The Nogai Khagans a TL

Alright so the basic premise o fthis POD is that after Nogai son of Berke becomes the mongol overlord of Romania and Moldavia he decides to convert to orthodox Christianity rather than like in otl. Once that happens he invades Thrace like otl and defeats the emperors forces thereby causing the ERE to sue for peace and he marries an imperial princess. Now here is where things get interesting...

The Khan and the Emperor

1259 Sandomierz Poland
On the outskirts of the city of Sandomierz a large mongol force had encamped itself. In the main tent among this encampment lay an imposing figure.

Nogai was his name son of Berke the Khan of the Western Horde.
A mongol officer came into the tent with a solemm look on his face.
"Commander I bring you some terrible news."
Heairng thos words Nogai frowned "tell me what news you bring. Arent we winning the siege."
The officer nodded " This isn't about the siege. Its about your... father Berke."
When Nogai heard those words he grew annoye at the messenger "Out with it what happened to my father"

the officer stuttered " apparently A Couple weeks ago your father had visited the city of Samarkand to oversee its rebuilding after we had sacked it previously. Well while in the city a fanatic attacked him and somehow got past the guards and well killed him. Of course the perpetrator was brought to justice but your father im afraid was not so lucky."

Nogai fell to his knees and wept. Then after collecting himself he snarled "Officer relay these orders to Burundai my father's close friend and a brilliant commander. Take a Tyumen, march for Samarkand. The city will suffer for what occurred within its walls.
The officer stuttered some more "What about our raiding of these Poles"
Nogai smiled "Oh the raid wil continue and im sure we can accomplish our objectives with two tyumens. After all these Europeans are very incompetent on the battlefield.
Hearing those words the officer snorted and left the tent.

A few days later Sandomierz fell to the mongol attackers. It was a pity Nogai ahd received the news then, he was in a very foul mood and the mongols ravaged the city. Thousands of its inhabitants were dragged out and killed on the streets. Torches burned down all the major buildings and soon the city was for all intents and purposes razed.

The stench of death in the city was so bad that travelers and merchants would find alternate routes to pass through the city. At the same time the rest of the populace htat survived the ransacking was enslaved under Nogai's orders.

Meanwhile on the outskirts of Krakow Burundai was busy besieging the city when he received the news from a messenger.

Understanding what needed to be done Burundai sent envoys to the King of Lesser Poland.
In the offer of peace the city would pay heavy reparations for the mongols and disband its armies. If it were to rebuild its border guard it would be razed.

With the Poles taken care of Burundai ordered his Tyumen to march for Samarkand.

What followed was a butchery on a scale unsen for years. Because of Berke being killed the entire city was burned to the ground. Samarkand once the jewel of the central Asian trading world lay utterly despoiled and would take years to rebuild and such was the wrath of the mongols.

Meanwhile in Poland Boleslaw the Bold surrendered to the mongols under Nogai after hearing about the ravaging of Sandomierz.
In return for paying tribute the hordes would leave lesser Poland

It was after this successful raid of Poland that as Nogai was returning to his base of operations in Bucharest he was approached by envoys form the distant east.

Bucharest 1260
In the governor's quarters where Nogai resided envoys had arried from Anatolia.
They came as he heard from a place known as the empire of Nicaea at the behest of its emperor Michael VIII Paleologos

" Now why would I be interested in helping your emperor retake his city. I have enough troubles as it is within the Western horde Nogai asked the envoy.

The envoy then replied " Well myemepror has heard that you have become a part of the fold and as a fellow member wishes for your aid to retake Constantinople from the Latins.

"Well what do I get in return" Asked Nogai.

The envoy nodded his head and many bags of gold were brought before Nogais eyes by the envoys attendants. "All of this and more plus marriage to an imperial princess in return for aiding us in retaking the city and later on the Balkans from the Latins.

Nogai noded his head " Now we are talking business my friends."
However Nogai had other plans for the city.

In 1260 A.D the Empire of Nicaea allyied itself with the western horde under its new Khan Nogai and declared war upon the latin empire of Constantinople.

