The Evil From Which Came Everything: A 2000's TL

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New York Times Headline: 6/11/03

Ariel Sharon Assassinated! Foreign Minister Shalom to Assume Premiership!


[Left: Silvan Shalom; Right: Ariel Sharon]

When P.M. Sharon was exiting the Knesset, after a Q/A session with the general assembly, seven shots were fired into the crowd. Two bullets hit Sharon's chest, while a third grazed his shoulder. He was rushed to the Terem Urgent Care Facility, where he succumbed to his wounds after fifty six minutes.

Shin Bet have identified the perpetrator as Mahmoud al-Yassin, a Palestinian national studying engineering at the Palestine Polytechnic University in Hebron. Sources within the security service confirm that Mr. Yassin was apprehended before he could flee the scene, and is being detained.

Twenty one minutes after Sharon's death at the hospital, the Israeli Cabinet has elected Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom as Interim P.M. Addressing the Israeli people on television, he has assured them that the government remains functioning and that "all responsible will be punished."
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International Reactions to Sharon's Assassination:

"Mr Sharon was a great leader, and personal friend... I was quite dismayed when he died. We stand by our Israeli brethren as they recover from this tragedy, and trust that Prime Minister Shalom will govern effectively..."

-President Bush, at the Rose Garden

"Sharon was a patriot, and this was his final sacrifice for Israel. We should all commemorate him."

-P.M. Blair, before Parliament

"No people should have to see two of their elected leaders fall at the hands of murderous cowards... all within the space of ten years..."

-President Putin, in the Kremlin

"Sharon was a butcher! We celebrate the martyr, al-Yassin, and his success in executing this Zionist criminal!"

-Ayatollah Khamenei, on Iranian state radio

"Certainly, the death of Sharon is a source of joy for all of us... but, perhaps, this act of martyrdom did more harm than good for the cause of Palestinian national liberation..."

-Chairman Arafat, at a rally in Ramallah

"I cannot condone any act of terrorism... but I do not mourn the man. He, himself, was a terrorist."

-King Fahd, on Al-Jazeera
Washington Post Headline: 6/14/03

Sharon State Funeral Being Held in Jerusalem. World Leaders Attend.


[A memorial wreath being carried through Mount Herzl, with the casket in the background]

The funeral car carrying Mr Sharon's coffin went through Jerusalem from the mortuary, to Mount Herzl for the funeral and burial. President Bush gave a short, four-minute long speech in which he praised Sharon as "one of the greatest statesmen... ever."

Omri Sharon, the Prime Minister's eldest living son, finished the ceremony with a speech asking for "all Israelis to honor my father... by moving on." the body was carried by six, Israeli Army cadets who laid him to rest.
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The Times Headline: 6/18/03

Rick Santorum 'Seriously Considering' A Presidential Run!


[Senator Santorum during the 2000 Senatorial race]

In an unexpected move, the Senator from Pennsylvania announced that "seeing my public image improve, I have been consulting with my closer advisers on the possibility of a candidacy for the Presidency..."

However, the Senator has been steadfast in his position that he is not yet sure of whether or not he will be seeking the Republican nomination in 2004: "I cannot emphasize this enough: I am only considering my options. I have yet to make a final decision."

Frankly, if Senator Santorum does run, he won't stand much of a chance. President Bush is popular among mainstream Republicans, and has a larger fundraising base than the Pennsylvania senator. In any case, it is highly unlikely that any contender could defeat a sitting President during a primary, as exemplified by Ted Kennedy's 1980 presidential run.
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Boston Herald Headline: 6/21/03

Car Bombing in Baghdad! Thirteen Dead, Dozens Wounded!


[Coalition troops at the scene of the bombing]

A car bombing in the Iraqi city's marketplace has killed at least thirteen civilians, according to the Coalition Provisional Authority of Iraq. Several have been wounded, with the rough estimates from a nearby hospital putting it at around fifty seven.

The Authority government have yet to release the identity of the perpetrator. Ever since the fall of the Hussein regime, and the disappearance of the dictator himself, an insurgency has broken out in Iraq. There are also fears of an all-out sectarian war between Sunni and Shiite Muslims breaking out.
Chicago Tribune Headline: 6/23/03

Santorum Announces Candidacy! Promises to "Run for the Sake of America!"


[Senator Santorum with supporters at the Town Hall in Gainesville, Florida]

Almost a week after announcing that he was considering a Presidential run, the Senator from Pennsylvania has confirmed that he would be seeking his Party's nomination during a speech in Gainseville, Florida.. He said, "I'm not doing this for the sake of personal gain, or a sense of power. I'm doing this for the sake of the people of this great country! I'm doing this for the sake of America!"

