two would be sold to Argentina & Colombia while the third would be promised to Chile upon commissioning of the first dreadnought, & the protected cruisers would be sold to Colombia & Cuba. With most of the Texas Navy’s older ships sold of scrapped by the end of his term President Robertson would assure that at least most of his new navy would be built.

In December 1907 Robertson would be succeeded by Miguel Antonio Otero II son of the former president Miguel Antonio Otero. Though Otero saw the need for a large navy he would also see what the cost of constructing it would be. In May 1908 Otero would drop the size of the new navy to 3 battleships & 6 armored cruisers though he would keep the order of destroyers, however the final battleship & 1 cruiser would already be half way completed. Instead of scrapping the uncompleted ships he opts to sell them to Brazil & has the ships completed. In August 1910 the territory of Deseret would be admitted as the 10th state of Texas.

Colombia had been slowly modernizing its military since Mexico’s annexation of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, & Nicaragua during the Mexican-Central American War in 1881. However Mexico’s annexation of Costa Rica in 1900 & the fear that Mexico would look on towards Panama would cause Colombia to greatly increase the speed of its modernization. Colombia would purchase modern military equipment & naval vessels from Britain, France, the US, & Texas in the early 1900’s to try & decrease the technological gap between their military & Mexico’s German supplied military. Unfortunately despite the strengthening of its military the Mexican-Colombian border would begin to see more & more military activity until in August 1913 Mexico would set a claim to Panama & the movement of troops to the border. War however would be averted for the time being by an intervention of Britain, the US, & France who along why attempting to hold back Mexico’s increasing strength had their own ambitions in Panama of building a canal. Though Mexico’s troops would pull back it however would continue to claim Panama for Mexico & wait for its time to be able to take Panama.

Miguel Antonio Otero II would leave office in December 1913 leaving George Pardee with a nation at peace & with the largest economy in the Americas. Even though the world would be at peace when Pardee entered office, unfortunately it would not last long. On June 28,1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria would be assassinated by Young Bosnia member Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo. This would set off a chain reaction between Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia, France, and Britain which would engulf
Europe in war.


Upon the outbreak of war across Europe & their colonies the United States, Texas, & the Confederacy declare their neutrality in the war though their governments do support the Entente. With Mexico however, though they don’t declare war on the Entente they do place an embargo against the Entente.

Though military submarines had been around since the American Revolution they had never been used on large scale until the outbreak of the World War when Germany would use them on a large scale. Germany would begin using unrestricted submarine warfare merchant ships throughout the Atlantic. This would begin causing tension between Germany & many countries in the Americas, mainly the United States, Brazil, & the Confederacy with many of their ships being attacked & sunk. In May 1915 Germany’s submarine warfare would nearly bring the US into the war when a German U-boat sunk the ocean liner RMS Lusitania. Cooler heads would prevail though & Germany would stop unrestricted submarine warfare for the time being.

In 1913 Colombia had avoided war with Mexico due to Britain, the US, & France intervening on Colombia’s behalf but by mid 1916 with Britain & France at war in Europe Mexico would begin acting more hostile towards Mexico once more. Though both Britain & France would protest Mexico’s actions neither could afford to do anything in the Americas & knowing that Mexico would send Colombia an ultimatum on October 23,1916 to cede Panama to Mexico or face war. On November 15,1916 with no reply from Bogotá Mexico would declare war on Colombia. Though Colombia had been rapidly modernizing its military Mexican forces would still be superior & push to the outskirts of Panama City on December 1,1916 where Mexican troops would begin to bottleneck & the front would stabilize. The war at sea would be more evened out with while Colombia had invested heavily in powerful surface ships Mexico had begun moving more towards cheaper submarines.

The Mexican invasion of Colombia would cause outrage in the US & Texas & both nations would cut all diplomatic ties with Mexico on November 30,1916. Though angered at Mexico neither the US or Texas would move to war though, the US would refrain from military action against Mexico due to the increasing public calling for war against Germany & in Texas while there was a fairly strong public support for military action against Mexico President Pardee would wish to avoid war though he would allow military supplies to be sent to Colombia. With Texas supporting Colombia Mexican submarines would begin targeting Texas merchant ships traveling towards South America in December 1916.