Realizing the threat posed to him the Latin Emperor Baldwin II sent emmisieries to ask for aid from his allies.

The various latin princes in the Balkans answered to his call and a force of some 20000 Latin soldiers arrived near the city. However the Nogai attack was swift. Lead by Burundai who had returned from Samarkand at the behest of Nogai The mongols engaged the Latins within the Thrace outside the walls of the city and defeated them.
using superior tactics the Latns were unable to counter the mongols who lead by Burundai decimated the enemy force. Thousands of casualties were suffered by Baldwins men and those captured were then enslave as was the custom.

In Constantinople when news reached Baldwin of the loss of the army it was said that he wept and realized the only thing standing between him and the horde were the walls of the city.

However by that point Nicaean troops lead by Alexius Strateopulous arrived and after sneaking into the city through a secret underground passageway they surprised the defenders, opened the gates of the city and the Nicaean-Mongol Armies poured into the city. For days it was plundered though given his beliefs Nogai spared the various monastries and Baldwin was caught and executed. With Baldwin dead Michael was proclaimed emperor and on that same day more bags of gold were given to Nogai and Nogai married Michaels daughter Irene Paleoloigina.

After the ceremonies Nogai returned to Bucharest which by that point had become his base of operations for the european theater along with his tuymans.

It was then that fate would take a turn for better or worse. Up till then the Bulgarian czar who was nominally under mongol vassalage decided to make a go at ending the mongol occupation. On his return with his tired forces Asen raised his armies n Bulgaria and cut of access to the Khan on his return to Bucharest. At the same time seizing the opportunity the Hungarians too provided their own men and support to Asen though covertly. This would prove to be a fatal mistake.

Enraged at being betrayed Nogai vowed to sack Sofia the Bulgarian capital and the mongol tyumen he commanded that had besieged Constantinople he turned on Asen and the Bulgarians. Like before the mongols advanced use of tactics and skilled generals destroyed the Bulgarian armies near Sofia and soon besieged the city which fell later on. Asen was captured and executed for his insolence and his son was put in charge of the city albeit with greatly reduced powers and a mongol governor was appointed to the region.

With Bulgaria pacified Nogai knew he had an even more pressing matter to attend. You see unlike his father Berke who had adopted the religion of the turks he had adopted the religion of his base of support among the ruthenian, moldavian, and romanian princes.

This in turn met that in the eastern parts of his Khanate their were generals who were loyal to Berke but in turn were not very loyal to him due to differences and they could revolt in the near future. Not to mention the Hordes populace in the Crimea and Samarkand were not the same as the ones in the balkans. To be honest he never thought his father would die so soon and so was for the most part unprepared or so it seemed. But unlike before thanks to the vast sums of gold bequeathed to him by the rhomans, he could continue funding his campaigns.

In Constantinople however things were very different. The Mongol pillaging had greatly destroyed the cities buildings and the rebuilding projects coupled with the loss of vast sums of gold to the mongols meant financially the empire was in dire straits. it was then that disaster struck.

Believing his western border secure thanks to the aid of his mongol allies, Michael turned his attention to Anatolia and a byzantine army invaded the Seiljuk lands. Though weakeaned on the outskirts of Pahpaloginia the Seiljuks delivered a crushing defeat to imperial troops and Michael himself had died. To make matters worse in the imperial palace a group of nobles launched a coup to overthrow the boy emperor Andronikos and end the paleologinian line had they succeeded. But things would not go their way.

When Irene Khatun heard of the death of her father and the imprisonment of her brother she convinced Nogai to once more turn to the south. It was then that Nogai agreed with her statements, but rather than help restore Andronikos to the throne. he declared himself the Khagan of the rhomans and with two full tumens marched into Thrace. Once more the mongols besieged the city.

THe populace who had already suffered froim the mongol looting earlier because they did not surrender immediatly disagreed with the nobles who had overthrown Andronikos. Indeed f only to save the city many of the denizens rioted. These riots soon spread across the city and the coup by the nobles was ended and its perpetrators killed in the riots that followed.

