The NEW Our TimeLine Maps Thread!

Just finished this. Most recent available layout of Somalia. I've included:

-> Old Somalian divisions in Governmnent controlled areas and Puntland
-> New Somaliland divisions in areas of Somaliland control
-> No divisions in other areas.
-> Enlarged view of Mogadishu
-> Claims of the Somali, Somaliland and Puntland governments.

Somalia, June 2010.png
The piece between Swaziland and the sea belonged to KaNgwane, not KwaZulu.

I got some issues with the Chinese map, but I'll get into those later.
Fixed. The source map I was using had it incorrectly assigned to Kwa Zulu, damn CIA, Can't Identify Anything, but I did find another map that had it correctly assigned to Kangwane.

South African Bantustans.png
It'd be appreciated. :)

The thing is that you based it on this map, which has flaws. "Shenjing" was Fengtian, Xinjiang province didn't exist yet, I'm pretty certain it got Mongolia wrong though I couldn't tell you how, the western cessions to Russia look very suspect, and I've no idea how correct the outer Tibetan areas (Kham/Qinghai/Kokonor and Amdo) are.
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The thing is that you based it on this map, which has flaws. "Shenjing" was Fengtian, Xinjiang province didn't exist yet, I'm pretty certain it got Mongolia wrong though I couldn't tell you how, the western cessions to Russia look very suspect, and I've no idea how correct the outer Tibetan areas (Kham/Qinghai/Kokonor and Amdo) are.
The names are gathered from that map, yes, but I used the borders found in this map and hoped that they hadn't been changed from mid-century (although I did modify the Fengtian border).

Most of the Mongol border adjustments seem to have come about when the Republic of China was formed and it broke away-- the Mongol/Xinjiang border was changed a few times, I think. As for Xinjiang itself, it wasn't incorporated as a full province until the 1880s if Jonathan D. Spence is correct, but it certainly was Qing-controlled before then.
"Sinkiang" is just an alternate spelling of "Xinjiang". I've no idea what the Chinese themselves were calling it before that.

It's been called Xinjiang by the Chinese since 1821, before that the region names followed by xinjiang were used, atleast since the beginning of the Qing Dynasty.


Checking some 18th century atlases, it just seems to have been known as part of Independent Tartary (i.e., "random 'stans") in the West, with the names of the locals sometimes filled in. The name Dzungaria is sometimes used but that might only refer to part of it.
For the 1925 map, the German-Polish border is messed up around the Polish Corridor, and Belgium never had a German occupation zone, the United States did (in the same area as the Belgian zone on the map, but it was handed over to the French and British in 1923.)

Other way around.

The US pulled out by 1923 (remember, the isolationist phase) and Belgium remained. The US zone was handed over to the French.
The piece between Swaziland and the sea belonged to KaNgwane, not KwaZulu.

I got some issues with the Chinese map, but I'll get into those later.

Are you using that Wiki map as the source? If so I think it is wrong, unless that piece of territory was transferred from KwaZulu to KaNgwane at some point.

Most maps I have seen have the territory as part of KwaZulu, as does this online map which details the changes in the homeland boundaries at some point in the 1970s or 1980s:


Seems like you're right. Weird how a mistake that big hasn't been corrected yet.
Seems like I was correct after all in assigning that piece between Swaziland and the Indian Ocean to Kwa Zulu after all, assuming that the map Chris S. has posted is correct. Anyways I have two versions of my South African Bantustans map posted, just take your pick.