The Italian Emperor: Mexico 1822

The Italian Emperor: Mexico 1822
Written by: Aussey

Preamble to the First Constitution of the Empire:
From His Imperial Majesty Joseph I, By Divine Providence and the National Congress, Second Constitutional Emperor of Mexico, to all the inhabitants thereof: Be it known, that the organizing Senate and Assembly of the said nation has decreed and sanctioned the following political constitution of the Federated Mexican Empire
1. In the name of the Creator and Supreme Lawgiver of the Universe, the Congress of the Federated Mexican Empire, desiring to comply with the will of the people, their constituents, and for the purpose of duly fulfilling the grand and magnificent object of promoting the glory and prosperity of said state, decrees for its administration and government.....

The Mexican Empire, like many other North American countries, began as a Spanish colony. Indeed, they remained until the Mexican Wars of Independence, lasting 11 years from 1810 until the Treaty of Cordoba was signed, officially ending the war.

Treaty of Cordoba said:
1. The Mexican nation is independent of the Spanish nation, and of every other, even on its own Continent.
2. Its religion shall be the Catholic, which all its inhabitants profess.
3. They shall be all united, without any distinction between Americans and Europeans.
4. The government shall be a constitutional monarchy.
5. A junta shall be named, consisting of individuals who enjoy the highest reputation in the different parties which have shown themselves.
6. This junta shall be under the presidency of his Excellency the Count del Venadito, the present Viceroy of Mexico.
7. It shall govern in the name of the nation, according to the laws now in force, and its principal business will be to convoke, according to such rules as it shall deem expedient, a congress for the formation of a constitution more suitable to the country.
8. His Majesty Ferdinand VII shall be invited to the throne of the empire, and in case of his refusal, the Infantes Don Carlos and Don Francisco de Paula.
9. Should His Majesty Ferdinand VII and his august brothers decline the invitation, the nation is at liberty to invite to the imperial throne any member of reigning families whom it may select.
10. The formation of the constitution by the congress, and the oath of the emperor to observe it, must precede his entry into the country.
11. The distinction of castes is abolished, which was made by the Spanish law, excluding them from the rights of citizenship. All the inhabitants of the country are citizens, and equal, and the door of advancement is open to virtue and merit.
12. An army shall be formed for the support of religion, independence, and union, guaranteeing these three principles, and therefore it shall be called the army of the three guarantees.
13. It shall solemnly swear to defend the fundamental bases of this plan.
14. It shall strictly observe the military ordinances now in force.
15. There shall be no other promotions than those which are due to seniority, or which shall be necessary for the good of the service.
16. This army shall be considered as of the line.
17. The old partisans of independence who shall immediately adhere to this plan, shall be considered as individuals of this army.
18. The patriots and peasants who shall adhere to it hereafter, shall be considered as provincial militiamen.
19. The secular and regular priests shall be continued in the state in which they now are.
20. All the public functionaries, civil, ecclesiastical, political, and military, who adhere to the cause of independence, shall be continued in their offices, without and distinction between Americans and Europeans.
21. Those functionaries, of whatever degree and condition, who dissent from the cause of independence, shall be divested of their offices, and shall quit the territory of the empire, taking with them their families and their effects.
22. The military commandants shall regulate themselves according to the general instructions in conformity with this plan which shall be transmitted to them.
23. No accused person shall be condemned capitally by the military commandants. Those accused of treason against the nation, which is the next greatest crime after that of treason to the Divine Ruler, shall be conveyed to the fortress of Barrabas, where they shall remain until the Congress shall resolve on the punishment which ought to be inflicted on them.
24. It being indispensable to the country that this plan should be carried into effect, in as much as the welfare of that country is its object, every individual of the army shall maintain it, to the shedding (if it be necessary) of the last drop of his blood.
Town of Iguala, 24th February, 1821.

Thus was planned the Empire of Mexico, upon which would Ferdinand VII sit as Emperor of Mexico, and not as King of Spain. Mexico and Spain were to share monarchs. Had this happened, a modern day Hispanic Commonwealth, such as the French Commonwealth, might have been seen. However, King Ferdinand did not agree.

As this middle school text book, Our Great History: The Mexican Empire 1821-200, published by Iturbide Educational Prints, Ltd.. shows the perfect explanation of the Spaniard refusal.

Our Great History: The Mexican Empire 1821-2000 said:
A representative of Spain, Don Juan O'Donojú, signed the Treaty of Córdoba with Iturbide on August 24, 1821, to signify Spain's acceptance of the Plan de Iguala and recognition of the independence of Mexico. However, King Ferdinand VII denied O'Donojú's authority to sign the treaty and declared it illegal through the Decree of the Cortes at Madrid on February 13, 1822, and reasserted Spain's claim to Mexico.

Nevertheless, Don Agustín de Iturbide was crowned as Emperor of Mexico July 21, 1822. His reign and the Plan de Iguala were to be temporary as Iturbide had been instrumental in achieving independence for Mexico and bringing about true unity or equality to the people and especially to the rival political factions who were fighting for dominance.