Once the perpetrators were dead or imprisoned the Patriarch of Constantinople sent his envoys to Nogai and in return for sparing the city he would be willing to crown Nogai emperor. It also helped that since he was married to Irene he did in fact have a proper claim.

Thus in 1261 Nogai entered the city of Constantinople and was crowned by the Patriarch as the new Emperor Nogai I Jochid. However in the rest of the khanate he was simply known as the great Khagan of the west.

With Constantinople and in the process the Anatolian coast under his thumb. Nogais empire stretched from the Bosphorous to Samarkand to Russia. It truly was a vast state. But such a state would be bound to have issues. The most pressing one that of the Great Khan in Karakorum the mongol capital, the western latin states, and internal unrest in the predominantly turkish provinces of the empire.

What happens to the rest of the Balkans ITTL? And there was no Romania at the time of the Mongol invasion, there was only Wallachia and Moldavia was not established until the 14th century. I would suspect that Nogai would target Serbia next for his Khanate's expansion.
What happens to the rest of the Balkans ITTL? And there was no Romania at the time of the Mongol invasion, there was only Wallachia and Moldavia was not established until the 14th century. I would suspect that Nogai would target Serbia next for his Khanate's expansion.
Yes he will target Serbia... eventually. Alll this expansion and his switch to orthodox will not sit well in the east. Plus being called a khagan will raise eyebrows with the great khan in Karakorum. Nogai has a lot more to worry about then just his next conquest.

I know their was no Romania just wallachia and moldovia but I was just using Romania to describe the general area. Same thing with Moldavia to establish general area. He did target Serbia. Heck the eastern Balkans from Thrace to Serbia to Wallachia to the Crimean region etc are all under his control.

As for the rest of the
Yes he will target Serbia... eventually. Alll this expansion and his switch to orthodox will not sit well in the east. Plus being called a khagan will raise eyebrows with the great khan in Karakorum. Nogai has a lot more to worry about then just his next conquest.

I know their was no Romania just wallachia and moldovia but I was just using Romania to describe the general area. Same thing with Moldavia to establish general area. He did target Serbia. Heck the eastern Balkans from Thrace to Serbia to Wallachia to the Crimean region etc are all under his control.

As for the rest of the

Is it just the Nogai-Balkan Khanate or the whole of the Golden Horde that he has conquered?
update for this timeline

The Khan and the Other Khan

At Constantinople in 1261 Nogai was meeting with his generals to discuss their Balkan campaign. His target Serbia.

However it was then that an envoy from Karakorum had arrived.

The Envoy then blurted out in front of Nogai "I have a message to bring to you from the Great Khan. Mongke has died, and Kublai his son has called a kurulatai. He is ordering the Khans to return to Karakorum to swear their loyalty to him. As the Khan of the West you must answer his summons"

Nogai nodded his head. He couldn't afford to not answer Kublai's call simply because for the campaigns he was planning he would need a secure eastern border. If he did anger the Great Khan it could mean civil war and though Nogai knew he could most likely win, the great mess it would cause would weaken his army and end his remaining campaigns against Europe.

So he replied he would go to Karakorum to the envoy and the envoy left the Imperial palace. Before setting out Nogai appointed Burundai to take over operations in running the Empire from the Balkans and permission to continue the campaigns in the west.

Nogai left the capital with one tumen accompanied by Irene Khatun and travelled to Karakorum.

After a long ardous journey Nogai finally arrived at the city. In the great tent the entire family was present. The Illkhan Hulegu and his family sat in the most prominent position next to Kublai and his family. On the other side sat Nogai himself and his entourage. Finally the Chagatai's lead by Mabarq were also present. Also present were the other members of the family.

Many other prominent Mongol clans were present as well and great discussions wer taking place. Immediately Nogai approached Kublai and after giving a bow asked to speak to Kublai privately. The two got up and went to a corner and Kublai spoke to him.

" So I have heard Nogai of how you have become a Khagan it seems in the west."

