The Mongol conquest of Europe

  • Those who claim evil doesn't exist haven't read about the Mongols. Going from a small tribe to the conqueror of civilizations, the Mongols have brought destruction everywhere they creep into. It was because of them that roughly 11% of the world's population died. It was because of them that we saw a major conservative backlash occur in the Sino's sphere and the Islamic world, which, in China's case at least, may have prevented an industrial revolution from occurring.
    If you were asked why Christendom ascended to world conquerors rather than any other civilization, the Mongols should be in your top five list, and that's the point.

    What if the Mongols torched through Europe, burning major cities such as Vienna, Krakow, Hamburg, Rome, Paris, and Constantinople, just as how they did with Baghdad and Beijing? Would the enserf the local population just as they did with Russia? Would there be a similar extreme conservative backlash in Europe similarly to all the other major regions of the world? Would this forestall the colonization of the Americas? How would England progress into the future?