The Constitution of the Empire (or First Constitution) created a three-part government based on the American model. The Executive would consist of the Emperor, and the Prime Minister & Cabinet. The Congress would be a bicameral legislature with the Senate as the upper house, Senators being selected by the governors, each department would have 2 hereditary peers, then select every 6 years 2 life peers and 2 clergymen to send to the Senate. The Lower House would be the House of Deputies, with each department being assigned deputies based on their population. The Judicial brand would consist of the High Court of the Empire, where the Emperor would personally select 12 judges to be Chief-Justices, who would in turn select the Imperial Grand Jury. This jury, would then in turn elect one of the Chief-Justices to be Supreme-Justice. The Legislature was subject to the Executive and Judicial branches, the Judicial branch being able to override the Executive. Only when 100% of the Legislature and Executive agreed, could a Judicial ruling being overruled.

Proclamation of Ascension
On this day, October 7, 1821, His Royal Highness Prince Giuseppe Benedetto, Count Moriana and Asti, and Prince of Piedmont and Sardinia is elected to become Second Constitutional Emperor of Mexico, under the name Emperor Joseph I.

A week later, a marriage was proposed and accepted by Congress to Frederick William III of Prussia, for the hand of his daughter Princess Alexandrine. The marriage was preformed by the Pope in Veracruz on May 23, 1822. The Empress took on the more Latin “Alexandra” and became known as the “People’s Empress” for her hard work and dedication on learning the Spanish language, improving Mexican education, and determination to ‘Mexicanize’ herself. Her popularity was improved even more when it was announced she was pregnant weeks after her marriage.

On February 27, 1823 the Empress Alexandra gave birth to a daughter, the Princess Isabella Alexandra Maria Elizabeth Dorothea Amalie, Princess-Imperial of Mexico. 2 weeks later on March 12, the Emperor died and was succeeded by his infant daughter as Isabelle I. Empress Alexandra was made Regent, and after only2 years of existence, the Mexican Empire was on it’s second sovereign and first female one.

The years of the Regency (1823-1841) are now considered the Alexandrian Age. Under her gentle personality and firm rule, the Mexican Empire began to develop economically, financially, and politically. The Poor Acts and Free Acts continued Mexico’s tradition of being against and outlawing slavery. It also allowed poor farmers to exchange their crops for cash, and in turn, prices for every day goods were lowered. The Military also expanded. The Empress-Regent encouraged Prussian Military and Naval officers of her father, King Frederick III, to come and train the fledgling Mexican army and navy into a power to be reckoned with. But upon Isabella’s ascension in her own right, the military was nothing compared to what it would eventually become.

In 1841, Empress Isabella took over the nation in her own right. She continued the policies of her mother, the Empress Alexandra. She also agreed when Congress said she should marry and produce an heir to get it out of the way, but said “In due times, my lord. In due times.” It was soon apparent due times were right around the corner. In the Winter of 1842 when the Empress was 19, Emperor Pedro I (he lived longer, to his full potential) and the Brazilian Delegation came to Celebrate the Holidays with the new Empire. The Emperor, who’s wife had recently died, and the Empress, who’s Congress had been pursuing her to get married, fell in love almost instantly. It was decided by the Treaty of Rio de Janeiro the following summer, that the Emperor and Empress would wed that fall. On September 10, 1843 Empress Isabelle of Mexico married Emperor Pedro of Brazil. His best man was his son, Crown Prince Pedro, who was younger than his new mother by two years.

Pedro and Isabella were considered the Victoria and Albert of the mid-19th century. Though often apart, the couple saw each other every Christmas, whether in Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, or Veracruz. On January 17, 1845, Empress Isabella gave birth to her firstborn, a son whom she named Joseph. Though not heir-apparent to the Brazilian Throne, he was, nonetheless, added to the Brazilian Succession. The Congress bestowed upon the new born baby the title “Grand Duke of Upper California.” On July 28, 1845, the Province of East Tejas declared independence as the “Republic of Texas.” (A change of rulers in Mexico, slowed down American migration to Texas, but it happened anyhow) Isabella’s troops thought the rebellion of American-Texans would be easy. They were wrong.

The first “official” battle of the Texan Revolution, was the Battle of the Rio Grande. Although the Mexicans ended up victorious, it showed that both sides were not fully trained. A further shock to the Mexicans was when the Texan government petitioned the United States for annexation. The US thought about it for a month or two, and decided to annex Texas in October. Thus the United States was forced to declare War on the Mexican Empire. When the US did declare war in November, the Empire of Brazil declared war on the United States. But before Brazilian aid could arrive, Empress Isabella did what any wise monarch would do. On November 3, in New Orleans, Empress Isabella signed the Treaty of New Orleans, granting the Province of East Tejas, and the Department of West Tejas (part of the Province of Coahuila and West Tejas) independence, and approved US annexation of the Republic.

At first, Isabella was scorned for her actions. But when the rebellion level and anti-Mexican members in the parliament, and the burden of the non-Catholic, slave-holding Texans was lifted from the Mexican’s shoulders, it was discovered to be a miracle in disguise.

