The New Order: Last Days of Europe Thread II

Former Russia writer here with a friendly reminder Zhdanov utterly hates Lysenko’s guts. (I actually wrote at least one flavor event on this personally)

Also every time I see unironic killpeopleism proposed in this chat I want to leave an airplane mid flight
I could swear that there was a thing where Zhdanov can admit that Lysenko had a few good ideas even if he was a bastard, but I haven't played Zhdanov in a while so I could be wrong.
I think corporatist dicksuckers would be AuthDem (although some of them would fit in Suvchinsky's despot party, after all, corporations benefit from economical liberalism). Which unifier exactly it suits better?
Komi perhaps, or a Magadan/Samara that tried to democratize but failed. But I agree with riverdelta, ultnats are just a little too wacky for novosibirsk whose whole thing is that they are anti-whacky to a depressing degree.

Actually, let me try and throw together a hypothetical post-Shukshin party list, roughly corresponding to the positions of that political compass novosibirsk has.

Populists (Socdem/Libsoc): A loose alliance of left-wing politicians and movements that believe that Shukshin did not go far enough in breaking the corporations, and seek to stringently enforce anti-trust laws and empower unions, but have little unifying ideology besides that, figuring that they can figure that out once they have "true democracy"

RPP: (Libdem/Condem): Shukshin's party, riding high off their victory, they seek to continue reforms in a more capitalist direction, aiding small businesses, and strategically increasing welfare and labor rights under some sort of christian democratic or one nation conservative type ideology as a way of getting the civilian economy moving again. Also supportive of greater decentralizing within the federation.

Siloviki Remnants (Authdem): Pretty self-explanatory, people who think Pokryshkin did nothing wrong and want to put the federation back onto that path. Possibly have a stratocratic faction inspired by Batov who also want to overthrow the corporations but in favor of a military government rather then democratic one.

Corporatists (Despotist/Fascist): I'm not sure what this party would call itself, but they would be people who liked what Pokryshkin was doing but were either radicalized by him failing to prevent the reforms, or people who just thought he didn't do enough, and are able to punch above their weight due to large amounts of corporate funding. Support reforming the federation into a truly authoritarian state where the government and corporations are intertwined like what happens under Bunyachenko. Given that in Novosibirsk the most fascist-friendly politics correspond to the technology/research focused megacorp, perhaps have some kind of techno-fascist cyberpunk without the punk thing going on.
I could swear that there was a thing where Zhdanov can admit that Lysenko had a few good ideas even if he was a bastard, but I haven't played Zhdanov in a while so I could be wrong.

IIRC Zhdanov only takes what research Lysenko's already done and has it looked over to see if there's anything useful (I think they just end up burning most of it though). You might be thinking of Kaganovich, who actually believes his shit and recruits him wholesale.
Komi perhaps, or a Magadan/Samara that tried to democratize but failed. But I agree with riverdelta, ultnats are just a little too wacky for novosibirsk whose whole thing is that they are anti-whacky to a depressing degree.

Actually, let me try and throw together a hypothetical post-Shukshin party list, roughly corresponding to the positions of that political compass novosibirsk has.

Populists (Socdem/Libsoc): A loose alliance of left-wing politicians and movements that believe that Shukshin did not go far enough in breaking the corporations, and seek to stringently enforce anti-trust laws and empower unions, but have little unifying ideology besides that, figuring that they can figure that out once they have "true democracy"

RPP: (Libdem/Condem): Shukshin's party, riding high off their victory, they seek to continue reforms in a more capitalist direction, aiding small businesses, and strategically increasing welfare and labor rights under some sort of christian democratic or one nation conservative type ideology as a way of getting the civilian economy moving again. Also supportive of greater decentralizing within the federation.

Siloviki Remnants (Authdem): Pretty self-explanatory, people who think Pokryshkin did nothing wrong and want to put the federation back onto that path. Possibly have a stratocratic faction inspired by Batov who also want to overthrow the corporations but in favor of a military government rather then democratic one.

Corporatists (Despotist/Fascist): I'm not sure what this party would call itself, but they would be people who liked what Pokryshkin was doing but were either radicalized by him failing to prevent the reforms, or people who just thought he didn't do enough, and are able to punch above their weight due to large amounts of corporate funding. Support reforming the federation into a truly authoritarian state where the government and corporations are intertwined like what happens under Bunyachenko. Given that in Novosibirsk the most fascist-friendly politics correspond to the technology/research focused megacorp, perhaps have some kind of techno-fascist cyberpunk without the punk thing going on.

