The Liberty Bell: Almanack of the People's Party


POD: In the 1890's; at the height of the People's Party (Populists) influence in America, the Liberal Party's in Britain, and Social Credit/Cooperative groups in Canada; the theories and principles of Populism as exemplified by William Jennings Bryan and others are coherently and intriguingly mapped out in a pamphlet/booklet by a well-read devotee. "The Liberty Bell" will go on to become a national best-seller, be imported to Canada and the UK, and even be translated and clandestinely spread in other countries - including Japan.

Any suggestions on whether or not, and how, I should pursue this?

I got the idea on the "liberal Japan" thread on the 1900's board: what if instead of socialism, the Populism of William Jennings Bryan had spread in early 20th century Japan? With a larger agrarian base than an industrial one, and more potential of appealing to the budding middle-class, it could cause a more successful counterculture than the OTL one.
I must say that, while I like the idea, asking us to speculate on how a completely fictional document would affect things is rather unfair. The thing is, there was too much variation between all these strands of thought to create a unifying document.

If you had asked about something more specific, say the works of Henry George, it would be easier to speculate.