The years between 1845 and 1865 were successful and prosperous years for the Mexican Empire. The Empress had a total of two more sons and four daughters with Pedro I, all added to Brazilian Succession: Prince Carlos, Prince Ferdinand, Princess Constance, Princess Maria, Princess Christina, and Princess Alexandria. In 1865, the Empress Isabella was hit with a mad depression. Her mother, Empress Alexandra died in May, and her husband Emperor Pedro died in July. She started suffering from depression, gradually relinquishing more and more stately powers to her son, while the Princess-Imperial Constance was responsible for the responsibilities the Empress had as First Lady of the Empire, and Hostess of the Court.

In 1866 Crown Prince Joseph married Princess Margrethe of Savoy. Their first child, Prince Carlos of California, was born the next year. The Second Regency Period between 1865 and 1880 provided further stability for the Empire. Continuing reform acts made life easier for the Mexicans, and more attractive for immigrants, primarily American blacks, (though slavery had been abolished in the 1850's, they were still discriminated), American Indians, Chinese, and Indians (India). These people, along with other Central and South Americans provided for the Upper California Immigrant Rush of 1867, and the California Gold Rush of 1868. Princess-Imperial Constance married Crown Prince Rudolf of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Empress Isabella’s first granddaughter and second grandson (twins) were born months after the marriage, Archduchess Elisabeth Isabelle Alexandra Maria of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Archduke Franz Joseph Rudolph Francis of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1876, with support from Empress Isabella and Crown Prince Joseph, the British colonies in North America united into a federation under the name “Canada.”

After 15 years of suffering from depression, Empress Isabella was finally at peace. She passed peacefully on March 31, 1880. Her funeral was attended by her uncle Kaiser Wilhelm I of Germany and the Prussian Delegation, her step-son Emperor Pedro II of Brazil and the Brazilian Delegation, and her grandfather’s descendants under King Umberto I of Italy and the Italian Delegation. Minor attendances included members of the British and Spanish families, and the American Ambassador and Delegation to Mexico. Her death was met with grief worldwide, as she truly was the Victoria of her day (even though her reign coincided with a part of Victoria’s reign.)

Joseph was formally installed as Emperor of Mexico on September 27, 1880 where he was declared “His Imperial Majesty Joseph the Second, By Divine Providence and the National Congress, Fourth Constitutional Emperor of Mexico.” His son, Prince Carlos, now 14, was declared “Grand Duke of Upper California” at his father’s coronation. Prince Carlos was, at the time, and throughout his entire life, an only child, as his mother, Margrethe (who had adopted a more Mexican, “Margaretta”) had failed at delivering another live or healthy child.

Joseph II’s reign was quickly put to it’s test when the Oregon Conference was held. Spain, on behalf of Mexico, had renounced claims to the territory in the colonial days. However, the Empire could not afford the US to their North. Thus, Emperor Joseph II petitioned Queen Victoria that Mexico be allowed to join the Conference “at least to agree with British claims, lest we not be able to make some of our own.” True, Mexico did not get any land out of the Conference, but a trusting border with Canada was set at Mexico’s north, instead of one with the United Statues.

With permission from Emperor Franz Joseph, Crown Prince Rudolf and Crown Princess Constance (Emperor Joseph II’s sister) were allowed to reside in Mexico for a few years, deciding it might cheer up his poor son. And indeed, it did. A stronger alliance with the Austro-Hungarian Empire was made in 1890, as part of the celebration of the couples third child, Archduke Franz Joseph. In 1891, Emperor Pedro II died, and was succeeded by his daughter, as Empress Isabel. Half-cousin of Emperor Joseph II.

The year 1894 saw the marriage of Crown Prince Carlos of Mexico to Alana del Lopez, Viscountess Santa Fe, and daughter of Joachim, Duke of Santa Fe. The marriage of the heir to a Mexican woman was widely received, and the population was greatly thankful to their Crown Prince. Between 1895 and 1900, Crown Prince Carlos and Crown Princess Alana had a total of three children: Prince Joseph, Prince Carlos, and Princess Maria Isabella. The years also a large increase in the Imperial Fleet, which had been growing at an average of 10-15 ships a year, while between 1895-1890, over 100 ships were produced and launched.

When Emperor Joseph II died in 1900, he left his son a nation very prosperous, with subjects who proudly boasted of their monarchy. Shortly after Crown Prince Carlos was declared “His Imperial Majesty Carlos the First, By Divine Providence and the National Congress, Fifth Constitutional Emperor of Mexico” his favorite relative and chief confidante, Crown Princess Constance of Austria-Hungary was forced to return to Vienna with her husband and children, when word was sent that Franz Joseph’s health was failing.

And it truly was. Shortly after New Years Day on 1901, Emperor Franz Joseph of the Austro-Hungarian Empire died, and his son and daughter-in-law ascended the throne as “Emperor and King of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, also Empress and Queen.”

Between 1900, and the outbreak of the Great War in 1922, the Mexican economy, as always, was prosperous. War broke out in the United States in 1912, when the New England states decided to secede after the government in Washington refused to establish foreign relations with Canada. (In this time line, the USA is horribly anti-British.) Both Canada and the Mexican Empire aided New England in gaining independence. The war ended in 1919 with the signing of the Treaty of Veracruz, which sets New England’s borders as the New England States, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois Country, forming the Republic of America. With it’s capital in Chicago.