This has sent shock-waves through the political world, as Santorum is a staunch supporter of the policies of the Bush Administration, and the President himself. It is unlikely that he will get far in the campaign, and this very well might hamper any Senatorial bid in 2006.

White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer has said that "the President is a staunch believer in the democratic process, and is glad to see multiple candidates compete in the upcoming primaries."
The Times Headline: 6/18/03
Frankly, if Senator Santorum does run, he won't stand much of a chance. President Bush is popular among mainstream Republicans, and has a larger fundraising base than the Pennsylvania senator. In any case, it is highly unlikely that any contender could defeat a sitting President during a primary, as exemplified by Ted Kennedy's 1980 presidential run.

But we know he will.:evilsmile:
Der Spiegel Headline: 7/1/03

Britain To Bomb Insurgent Bases in Iraq! Demonstrations Break Out!


[Left: Tony Blair Addresses the European Parliament; Right: Anti-War Demonstration in London]

The Prime Minister's spokesperson has announced that the Royal Air Force will be striking certain targets suspected of housing insurgent trainees, as well as armaments and other materials.

P.M. Blair, Secretary of State for Defense Hoon, and other members of the Government will be testifying before the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament, specifically regarding the evidence to justify this recent operation.

The backlash from the far-left has been enormous. A nine-hundred man strong protest has broken out in Trafalgar Square, but the Stop the War Coalition is organizing a much-larger demonstration, which is expected to garner hundreds of thousands of protesters.
Jerusalem Post Headline: 7/05/03

P.M. Shalom to 'Look into Possibilities of Direct Peace Talks.'


[Shalom During a Press Conference]

Prime Minister Shalom has announced that he "is looking into the possibilities of direct peace talks," with the Palestinian Authority. This has upset some of the more hard-line factions of Likud, such as Benjamin Netanyahu, who would have preferred maintaining Prime Minister Sharon's policy of counter-terrorism.

On the other hand, this has been praised by Knesset Speaker, Reuven Rivlin, who despite being a staunch opponent of Hamas has said that "we need to take a new approach... especially after the tragic assassination of Prime Minister Sharon."

Skepticism is not confined to the hard-right. Indeed, the Israeli Arab leadership have expressed sincere doubt about the frankness, or the plausibility, of opening new peace talks with Araft's government.
Prime Minister Shalom has announced that he "is looking into the possibilities of direct peace talks," with the Palestinian Authority. This has upset some of the more hard-line factions of Likud, such as Benjamin Netanyahu, who would have preferred maintaining Prime Minister Sharon's policy of counter-terrorism.
Well, this is a honest surprise.
San Diego Union-Tribune Headline: 7/9/03

Santorum Vows to Compete in Every Contest, "And Win each one."


[Senator Santorum at a rally in Philadelphia]

Presidential candidate, Senator Rick Santorum has vowed, in front of his supporters to compete in every contest of the upcoming primary race. He said, "I believe in reaching out to all of my fellow Republicans, to... to show them that I'm the best man for the job. I don't believe in sticking to a few states that I have a better chance at, because I have a chance in every one."

More cockily, he promised to win each state: "As I said, I have a good chance... there's no reason that I shouldn't count on my base to go through for me when the time comes." a spokesperson for the Bush re-election campaign, though not speaking on behalf of President Bush, said "We won't get cocky... we'll campaign with humility and dignity. You want someone fit for the White House... well, look no further than the guy you have now."

A current poll has put Bush's approval rating at 78 percent among Republicans, while Santorum at 63 percent. However, the latter has polled better among the "family values" demographic in particular, and interestingly enough 96 percent of those responded positively to the statement "the Senator is an anti-establishment or non-establishment alternative."
Washington Times Headline: 7/12/03

Bush, At a Conservative Think Tank, Touts Role in Peace Process.


[President Bush at the Heartland Foundation]

The President, while making a speech at the conservative Heartland Foundation, mentioned his role as a moderator in the peace process between Israel and Palestine: "I've been quite involved in easing relations between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, despite all of the violence these last few years. It's something that I am... I am proud of."

The reaction in the audience was mixed, but mostly receptive. However, Senator Santorum, at the time in New York, responded by saying "I don't think forcing Israel to negotiate with terrorists is something to be proud of."

Prime Minister Shalom has refused to comment, explaining "the internal politics of the United States is not something appropriate for me to discuss."

Haaretz Headline: 7/15/03

"Anti-Arab Violence Epidemic," Says P.M. Shalom. "Must be dealt with."