Well, I think that response to anti-whacky from opposition should be whacky, shouldn't it?
Although yes, my proposition could fit in theoretical LibDem Komi post 2WRW elections (given the fact that it has abundance of former Komi politicians).
Your list is also good tbh
Although I have a few minor nitpicks:
*libsoc exist no longer as an ideology, actually I think that post-Shuskin populist party could be divided in two wings:
socialist (subideology - Utopian Socialist)
socdem (subideology - Popular Frontism)
Corporatists in Novosibirsk could still be monarchists, perhaps let by that guy - nationalist, Slavophile and huge fan of Putin, so IMHO he'd fit right-wing Novosibirsk politics.
Well, I think that response to anti-whacky from opposition should be whacky, shouldn't it?
Although yes, my proposition could fit in theoretical LibDem Komi post 2WRW elections (given the fact that it has abundance of former Komi politicians).
Your list is also good tbh
Although I have a few minor nitpicks:
*libsoc exist no longer as an ideology, actually I think that post-Shuskin populist party could be divided in two wings:
socialist (subideology - Utopian Socialist)
socdem (subideology - Popular Frontism)
Corporatists in Novosibirsk could still be monarchists, perhaps let by that guy - nationalist, Slavophile and huge fan of Putin, so IMHO he'd fit right-wing Novosibirsk politics.
Some wacky politicians may be used in the story, but I don't think that they should be able to actually come to power, as their support would be strongly eroded. A large part of Novosibirks story is that they don't just conquer their enemies, they make their enemies into the same sort of ultra-pragmatic entity that they are, and so I figure most successful opposition to Novosibirsk would be either people who have the same attitude but disagree on specific methods, or people whose "radicalism" doesn't extend much beyond "maybe democracy and labor rights are good actually".
I don't know what all new sub ideologies are yet so I am still using the old system for now, although your idea is good. I would make the socialists some kind of syndicalism or radical trade unionism though, rather then utopian socialists.
As for monarchism, I just don't really see much of a need for it. Nothing in Novosibirsk's storyline suggests that monarchism is in any way a popular force, so someone like Nikita Mikhalkov would be a better fit for some place like Vyatka or Kemerovo. For that matter, I would not make them any sort of hardline reactionary or spiritualist at all. The Russian unifiers have plenty of those already, and Novosibirsk leans more into modern/futuristic aesthetics, so any potential fascist path ought to reflect that imo.
Some wacky politicians may be used in the story, but I don't think that they should be able to actually come to power, as their support would be strongly eroded. A large part of Novosibirks story is that they don't just conquer their enemies, they make their enemies into the same sort of ultra-pragmatic entity that they are, and so I figure most successful opposition to Novosibirsk would be either people who have the same attitude but disagree on specific methods, or people whose "radicalism" doesn't extend much beyond "maybe democracy and labor rights are good actually".
I don't know what all new sub ideologies are yet so I am still using the old system for now, although your idea is good. I would make the socialists some kind of syndicalism or radical trade unionism though, rather then utopian socialists.
As for monarchism, I just don't really see much of a need for it. Nothing in Novosibirsk's storyline suggests that monarchism is in any way a popular force, so someone like Nikita Mikhalkov would be a better fit for some place like Vyatka or Kemerovo. For that matter, I would not make them any sort of hardline reactionary or spiritualist at all. The Russian unifiers have plenty of those already, and Novosibirsk leans more into modern/futuristic aesthetics, so any potential fascist path ought to reflect that imo.

So maybe the other way around?
Novosibirsks's fascists could be Mutti-esque types of fascist who want to go "FASTER" and accelerate?
The problem is I don't know any Russian atheistic fascist leaning technocrat, since most of them are either Orthodox or neo-Pagan. Russia lacks atheistic far-righters.
Having said that, I think that saying that Novosibirsk makes it's enemies ultra-pragmatic (especially ConDem Novosibirsk, which isn't nearly as pragmatic nor as authoritarian as AuthDem Novosibirsk) is oversimplification.
It can make them fake it, yes, but in the system allowing actual free elections, wacky politicians will be free to preach their agenda.
Syndicalism is also a nice fit for Novosibirsk's far left, in fact, one of post-SBA regional collapse warlords is Syndicalist, so maybe make him (Vitaly Kostin I think) legitimate, post Shuskin presidential candidate?
So maybe the other way around?
Novosibirsks's fascists could be Mutti-esque types of fascist who want to go "FASTER" and accelerate?
The problem is I don't know any Russian atheistic fascist leaning technocrat, since most of them are either Orthodox or neo-Pagan. Russia lacks atheistic far-righters.
Having said that, I think that saying that Novosibirsk makes it's enemies ultra-pragmatic (especially ConDem Novosibirsk, which isn't nearly as pragmatic nor as authoritarian as AuthDem Novosibirsk) is oversimplification.
It can make them fake it, yes, but in the system allowing actual free elections, wacky politicians will be free to preach their agenda.
Syndicalism is also a nice fit for Novosibirsk's far left, in fact, one of post-SBA regional collapse warlords is Syndicalist, so maybe make him (Vitaly Kostin I think) legitimate, post Shuskin presidential candidate?
I think that Novosibirsk's fascists would take a lot of inspiration from Japan actually. So in that sense maybe they would use some flavor of pan-slavism, but it would be a rather muted one and little more then an excuse to take over parts of Europe for themselves once Germany collapses. Russia not having far-right figures that lean towards technocracy/corporatocracy is fine imo, just take someone from Pokryshkin's cabinet and say they radicalized. The mod does this all the time. Plus it helps set them apart from the other fascists whereas hardcore orthodox monarchists feels pretty similar to a lot of the other explicitly reactionary paths.
As for wacky opponents, it's not just about what might happen, it's about what makes sense narratively. Sure, some wacky far-right ultranationalist could hypothetically win, but them winning doesn't work well with the themes and aesthetics of the story. A democratic Komi for example doesn't elect a communist or ultranationalist party if they take over a communist or ultnat west siberia, even though such a thing could hypothetically happen, because that's not Komi's story, and the game seems to assume that every unifier is able to successfully impose its ideology on the rest of the country if it wins.
I don't actually remember what Vitaly Kostin's story in the mod is, so I'm not sure how well he would work as a candidate but I like the general idea.
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I think that Novosibirsk's fascists would take a lot of inspiration from Japan actually. So in that sense maybe they would use some flavor of pan-slavism, but it would be a rather muted one and little more then an excuse to take over parts of Europe for themselves once Germany collapses. Russia not having far-right figures that lean towards technocracy/corporatocracy is fine imo, just take someone from Pokryshkin's cabinet and say they radicalized. The mod does this all the time. Plus it helps set them apart from the other fascists whereas hardcore orthodox monarchists feels pretty similar to a lot of the other explicitly reactionary paths.
As for wacky opponents, it's not just about what might happen, it's about what makes sense narratively. Sure, some wacky far-right ultranationalist could hypothetically win, but them winning doesn't work well with the themes and aesthetics of the story. A democratic Komi for example doesn't elect a communist or ultranationalist party if they take over a communist or ultnat west siberia, even though such a thing could hypothetically happen, because that's not Komi's story, and the game seems to assume that every unifier is able to successfully impose its ideology on the rest of the country if it wins.
I don't actually remember what Vitaly Kostin's story in the mod is, so I'm not sure how well he would work as a candidate but I like the general idea.