Our Great History: The Mexican Empire 1821-2000
Inturbide Educational Pub., Ltd.
Veracruz, Coahuila, Mexio
Jorge Reynaga, Editor-in-Chief

Chapter 19: Beginnings of the Great War
Section 19. 1 The Death of an Aunt

"...Two bullets fired on a Vienna street on a sunny April morning in 1922 set in motion a series of events that shaped the world we live in today. The Great War, the Cold War and its conclusion all trace their origins to the gunshots that interrupted that spring day.

The victims, Empress Constance- Empress-Consort of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Aunt of Emperor Joseph II of Mexico, and
her eldest son, Archduke Franz Joseph- heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, were in the Austrian city in conjunction with Austrian troop exercises nearby. The mother and son were returning from an official visit to the Serbian Consulate. The assassin, 16-year-old Zlatko Branko.

He envisioned the death of the “Mexican whore” and the Archduke as the key that would unlock the shackles binding his people to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Little did he know, Emperor Rudolf had only minutes earlier signed the Slavic Act, forming a third nation under Austria–Hungary, the Kingdom of the Slavs, Bosnians, and Slovenes.
A third party, Serbia, figured prominently in the plot. Independent Serbia provided the guns, ammunition and training that made the assassination possible.

The Balkan Region of Europe entered the twentieth century a caldron of seething political intrigue needing only the slightest increase of heat to boil over into open conflict. The shots that day in Vienna pushed the caldron to the boiling point and beyond..."

The Emperor delivered an ultimatum to the Serbs:


Austro-Hungarian Ultimatum to Serbia said:
The Royal Serbian Government . . . has, since 1909, tolerated the criminal machinations of various societies and associations directed against the Monarchy, unrestrained language on the part of the press, glorification of the perpetrators of outrages, participation of officers and officials in subversive agitation, unwholesome propaganda in public education, in short tolerated all the manifestations of a nature to inculcate in the Serbian population hatred of the Monarchy and contempt for its institutions . . .
It is shown by the depositions and confessions of the criminal authors of the outrage of 7 April that the Vienna murders [of the Empress and archduke] were planned in Belgrade [capital of Serbia], that the arms and explosives with which the murderers were found to be provided had been given them by Serbian officers and officials belonging to the Narodna Odbrana [a Serbia-based nationalist organization promoting the ideal of a Greater Serbia, i.e., the political union of Bosnia and Serbia] and finally that the passage into Bosnia of the criminals and their arms was organized and effectuated by chiefs of the Serbian frontier service.
. . . . the results . . impose on the Monarchy’s duty of putting an end to the intrigues which constitute a permanent threat to the tranquillity of the Monarchy.
In order to give a formal character to this undertaking the Royal Government of Serbia shall cause to be published on the front page of the Official Journal [i.e., the Serbian government gazette] of the 10 of April the following declaration:
[Serbia] condemns the propaganda directed against Austria-Hungary . . . and it sincerely deplores the fatal consequences of these criminal proceedings
[Serbia] considers it its duty formally to warn the officers, officials and all the population of the Kingdom that henceforward it will proceed with the utmost rigor against all persons who may render themselves guilty [of participating in anti-Austrian propaganda] . . .
The Royal Serbian Government further undertakes:
. To suppress any publication which incites to hatred and contempt of the Monarchy . . .
. To dissolve immediately the society styled Narodna Odbrana . . and to proceed in the same manner against the other societies . . which engage in propaganda against [Austria]
. To eliminate without delay from public instruction in Serbia, both as regards the teaching body and the methods of instruction, all that serves or might serve to foment the propaganda against Austria-Hungary
. To remove from the military service and the administration in general all officers guilty of propaganda against [Austria--names to be given over by the Austrian govt.]
. To accept the collaboration in Serbia of organs of [A-H govt.] in the suppression of the subversive movement directed against the territorial integrity of the Monarchy
. To take judicial proceedings against the accessories to the plot of 7 April who are on Serbian territory; Organs delegated by [A-H] will take part in the investigations relating thereto
. To proceed without delay to the arrest of [two named persons implicated according to the preliminary investigation undertaken by Austria]
. To prevent by effective measures the cooperation of [Serbia] in the illicit traffic in arms and explosives across the frontier . . . .
. To furnish [Austria] with explanations regarding the unjustifiable utterances of high Serbian officials both in Serbia and abroad, who . . .have not hesitated since the outrage of 28 June to express themselves . .in terms of hostility towards [Austria]
. To notify [Austria] without delay of the execution of the[se] measures . .
[Austria] expects the reply of [Serbia] at the latest within 72 hours
Annex--attached to the ultimatum: (conclusions of the court of investigation):
. The plot . . . was formed at Belgrade[Serb capital] by [five persons named]
. The 6 bombs and 4 Browning pistols and ammunition . . were delivered . . at Belgrade
. The bombs are hand grenades from the munitions depot of the Serbian army
. [Instruction on the use of weapons was given on Serbian soil]
. To enable [the perpetrators] to cross the frontier[into Austria] . . a secret system of transport was organized [by the named Serbian State employee]
The Serbian Reply: When the ultimatum was delivered at Belgrade on 1 April , the prime minister, Nicholas Pasitch, was out of the capital on an election tour and did not return until the following day. On reading the Austrian note, the Serbian Regent, Prince Alexander, exclaimed . . ."compliance . . an absolute impossibility for a state which has the slightest regard for its dignity"
. . .[Serbia] cannot be held responsible for manifestations of a private character, such as articles in the press and the peaceable work of societies . . .[The Serbian government] have been pained and surprised at the statements, according to which members of the Kingdom of Serbia are supposed to have participated in the preparations of the crime . .[However, Serbia is] prepared to hand over for trial any Serbian subject . .of whose complicity in the crime of sarajevo proofs are forthcoming [as well as officially condemn all propaganda against A-H]
. [Serbia will] introduce . . a provision into the press law providing for the most severe punishment of incitement to hatred and contempt of the [A-H] Monarchy . . .
. [The Serbian govt.] possesses no proof . . that the Narodna Odbrana and other similar societies have committed up to the present any criminal act of this nature . . Nevertheless, [Serbia] will . . dissolve the Narodna Obrana and every other society which . . .
. [Serbia will] eliminate without delay from public instruction . . everything that serves or might serve to foment the propaganda against [A-H], whenever [Austria] furnish them with facts and proofs . .
. [Serbia] also agree to remove from the military service all such persons as the judicial inquiry may have proved to be guilty of acts directed against the integrity of the territory of [A-H], and they expect [Austria] to communicate . .the names and acts of these officers for the purpose of the proceedings which are to be taken against them
. [The Serbian govt. does] not clearly grasp the meaning or the scope of the demand . . that Serbia shall undertake to accept the collaboration of the representatives of [A-H], but they declare that they will admit such collaboration as agrees with the principle of international law, with criminal procedure, and with good neighborly relations
. . . . As regards the participation in this inquiry [which Serbia intends to hold] of Austro-Hungarian agents.......... [Serbia] cannot accept such an arrangement, as it would be a violation of the Constitution . . .
. [states it has not yet been possible to arrest one of the persons named; request proofs of guilt from Austria]
. [ agrees to reinforce measures against illegal trafficking of arms and explosives across the frontier with Bosnia-Herzegovine]
. [offers explanations of anti-Austrian comments by Serb officials if Austria sends examples of their actually having been made]