Nogai knew he had to choose his words carefully "Perhaps but I am not the Great Khagan nor do I wish to become one. I have many things on my plate at the moment and have plans for continuing the conquests in the west. "
Then Kublai replied " It also appears you have been called Emperor?"
Nogai responded " To my roman subjects yes, because I have taken their city and took the title. Yet is it not true that the great Khagan is above emperors?"

Hearing those words Kublaiu was pleased "Ahh but I am not yet the great Khagan?"

Then Nogai made his move "Indeed but what if at this kurultai I supported you. All I ask is for you to keep my eastern borders secure from attacks."

Kublai grinned "I can have that arranged. I am glad you will side with me, I was worried you may have had other designs for my fathers great Khaganate."

It was then that Hulegu approached them. He looked at Nogai with an unhappy expression. "Kublai I don't think you should believe this snake."
At those words Nogai lost his temper "Why, I have no interest in being great Khagan hulegu but perhaps you do."

Hearing those words Hulegu shook his head. Then Nogai pressed on
"We both know Kublai here has the best claim to the throne and I suggest we both support him. besides I am not like my father, regardless of the bad blood in the past right now I want us to put aside our differences. The reason is simple. I know you have plans for Egypt and the Turks and I have plans myself for them Europeans. Thus let us not fight each other but rather help each other achieve our goals."

After hearing those words Kublai had a happy expression and he turned to Hulegu. "Uncle Hulegu, my nephew, Nogai makes some good points and since I will be elected great Khan I suggest no I order the two of you to repair your relations.”

Unable to say no Hulegu nodded his head. A short while later after much discussion the two leaders came to an agreement. The Nogai Horde would not interfere with Hulegu and his plans for the middle east while the Ill khanate would not interfere with Nogai’s plans to conquer the rest of Eastern Europe.

Once the two came to an agreement the Kurultai was held. Aside from Mabarq of the Chagatai, Hulegu and Nogai voted for Kublai as Khan. Therefore the remaining nobles also voted and the majority chose Kublai.

After Kublai was proclaimed great Khan Nogai returned to Constantinople pleased with the fact that his eastern borders were secure. But before he could turn his attention on the western Balkans, another conflict erupted.

Unlike Nogai the predominantly Turkish regions of the empire were non too pleased to be ruled by a Khan from Constantinople and therefore revolted. Lead by a Mongol general called Atabeg the rebels soon overran the Hordes outposts and towns in the Caucus regions.

Enraged Nogai immediately called upon his own Mongol tumens but aiding him was another group of allies. The Russian princes who had previously chafed under their mongol overlords were now coming into line. The reason being that to them Nogai was a fellow Christian and had recognition from the patriarch of Constantinople. Hoping if they aided him, they would have more autonomy within their provinces, the Russian hosts assembled from Kiev to Tver to Moscow and joined up with Nogai's tumens. The Balkan princes too offered their own hosts and soon this large army marched against the rebellion.

On the outskirts of Sarai the two Mongolian armies met. The battle though fierce ended in Nogai's victory given his overwhelming superiority in numbers and Atabeg was killed. Then three mongol tumens lead by Burundai smashed their way into the heart of the rebellion in the Samarkand region and once again laid waste to it. It took many more months but eventually the rebel holdouts in the Caucasus were rooted as well. It helped that Kublai had ordered Hulegu to help crush the revolt and so Hulegu begrudgingly sent one of his tumens to attack from the south with the promise of aid from the Nogais in return.

All in all the revolt ended in failure and Nogai responded harshly. Every city that had revolted by 1263 was sacked by his forces. To Nogai this ravaging didn't really effect him per say since with his control of Crimea, the Marmara, and Constantinople he was already making lots of profit. Plus his main base of operations was relatively untouched by the revolt. As for the east the former capital Sarai had not revolted nor the surrounding region so those lands too were for the most part not affected. He did have to teach the Bolgars a lesson though to remind them who was their overlord.

With the rebellion quelled Nogai returned triumphantly to Constantinople. In 1264 he laid out his plans for a grand campaign. Using the profits from his previous campaigns he planned to assemble a large mongol force akin to the force lead by Subodei with one intention in mind. The conquest of Serbia, the Subjugations of the Poles and Hungarians, and raids into wealthy Northern Italy.

