The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

I doubt that anyone would go that far. Such thing would need support of Americans and historically they have been always very republican. And by 2024 monarchist movement is probably too weak to getting restoration forward.

But Hungary might be another thing but even that seems really unlikely.

Or would Austrians, in a bid to absolve themselves of Nazism, call themselves a “cosmopolitan people brutalized by Prussian tyranny?”
Or would Austrians, in a bid to absolve themselves of Nazism, call themselves a “cosmopolitan people brutalized by Prussian tyranny?”
Probably to late, while "first victim" probably happened that was 19 years before the end of the war and it seems by then "All German's are Nazis" was holy writ so I imagine nothing could have saved them from being sat on forever like the rest of their countrymen.
People/factions of the populace in Austria will utilize which ever argument suits their political interests m
Probably to late, while "first victim" probably happened that was 19 years before the end of the war and it seems by then "All German's are Nazis" was holy writ so I imagine nothing could have saved them from being sat on forever like the rest of their countrymen.

Or would Austrians swallow their pride, accept their guilt, and count themselves lucky that Vienna survived with much of its culture?
I think a AANW scenario where the Americans actually have a hard time would be interesting
IMO the Americans should have had a rather harder time enforcing their 'any nail that sticks up gets hammered down' diplomacy than they did. For example, India should have just ignored the whole ban on spaceflight and gone ahead with launching their own satellites since they have nuclear weapons and can tell the A4 to fuck off. And they should have alienated a lot of countries when they invaded Iran because the Shah decided to nationalize oil and withdraw from leasing agreements with the A4.

I'd expect a lot of countries view the A4 as hypocritical arrogant assholes who talk a good game about self-determination and democracy but are happy to steal the resources and territories of other nations and coup any government that tries to stop them.
I think a AANW scenario where the Americans actually have a hard time would be interesting

Agree. There would had been really easy make A4's position harder. Now they are really effective world police with only few rogue states.

Realistically India should had just cut ties with A4 when it wasn't accepted as equal nation with them and begun to build its own faction and perhaps even China should had became more rational nation. And IMO it is pretty unlikely that Soviet regime in Siberia can survive yet several decades despite being practically Artic Somalia with annual coups and almost endless civil wars.
One definite positive of the Hapsburgs was their eventual acceptance of Jews as equal citizens. I know that Franz Joseph was repulsed by anti-semitism and despite his Catholic zeal, was appalled at the Pope for abducting Edgardo Montarra. I wonder if AH stories where the Hapsburgs survived would be common since this would be a Central European Empire that wasn't batshit bloodthirsty.

Will Austrians, in a bid to separate themselves from their past support of Pan-Germanism, adopt a Hapsburg identity? Would Austrians go so far as to put the Hapsburg back on the throne, or is that too pie in the sky?
On that note, the Hapsburgs opposing a unified Germany on grounds of it being a threat to their power (dynastic states did not exactly handle the rise of nationalism well) could be used to present them in a more positive light. And on that note, the idea the "dynastic states" of "old Europe" (especially the Hapsburg, Romanov, and Ottoman monarchies) were the lesser evil compared to the nation-states that followed that this post had could be a more popular one ITTL:
Number 1 with extreme prejudice. In OTL, Heer generals like Manstein and Spiedel were spared because West Germany needed experienced commanders. Here, it's safe to assume that all Nazis or even Heer generals would be executed by hanging or firing squad. There won't be a "Good Heer" myth.
According to CalBear, the early-war Wehrmacht leadership was given some leniency on "bigger fish needed to be fried" grounds (as too much time had passed and they were at the end of their tethers (though the likes of Manstein and Galland helping lead the June 17th Mutiny after Hitler died certainly helped)):
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For example, India should have just ignored the whole ban on spaceflight and gone ahead with launching their own satellites since they have nuclear weapons and can tell the A4 to fuck off.
Realistically India should had just cut ties with A4 when it wasn't accepted as equal nation with them and begun to build its own faction and perhaps even China should had became more rational nation. And IMO it is pretty unlikely that Soviet regime in Siberia can survive yet several decades despite being practically Artic Somalia with annual coups and almost endless civil wars.
Especially as India had suffered through two centuries of British Imperialism, with how it aborted Bengal's nascent industrial revolution and ravaged India's wealth, with the ban on spaceflight something that could see as a continuation of "Anglos oppressing India". And on China, a KMT regime which has the same mixture of developmentalism and an unwillingness to democratize (yay for "political tutelage") would have been more realistic.
Especially as India had suffered through two centuries of British Imperialism, with how it aborted Bengal's nascent industrial revolution and ravaged India's wealth, with the ban on spaceflight something that could see as a continuation of "Anglos oppressing India". And on China, a KMT regime which has the same mixture of developmentalism and an unwillingness to democratize (yay for "political tutelage") would have been more realistic.