Serbia was outraged the Austro-Hungarians could demand so much. Serbia didn’t refuse, instead it waited out until April 13, 72 hours later. Emperor Rudolf officially declared war on the Kingdom of Serbia, starting the Great War. Soon, Germany and her allies the Turks declared War on Serbia within the week. It seemed to be quick, until the Russians and British declared war on the Austro-Hungarian and German Empires.

The War in Europe lasted until 1923 when Britain’s Canadian allies declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary. On February 9, 1923 the Mexican Empire declared war on the Kingdom of Serbia. A similar declaration was followed the next day by the New England Republic of America. Thus the Great War was dragged into the Americas. The Kingdom of Sardinia joined the war the next month, alongside the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, thus the reasons for a divided Italy to this day.

The first battle between Mexican and Canadian troops happened off the coast of San Fransico, where the HMS Vancouver[/I} and the MES Santa Maria fought each other. Soon, hundreds of thousands of Mexicans and New English troops were invading Canada, and both attempted to get the United States to join their side.

However, when Britain made peace with Austria, Canada surrendered to Mexico and New England, seceding their Pacific holdings to Mexico, and granting financial compensation for the large amount of destruction done in New England. After this (the Treaty of Ottawa), New England dropped out of the war. However, Mexican forces soon landed in Sicily, and from then on marching to France, where the largest and most bloody of the wars was to be fought. The Battle of Alsace-Lorraine was fought between combined Mexican-German-Sardinian forces against those of the French. The French outnumbered the coalition, 4:1. But poor tactics, and sloth of its army brought its downfall. French occupied Alsace-Lorraine was again under control of the German allies.

The other part of the army that landed in Sicily, were shipped to Austria-Hungary where they met with the Empress Constance Regiment, and fought in the Battle of Belgrade, against Russian, Greek, and Serbian forces. They lost, and retreated to Belgrade where they met up with some of the German forces. The Russian, Greek, and Serbian forces followed them to Bosnia, where a surprised attack resulted in Austro-Hungarian, German, and Mexican victory. From their, a re-conquest of Belgrade was planned, and successfully executed. Days after the war, the Russian Imperial Family fled the nation, and the Leninist forces declared a republic, resulting in a treaty with the Germans, ending Russia’s activity in the war.

With the Russian and British forces out of the war, and Mexican and Austro-Hungarian troops in control of Serbia, the remaining Ally nations: France, Greece, Serbia, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Rumania, and the Ottoman Empire surrendered to the Imperial Axis forces at the Parliament building in Athens, shortly after Axis capture. The Treaty of Athens was held weeks later and attended by every involved nation. The most significant part of the Treaty was the French loss of her colonial empire except for Algeria. West Africa was split by Germany and Great Britain. Her Caribbean possessions given to New England, and her Pacific possessions to Mexico, Austria-Hungary, and Germany. Corsica was given to Sardinia. The Ottoman Empire was split up between France, Germany, Britain, and Austria-Hungary as mandates. French involvement in Greater Syria and Iraq was a compensation for the loss of her African and Pacific colonies. She was allowed to retain half of Indochina, the other half being split by Germany and Austria-Hungary.