Well, the problem is the members of Pokryshkin's cabinet were complete nobodies, but sure, it could work.
Which other warlords exactly you're referring to?
The people who run Magadan, Amur, and Chita, the Aryan Brotherhood, really most of the far-right options in Russia were generally nobodies or at least no more important and influential then the people in Novosibirsk's cabinet IOTL.
The people who run Magadan, Amur, and Chita, the Aryan Brotherhood, really most of the far-right options in Russia were generally nobodies or at least no more important and influential then the people in Novosibirsk's cabinet IOTL.

Well, at least they had clear political views. The same cannot be said for Novosib persons.
Komi perhaps, or a Magadan/Samara that tried to democratize but failed. But I agree with riverdelta, ultnats are just a little too wacky for novosibirsk whose whole thing is that they are anti-whacky to a depressing degree.

Actually, let me try and throw together a hypothetical post-Shukshin party list, roughly corresponding to the positions of that political compass novosibirsk has.

Populists (Socdem/Libsoc): A loose alliance of left-wing politicians and movements that believe that Shukshin did not go far enough in breaking the corporations, and seek to stringently enforce anti-trust laws and empower unions, but have little unifying ideology besides that, figuring that they can figure that out once they have "true democracy"

RPP: (Libdem/Condem): Shukshin's party, riding high off their victory, they seek to continue reforms in a more capitalist direction, aiding small businesses, and strategically increasing welfare and labor rights under some sort of christian democratic or one nation conservative type ideology as a way of getting the civilian economy moving again. Also supportive of greater decentralizing within the federation.

Siloviki Remnants (Authdem): Pretty self-explanatory, people who think Pokryshkin did nothing wrong and want to put the federation back onto that path. Possibly have a stratocratic faction inspired by Batov who also want to overthrow the corporations but in favor of a military government rather then democratic one.

Corporatists (Despotist/Fascist): I'm not sure what this party would call itself, but they would be people who liked what Pokryshkin was doing but were either radicalized by him failing to prevent the reforms, or people who just thought he didn't do enough, and are able to punch above their weight due to large amounts of corporate funding. Support reforming the federation into a truly authoritarian state where the government and corporations are intertwined like what happens under Bunyachenko. Given that in Novosibirsk the most fascist-friendly politics correspond to the technology/research focused megacorp, perhaps have some kind of techno-fascist cyberpunk without the punk thing going on.
speaking of Ultranats, do you guys know if there any for Italy and Brazil?
Adding to Italy : I have a kind of somewhat disagreement on the National Blocs. The Almirante path. I think you could have a subsitute for that. The ISM was born because the bald idiot lost , together with the Social Republic. Maybe they could be a PFR, a Fascist Republican party. But not certainly as the ISM.

Also , how would work a social republic ? Would TNO Italy still think about it ?

This are my 2 cents however.
For a Novosibirsk Fascist, I could see their Fascist subideology [Corporatism] being more like this:

It is the TT subideology planned for the Fascists. Plus it could appeal to the more "apolitical" Authoritarian Nationalists.