And I think that KMT would had pretty good chances to win civil war without Mao's communists getting that much support. Hadn't KMT pretty good position in OTL just before Chinese Civil War re-started after WW2? Yes, there was still some other warlords but they not seemed very strong anymore.

And frankly, that Chinese Cabal just appeared from blue what is bit odd. CalBear hasn't ever given explanation for that.
On that note, the Hapsburgs opposing a unified Germany on grounds of it being a threat to their power (dynastic states did not exactly handle the rise of nationalism well) could be used to present them in a more positive light. And on that note, the idea the "dynastic states" of "old Europe" (especially the Hapsburg, Romanov, and Ottoman monarchies) were the lesser evil compared to the nation-states that followed that this post had could be a more popular one ITTL:

So would people view the rise of nation-states as the thing that ruined what should've been a peaceful 20th century? Will they view nationalism as having been nothing but an ugly cult that led to so much death and destruction?
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And I think that KMT would had pretty good chances to win civil war without Mao's communists getting that much support. Hadn't KMT pretty good position in OTL just before Chinese Civil War re-started after WW2? Yes, there was still some other warlords but they not seemed very strong anymore.

And frankly, that Chinese Cabal just appeared from blue what is bit odd. CalBear hasn't ever given explanation for that.
Well, that's the art of the butterfly effect. With a slight POD (no North Africa campaign in early 1941) which resulted in a chaotic timeline between the POD to 1960 would mean lots of changes.

Hence, in AH, there are some areas that don't require explanation. Which can be waved as "the butterfly effect caused it."

Who knows if the Cabal are just disgruntled KMT officers that were tired of both the Communists and KMT's incompetence and actually pulled through to the point both sides lost.
Especially with how the KMT did have Sinofascist tendencies in the Blue Shirts Society.
Since all forms of China have Sinocentric views of the world. As in all forms of Chinese political entities believe they are the center of the world due to the Middle Kingdom thing.

In addition, the KMT was supported by Nazi Germany until 1941.
Since all forms of China have Sinocentric views of the world. As in all forms of Chinese political entities believe they are the center of the world due to the Middle Kingdom thing.

In addition, the KMT was supported by Nazi Germany until 1941.
And the Cabal's ideology could be seen as the "Never Again" sentiment vis-a-vis the Century of Humiliations taken to its logical end-point.
And the Cabal's ideology could be seen as the "Never Again" sentiment vis-a-vis the Century of Humiliations taken to its logical end-point.
To the point even the modern-day CCP would be horrified. While the PRC aims to be the next superpower via economic means, the Cabal are batshit insane.
Since all forms of China have Sinocentric views of the world. As in all forms of Chinese political entities believe they are the center of the world due to the Middle Kingdom thing.

In addition, the KMT was supported by Nazi Germany until 1941.
And the Cabal's ideology could be seen as the "Never Again" sentiment vis-a-vis the Century of Humiliations taken to its logical end-point.
To the point even the modern-day CCP would be horrified. While the PRC aims to be the next superpower via economic means, the Cabal are batshit insane.

The Qing dynasty is an example of how many screw-ups the Chinese people tolerated before they took away their ruler’s Mandate of Heaven. It’s a testament to the loyalty of the Chinese people that the dynasty stumbled into the 20th century despite all its disasters.

If the Cabal can avoid losing wars and keep the Chinese people above starvation while chest-thumping about the barbarians, the Chinese will go through the motions.
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