The treaty also described more mild punishment on the Balkan nations, all of which had joined alongside the allies. As one Mexican ambassador stated “Today is the day of a New World Order, in which the great European powers of Great Britain, France, and Russia are no longer leading.” Indeed, Britain was expelled from North America when it was forced to give Canada her independence, and her Caribbean possessions to Mexico.

The next few years, the 1930s, experienced a Great Depression. The Depression was a result of the mass amount of territorial, economic, political, and financial upheaval from the Great War. Inflation reigned supreme in the Canadian Republic, America, and Mexican Empire, along with all the nations of Europe, and many in Asia. Though it did not fight in the war, the stop of trade with most nations, and rise of Socialism in the United States did not put the good, ole, US of A at any higher rank. Emperor Rudolf II was succeeded by his second son, Archduke Franz Joseph, as Emperor and King Franz Joseph II in 1938.Indeed, the first two nations to break from the Depression were Canada and Mexico, and the year was 1943.

In 1942, Emperor Carlos I of Mexico died, and was succeeded by his son, Crown Prince Joseph, as “His Imperial Majesty Joseph the Third, By Divine Providence and the Nation Congress, Sixth Constitutional Emperor of Mexico.” His son, 20 year old Prince Joseph, was made Crown Prince and Grand Duke of California. He didn’t marry until 1965, causing many people to question whether he was gay throughout his years Crown Prince, until his engagement in 1952, months before his father’s death.

Emperor Joseph III was fifty years old when he ascended the throne. His marriage to Empress Sylvia (nee` Sylvia Marie Augustine Iturbide, a great-great-granddaughter of the First Emperor) was as successful as his father’s was to a native Mexican bride. Many Conservatives had pushed for a marriage with Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth of York, who ended up marrying Prince Phillip of Greece and Denmark.

The prosperous 10 year reign of Emperor Joseph III were ended with a scandalous affair. In 1950, 29 year old Crown Prince Joseph traveled to Spain as representative of Emperor Joseph III to King Juan Carlos I (OTL JC’s dad, no Second Republic). When he returned in early 1951, along with him came the 15 year old Infanta Doña Pilar de Borbón, eldest daughter and child of the King of Spain. It was soon discovered that Alfonso had exiled her for being caught in having “unmoral relations with His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of Mexico.” They were also discovered to be engaged. In August 1952, 16 year old Princess Maria was married to 30 year old Crown Prince Joseph at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and she was crowned Crown Princess of Mexico. Two months later, in November, Joseph III died.

On December 25, his son was crowned “His Imperial Majesty Joseph the Fourth, By Divine Providence and the National Congress, Seventh Constitutional Emperor of Mexico.” His young bride was crowned Empress hours later, outranking her father, and brothers.

In 1954, Emperor Joseph and Empress Maria begin their "New World Tour", meeting with all the heads of state and government across the Americas. The trip lasted from February 1954 until September of the same year. They Tour stopped in Washington, Ottawa, Austin, Guatamala City, Bogotá, and Rio de Janiero. During this tour, the Emperor had the most scandelous affair, which is the reason he is remembered today: In October of 1954, popular Californian actress, of white immigrants, Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortensen) gave birth to a child, who's father, she claimed, was none other than the Emperor himself.

DNA tests proved the child was the Emperor's, and his mother was created Countess of Los Angeles, and the boy was styled Viscount Los Angeles. For the courtesy titles, he and his descendents were banned by law from taking the Throne, or marrying into the Imperial Family. The young Empress, only 18 at the time, was never told the whole story, though it is hard to believe anyone didn't know.

Between 1955 and 1966 the Imperial Family tried to lay low, after two scandels by the same Emperor, had ruined the family name Benedict-Orleans-Bragança. During the year, many liberal reforms swept the country, lessening the power of the monarchy, after many began asking why a man so immoral (as they put it) should be incharge of a nation. By the mid-60s, the Emperor held the power only to veto bills (which couldnt be overriden at the time), appoint Chief-Justices to the National Court, and propose tax changes. Other than that, he was not allowed to propose any bills whatsoever.

In 1966, the Empress gave birth to her firstborn, a daughter, named Isabella Maria Sylvia Alana Margaretta Benedict-Orleans-Bragança, Princess-Imperial and Princess of Mesilla. The Emperor was was 45, the Empress, 28. The next year, another daughter, Elisabeth Maria Victoria Christina Isabella Benedict-Orleans-Bragança, Princess of Guadalupe.

The Cold War "officially" began in 1968, when the USSR officially declared Western, capitalist nations as "enemies needing to be conquered." The recently passed "Federal Act" established the nation as the Federated Mexican Empire, keeping the monarchy and the capitalist form of government. The Mexican Empire and Canadian Republic soon patched up their remaining differences, and quickly established themselves as the Western Powers. Also considered a Western Powers was the Brazilian Empire, which was more commonly referred to as the "Power of the South." Mexico, Canada, and Brazil, along with the United Kingdom, Germany, and France soon became all together the "Capitalist Powers." When US military stats were leaked, increased border patrol was put on that nation by Mexico, Canada, and New England. It was known the US had been a Socialist nation, it had recently adopted communism, as the USSA: United Socialist States of America.