Germany would resume unrestricted submarine warfare in early 1917 & begin targeting American ships once more. This would be the final straw for the US & President Charles Evans Hughes would ask US congress to declare war on Germany on April 7,1917. Though the vote for war would easily pass many in Congress would worry about possible hostilities by the Confederacy with sending so many American troops to Europe. This worry would soon subside however when due to German attacks on Confederate shipping as well the Confederacy would declare war on Germany on May 21,1917. Though per the Treaty of Nassau the Confederate military was not to exceed 50,000 with Confederate entry into the World War against Germany both the US & Texas would drop the treaty term & allow the Confederacy to increase its military. However even with the ending of the troop limit the Confederacy would only send 750,000 troops to France as opposed to the over 2,500,000 US troops sent.

While the US & Confederacy went to war in Europe Texas would continue looking south. With Mexican submarines knowingly attacking Texas merchant vessels President Pardee would be increasingly pressured by Texas Congress & public opinion to enter war against Mexico. On June 2,1917 Mexico would finally push far enough that Pardee could not hold off anymore when two Texas merchant ships are sunk in the Gulf of California still in Texan territorial waters. With those sinking’s President Pardee would finally cave & ask congress to declare war on June 7,1917.

President Pardee would call for the regular Texas Army to be raised from a strength of 250,000 to 3,000,000 after the declaration on June 8 however with the reserve forces of the Texas Army being only 750,000 it would take some time however to be at full strength. On June 10,1917 200,000 Mexican forces under General José Arámbula (Pancho Villa) would invade Arizona pushing nearly to the port city of Seguin before enough Texas forces are moved in to stop the lines on June 12. Both sides would dig in & begin the Battle of Seguin. A second Mexican army of 100,000 would attempt to invade at Brownsville on July 11, however would be unable to cross the Rio Grande with 50,000 Texas troops (35,000 being militias) supported by heavy artillery & naval bombardment. By August 1917 Texas would have 1,000,000 ready for combat & begin preparing for their own offensives against Mexico.

While the land war would get off to a slow start at sea Texas battle groups would immediately begin attacking Mexican naval & merchant vessels & by September 1917 the Mexican navies surface fleet would be all but destroyed however the Texas Navy would have a tougher time taking out Mexican submarines & they would continue to attack Texas ships throughout the war even sinking the battleship TXS San Diego. The Texas Navy would also be tasked with securing the Mexican islands & they would take Mexico’s pacific islands June 17-July 15,1917, Cozumel June 27,1917, & assist the Colombian navy in taking its Caribbean islands July 2-August 12,1917.

The Gulf Offensive would begin on August 12,1917 with 300,000 Texas troops under General Andrew Jackson Houston crossing the Rio Grande at Laredo besieging the Mexican forces in Matamoras, & pushing towards Monterrey. However General Houston would only reach halfway to Monterrey before being bogged down near Ciénega de Flores by General Bernardo Reyes. While the Gulf Offensive was still being commenced the Chihuahua Offensive would begin on August 16,1917 under General Pierre François du Prey a French Texan from Corpus Christi. General du Prey’s forces would take Juarez after 3 days & quickly march south & reach the outskirts of the city of Chihuahua before being forced to stop by 250,000 Mexican defenders on August 27,1917.

Though initial offensives by both sides gained ground the war would quickly become the all to familiar trench warfare Texas had fought through 17 years before & Texas generals would begin searching for a more reliable way to break the deadlock of trench warfare. The generals would soon hear of what they need being used on the battlefields of western Europe & it was being called the tank. The first tank the Mark 1 had been made in Britain in 1916 & had quickly began proving itself capable of breaking through the German trenches & machine guns & by late 1917 would be being built by both the British & French. Seeing the usefulness of the tank Texas would purchase 10 British Mark 1, 70 British Mark IV, & 60 French Renault FT in July 1917 & rapidly begin producing its own. Though the Renault FT would be the favorite of the Texas Army the army would decide to mass produce the British Mark IV while studying & designing off the style of the Renault FT. In using the Renault FT as a base platform the Texas Army would design Texas’s first tank in 1920 that would look like the Renault FT but would have a larger more reliable engine able to move at 10mph instead of 4mph, stronger frame, & replace the 37mm cannon with a larger QF 6 pounder 6 cwt Hotchkiss named the Mk 1 Crockett tank. Though it would come too late for the war the Crockett would mark the first tank designed in the Americas.


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