Okay a map guys

The Eastern European Campaign Part I: The Venetian War
Venice 1264
When News Reached Zeno the Doge of Venice about the seizure of Constantinople by a Christian Mongol horde he was stunned. You see due to the weakness of the Latin and Nicaean Empire Venice had been given many privileges in the region in regards to trade. With the Mongols in charge their privileges would be gone. Now this was a situation that had to be rectified.

When venetian envoys informed Nogai of the privileges the Venetians enjoyed previously, Nogai replied thusly.
"Return to your Doge and tell him he is a lucky man. We of the Hordes have not yet turned our eyes on his city. We will not restore him his privileges and also know this... Once we conquer the Balkans, Northern Italy will be next. End of Discussion. If the Doge wants to do something about it then he may freely declare war!”

After saying those words Nogai had all but one Venetian envoy executed and sent the remaining one with his ear cut off back to the Doge in chains.

When the Doge was informed of the insult he grew enraged and in late 1264 a large Venetian Fleet was assembled with the intent of wresting control of the straits from the Nogai Khanate. This was a terrible mistake.

Anticipating the reaction of the doge of Venice, Nogai sent envoys to the Genoan republic who informed their Doge that if the Genoan fleet did not aid the Mongols against the Venetians in case of a Venetian attack, their province in Kaffa would be seized and once the horde descends upon Italy their cities ravaged. On the other hand if they did provide aid then they would be spared this destruction and be allowed to retain their trading rights in the Mediterranean.

Other envoys were sent to Pisa with similar conditions.

Realizing the threat the mongols faced and eager at getting revenge against the Venetians the Genoese promised to aid the mongols and a secret treaty was signed. A similar treaty was signed with the Pisans.

Thus when Venice declared war upon the Nogai, Genoa and Pisa declared war on Venice coming to the aid of their ally.

At the same time Nogai using part of the treasury brought vast stores of timber from the steppes and began a shipbuilding program overseen by imprisoned Italian and Byzantine sailors and merchants. He also brought over sailors from the republic of Novgorod to provide input. The Genoese and Pisan's also sent naval trainers and advisors paid for of course to Nogai as well.

Suffice to say though by the Venetian declaration of war only some 10 galleys were constructed by the Khanate. These were supplanted by the 20 existing Roman galleys.

At the same time the fleets of the Genoese and Pisans came to the aid of the khanate.

Thus on December 22nd 1264, the Venetian fleet was attacked by the combined Pisan-Mongol-Genoan fleet off the coast of Apulia in Naples. Here a fierce battle raged but in the end the Venetian fleet was destroyed though the mongols and their allies suffered significant losses as well.

However seizing this window of opportunity using a small fleet of mercenary ships Nogai had his Mongol soldiers assault Venetian held Crete. The native Greeks aided the assault by revolting against their Venetian overlords in favour of the Orthodox Khan who was the Emperor of the Rhomans.

At the same time Mongol forces smashed their way through the Balkans and occupied Zadar and Corfu which were quickly taken. They then by 1265 overran the Achaean Latin Kingdom and seized the Venetian provinces on the Greek mainland and then moved on Naxos.

Stunned at these reversals the Venetian doge sued for peace with the

Mongols and gave up all the territories he had lost to the Mongols and left the city of Athens to them as well, and the Venetians lost their rights to the lucrative Mediterranean trade.

In return nogai gave more privileges to the Genoese and Pisans who could now outcompete the Venetian merchants(though retained less rights and privileges than the Khanate’s merchants) and allowed them the right to trade in the eastern Mediterranean and the marmara.

Though to Nogai the rights he gave to those republics enjoyed were also temporary.

After all Northern Italy was rich and once the Balkans were taken it would only be a matter of time before the funds from the Italian coffers would fill up his treasury and allow him to wage a grand campaign to once and for all end the independence of those annoying Hungarians and Poles in the east.