The 1970s saw many modernizations and political changes throught the war. By 1980, all African colonies were sovereign independent nations. The 1974 Act on Further Limitations of the Monarchy finally took remaining power from Emperor Joseph IV, who was no longer de facto ruler. Prime Minister Carlos Arias Navarro, was declared President of the Mexican State, and de facto Head of Government, while Joseph IV continued as Symbolic Head of State. However, unlike other Constitutional Monarchs, and even Presidents, the Emperor/Empress of Mexico retains the right to appoint Chief-Justices without consent of any government branch.

In 1981, Emperor Joseph IV signed the Act of Succession, establishing the Mexican Empire as the first nation to grant succession on the basis of lineal primogeniture. Thus, the Princess-Imperial, Princess Isabella of Mesilla, was officially made "Crown Princess and Grand Duchess of Upper California" at the Saint Francis Palace, San Fransico the capital of Upper California. She was 15 at the time. Months later, she was sent to Great Britain to attend Marlborough College, Wiltshire. She was followed by her sister, Princess Elisabeth joined her.

In 1984, shortly after Crown Princess Isabella's return to Veracruz, the Brazilian Empire declared war on the Peruvian Communist Republic. Immediatley Emperor Joseph publically delcared Mexican support for Emperor Luiz and the Brazilian Governnment's "attempt at restoring democracy to the Peruvian people." The next month, while the Emperor was in Madrid, Crown Princess Isabella (acting as Regent) appeared before the National Congress with the her famed Speach from the Throne: " Señores y Señores del Congreso Nacional de México, le pregunto no como el Heredero del Trono Imperial y Regente, pero cuando Isabella Benedict-Orleans-Bragança, el ciudadano del Imperio, ayuda a nuestros hermanos en Brasil, y ayuda aquellos en Perú. Señores, debemos hacer la caja fuerte mundial para la democracia." Translated into English: "Gentlemen and Lords of the National Congress of Mexico, I ask you not as Heir to the Imperial Throne and Regent, but as Isabella Benedict-Orleans-Bragança, citizen of the Empire, aid our brothers in Brazil, and help those in Peru. Sirs, we must make the world safe for democracy." With that, the Federated Mexican Empire declared War on the Peruvian Communist Government.

The War lasted only weeks before the unaided Red Army of the Republic fell to the Imperial Armies of Brazil and Mexico. Trusting his daughter as Commander-In-Chief, Emperor Joseph stayed in Madrid, and continued his meetings with King Juan Carlos II. The war was offically ended at the Treaty of Guatamala City. Peru was annexed to Brazil, and Communism remained in the West only in its strong-hold: The United Communist Provinces of America. Yes. The USSA had officially changed its name to the UCPA shortly after the outbreak of the Peruvian War. Tensions between the Three Powers of the West (Canada, Mexico, and Brazil) and the UCPA lasted years to come.
Meanwhile, the Caribbean Conference was held in Kingston, Jamaica. It's purpose was for all the Caribbean powers to recognizes the others sovereignty. All of the Mexican Caribbean: Mexican Virgin Islands, Mexican Lesser Antilles, Cayman Islands, and the Mexican Antilles were all recognized along with New England's claims. The focus of the rest of the decade was the containment of Communism in the Americas within the UPCA.

In 1988, Crown Princess Isabella and Prince Andrew, Duke of York, were married at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe. His mother refused to exclude him from the succession, and Great Britain passed the Toleration Act, allowing members of the Royal family to marry Roman Catholics. Prince Joseph Andrew Philip Carlos was born a few months later. The "Joint Royal British and Imperial Mexican Declaration of Surnames between Dynastic Marriages" gave children of Crown Princess Isabella and Prince Andrew the surname "Benedict-Mountbatten" while if they were to succeed either or throne, to abide by Laws in either Mexico or Great Britain.

In 1991, the National Congress proposed and passed a new Consitution, which completely remade the almost ancient system of departments to counties, with some haveing Captaincy-Generals. It also established the empire as the Federal Empire of the Mexicans. The Emperor signed the Consitution three days after the birth of the Crown Princess's second child, a daughter, Princess Christina Elizabeth Maria Margrethe Benedict-Mountbatten of Upper California and York.

With this, the Mexico as we know it, came into existance. The hereditary titles "Captain-General", "Viceroy" and etc. were allowed to stay in the families, respectively. Emperor Joseph IV reigned until he turned 77 in 1997 when he became the first Emperor to abdicate. He delivered his abdication speech on December 21, 1997. On Crown Princess Isabella's 32nd birthday, she was crowned "Her Imperial Majesty, By Divine Providence and the National Congress, Eigth Constitutional Empress of the Mexicans, and Queen of Guatamala." She was the first female Queen of Guatamala, and first monarch who's reign would be completely under the new Constitution. Her son was made Grand Duke of Upper California and her daughter Princess of the Sierras.