[Police apprehending a violent anti-Arab demonstrator in Jerusalem]

Prime Minister Shalom, in front of the Knesset, has admitted that "violence against our Arab citizens has become epidemic... it has to be dealt with." indeed, ever since the assassination of Prime Minister Sharon, there have been 405 recorded incidents of violence targeted against Palestinians, according to the Ministry of the Interior. 67 percent of them took place in the Disputed Territories.

The Chief of the General Staff, Moshe Ya'alon, has said in a press conference that additional border guards will be deployed to the settlements, after a clash between Palestinian and Israeli demonstrators in Nablus resulted in one death, and six severe injuries.

The National Religious Party leadership has generally supported Likud's policy, to the displeasure of the more fanatical Tkuma. This may signify the beginning of a rift within the Israeli right-wing, as secular pragmatists and religious hard-liners disagree on policy.
Huffington Post Headline: 7/18/03

Latest British Airstrike in Iraq Results in Civilian Deaths! Hard-Left "Promises to Kick Out New Labour!"


[Protest In Response to Collateral Damage as a Result of Operation 'Cloud-Cover' in London]

A BBC journalist attached to a unit of the Royal Armoured Corps caught a glimpse of one of the RAF airstrikes outside Kirkuk, including the leveling of a nearby village. Broadcasted live on television internationally, it has caused an immense backlash in Britain and abroad.

Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour MP for Islington North and a vocal critic of P.M. Blair, has called for the dissolution of the current Government and the execution of a snap election. These calls, while largely heard, have been ignored.

The spokesperson for the Prime Minister has said, "we will consider a halt to 'Cloud-Cover,' but we cannot make any promises at this time." this unsatisfactory response has further prompted protests in London, Manchester, and Glasgow.
Daily Californian Headline: 7/20/03

Donald Rumsfeld "Bullied" At Speaking Engagement. Left Mid-Speech.


[Anti-war protesters at the University of California, Berkeley, lecture hall]

Secretary Rumsfeld was holding a lecture at UC Berkley, after being invited by the Young Republican chapter in California, when he was heckled by several left-wing students and faculty members. According to a source within Campus Police, the Secret Service were becoming wary but Rumsfeld urged them to stay put.

However, ten minutes before his speech would be completed, the Defense Secretary decided that there was too much clamor and exited the stage. One of the demonstrators tried to follow him, but was stopped by one of his bodyguards.

One of the students attending the lecture described the protest as "bullying" and "a violation of the Secretary's clear rights under the First Amendment... indeed, his duty to explain and defend our current foreign policy."
Huffington Post Headline: 7/30/03

In Speech, Santorum Declares Himself "Independent of Special Interest Groups... serving only the Middle Class."


[Santorum at the rally in San Antonio]

While speaking before hundreds of supporters at the Henry B Gonzales Convention Center in San Antonio, Santorum announced that "this is a time that real... real, hard-working, patriotic Republicans stood up for what is right! We need to defeat the terrorists, to expand the free market, and defend traditional values! The Bush's only care about their Wall Street buddies... I will be independent of special interest groups... I will be serving only the middle class!"

This speech has resonated throughout America, as Santorum has firmly established himself as the anti-Establishment candidate. While this may have alienated himself from mainstream Republicans, he may be able to compensate by garnering support from "heartland" blue-collar conservatives.

Bush, meanwhile, will be making more public appearances starting in late August or early September, while Santorum is much more engaged with ordinary voters.
The Daily Telegraph Headline: 7/31/03

"I might run," says Gingrich. "If situation doesn't improve."


[Gingrich at a book signing, circa 2002]

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has said, in an interview, "the situation's pretty bad... Santorum is rallying up the Religious Right, away from Bush... the President might not win this primary, and, well... I might run if the situation doesn't improve."

However, later Mr Gingrich clarified he meant it in a speculative, "almost rhetorical" sense. However, that doesn't chance the fact that many moderate Republicans are feeling uneasy about the direction their Party is taking.
Al-Akhbar Headline: 8/2/03

Bombing in Baghdad Kills Dozens! More Wounded!


[The aftermath of the bombing]

At 11:49 AM, a bombing took place at one of Baghdad's Shiite neighborhoods. The emergency services are still searching the site, and are unable to provide a specific death toll. However, the amount of wounded exceeded a hundred.

It is believed the bombing was carried out by an Al-Qaeda affiliate, but no one has claimed responsibility. There is the off-chance possibility that this was a lone-wolf attack, but considering the car bombing in June, that is unlikely...
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