Map of the Commonwealths.png
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Aussey said:
It does stay together. Closely related to the House of Benedict-Orleans-Braganza too!
Oh but you didn't say which side it was on in the cold war, so i assumed it didn't survive till then. A-H has a historical soft spot with me.
Nicksplace27 said:
Oh but you didn't say which side it was on in the cold war, so i assumed it didn't survive till then. A-H has a historical soft spot with me.

Laid low...

btw- Flag of the Federal Empire of the Mexicans:


  • Federal Empire of the Mexicans.bmp
    205.9 KB · Views: 1,189
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Aussey said:
It does stay together. Closely related to the House of Benedict-Orleans-Braganza too!

The House of BOB? Didn't you use them before?

Something doesn't quite fit with Dom Pedro I marrying Isabella of Mexico, but I guess thats alright. I don't quite see Isabella remaining all that popular after signing Tejas over to the United States. I would almost consider her time on the throne to be counted in days.

Can't figure out the whole 1923 Canadian-Mexican War and the rest sort of slides into confusion.

Oh, and communism in the United States, a favourite impossible red herring for Alternative Historians. Well, that isn't going to happen.
I like the timeline I just have some issues with the number of PODs involved.
The first POD is obvious, Agustín de Iturbide does not usurp the throne of Mexico. However the second is that Giuseppe Benedetto the twelfth child of Victor Amadeus III of Sardinia (r. 1773-1796) does not die of malaria in 1802 and assumes the offer of the Mexican throne. However,

Here is where the problems begin. The Sardinian/Italian royal house follows the Salic Law and by that time the male line was running thin. Prince Joseph's eldest brother Charles Emanuel IV failed to have any children and died in 1796. So the throne went to the second son, Victor Emanuel I who reigned until 1824. He managed to have seven children but his only son died at the age of three from smallpox. So the throne passed to the eleventh child of Victor Amadeus III, Joseph's older brother Charles Felix (r. 1821-1831), who again had no children. So if Prince Joseph were still alive in 1821, I can't see him giving up being next-in-line for the throne of a European kingdom for what is no more than "a throne from the gutter". Also Sardinia was one of the country's whose royal families sent troops to Spain and helped defeat the liberals (Charles Felix helped defeat the liberals at Trocadero in 1823). Also Joseph is a son of a Spanish Bourbon infanta and his maternal grandfather was Philip V of Spain, so he'd basically be stabbing his first cousin's son (Ferdinand VII) in the back by accepting the Mexican throne. Not that this has stopped many royals in the past, but it just appears a tad unlikely seeing how much help the Savoys offered absolutist Spain in Europe at this time. Having the heir to the Sardinian throne take the illegitimate throne of Mexico could be cause for diplomatic tensions with Spain as well as France.

Then there's the issue of Alexandrine of Prussia. Would her conservative father really approve of such a marriage? To a Catholic and to a throne in far off Mexico? If she does marry him it certainly has implications on the future of the Netherlands. In OTL Paul Frederick Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, and their grandson Henry later became Prince of the Netherlands when he married Queen Wilhelmina in 1901. So in this TL there's no Queen Juliana or Beatrix for the Netherlands which could alter that country's history quite a bit. The other issue I have with Alexandra is that if this is to be a Catholic empire would they accept a born Lutheran as a regent?

Finally there's the other POD having to do with Pedro I of Brazil. In this TL he doesn't die of tuberculosis in Portugal in 1834. However, the reason he abdicated the Brazilian throne in 1831 to his five-year old son, was because in Portugal his daughter Maria II had been deposed by her absolutist uncle (Pedro's younger brother Miguel I). This means that in this TL Pedro stays in Brazil and allows Portugal to remain absolutist and essentially not caring about the fate of his daughter or Portugal. So he does live longer, but then there's another issue. He had remarried Princess Amelia of Leuchtenberg in 1829 (granddaughter of Empress Josephine of France) and she lived until 1873. So another POD would be required, one where either they don't get married or where she dies before 1841 so that he can travel to Mexico to marry Empress Isabella.

Finally there is the issue of Princess Margaret of Savoy. I assume you speak of Margherita the daughter of Charles Albert I (1851-1926) who married her first cousin King Umberto I of Italy. This could have a profound effect on Italian history. No Victor Emanuel III could mean no Mussolini. This could actually be a good thing.

I personally would say that since around 1821 there were very few European royals willing to travel to the New World to sit on what was an essentially illegitimate throne (never mind one that was bound by a constitution in an era when much of Europe was still under absolutism). You really have to ask yourself why no royal take the throne in OTL, they did ask around. To find a suitable candidate you may have to go for perhaps a family like the Orleans. Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans had lived in the United States not so long ago and he may not be opposed to moving to Mexico. Also, after 1815 when he returned to France he was constantly opposed to Louis XVIII and sided with the liberals. An empire under him could be quite successful. However, this will have an impact on France since this means that there will be no Louis Philippe I in France.

Another option could be a Bonaparte, many of the creole leaders in Latin America had admiration for Napoleon so this could be possible especially since the Bonapartes were all deposed from their puppet thrones. Perhaps Napoleon's brother Jerome (1784-1860) or the son of Louis, Napoleon Louis (1804-1831), or with a touch of irony, Charles Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III).